MeriSKILL- The Data/Business Analytics internship, offered by MeriSKILL, provides a comprehensive hands-on experience in the dynamic field of data and business analytics to gain practical insights into collecting, processing, and analyzing data to derive valuable business insights. The Company Internship covers areas such as Data mining, Statistical analysis, Predictive modeling, and Data visualization, creating the opportunity to work with real-time business projects in collaboration with the innovative team at MeriSKILL, refining data and business analytics skills.
Diving into a large sales dataset to extract valuable insights to explore sales trends over time to:
- Identify the best-selling products; Calculating revenue metrics such as Total sales and Profit margins
- Create Visualizations to present findings effectively showing the ability to manipulate and derive insights from large datasets, enabling to make data-driven recommendations for optimizing sales strategies.
Analyze sales data to identify:
- Trends
- Top-selling products
- Revenue metrics for business decision-making
Description: Examining and analyzing the employees' data to:
- Determine the rate of Attrition among team members
- Uncover the factors responsible for Attrition in specific organisations and the rate of Attrition as caused by those factors
- Create Visualizations to present findings effectively showing the ability to manipulate and derive insights from large datasets, enabling to make data-driven recommendations for optimizing business organisation
Business Task: Analyze the data to determine:
- Total employee count and the Percentage rate of Attrition
- Employees attrition rate as influenced by: i. Demography. ii. Job duty. iii. Employee engagement. iv. Organization.
We have a total 1470 employee counts with an Attrition count of 237(16.12%). Based on the Attrition count, however:
- The Male Gender covers 63.30%, with 150 counts of the total 237. While the remaining 36.70% is dominated by the Female gender with 83 Attrition counts
- The Age distribution presents that the attrition is major and common among the Youths and, most especially, Young adults within the age range of "18-30" and "31-45" respectively
- Marital Status, and by Gender, also further present the fact that attrition rate is higher among the Male employees. However, it is most common among the Singles, both Male and Female, followed by the Married, while the Divorced employees has a very few rate of Attrition.
- Finally, by Education Field: The Life Sciences has the highest rate of attrition of 37.60% of 89 attrition counts, followed by the Medical Field with 63 counts, resulting to approximately 27%
- Employees with Low Performance has quite significant high attrition of 84.39%, while by Job involvement and Work-Life-Balance present a significant rise in attrition at the "Moderate" level. This implies that the attrition in these cases was caused by neither a poor nor excellent Job experience.
- Job Overtime or not, also, does not seem to be a factor, yet there is nearly the same attrition rate in both cases, while employees located near the work environment has significant high attrition rate of 60.80%.
- Employees at the Entry Level has the highest attrition rate of 60.33% with 143 attrition counts, while the Senior and the Executive Level barely have attrition.
- The Research & Development has the highest rate of 56%, followed by the Sales department with 38.80%.
- Tracking further through the Job Role, Laboratory Technician and Sales Executive dominate the attrition with 26% and 24% respectively.
- Job and Relationship Satisfaction do not seem to have much influence in employee retention as, apparently, satisfied employees dominate the attrition in both cases. However, the Job Environment is a huge factor as 30% of the attrited employees are very dissatisifed with the environment.