After loading FBSharedFramework into ida or another tool we need find string
Error null
Jump to xref -> jump to xref. We got needed function, but from version to version it's in different locations, so we need to find out some patterns that helps us to find function address without ida's xrefs(because it's clear that frida can't reproduce this steps)
Let's try to jump to the next xref, we need this one (just because it's a bit easier)
We got this branch
Go to hexdump and take this data, which also highlighted with green color
A2 02 02 91 A3 12 44 A9 A6 C2 04 91 A5 1A 40 F9 E0 03 14 AA E1 03 13 AA 4F 8D 94 97 F3 03 00 AA
4F 8D 94 97
is actual data we need to get with frida for further parsing -
It's a dynamic data, so we need to use Memory.scanSync in order to find it, then just parse needed instruction