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@PetePupalaikis PetePupalaikis released this 06 Mar 01:40
· 420 commits to master since this release

The book that goes with this software, entitled "S-parameters for Signal Integrity" has finally been published!


Net Names (#38)

A user asked for the net names feature. Now you can add a net name part (or from the Add menu). You fill in the net name and attach it in the circuit like any other device (under the hood, it is a net name device). Then, anywhere else in the circuit with a net name with the same name connected will be considered to be connected, just as if a wire were connecting them.

Note that there are not the normal restrictions (currently) in that you could name a net multiple names. SignalIntegrity doesn't care about these aliases.

New Preferences

Plot Sizes in S-Parameter Viewer

To facilitate display of the s-parameter viewer on smaller screens, the user can now control the minimum (and starting):

  • height of the plot (in inches?) defaults to 2
  • width of the plot (in inches?) defaults to 5
  • dots per inch (DPI) for the plot, defaults to 100 dpi.

The height was the really important one.

These are found in the preferences in the S-Parameter Viewer Window. The preferences that were originally in the normal preferences pertaining to the S-Parameter Viewer have alsow been moved here such as:

  • plot color.
  • whether to show the pan/zoom cursor values in the plots.

S-Parameter Viewer Zooms and Displays

Now, the selections of views for the s-parameter viewer along with the zoom joining rules are held in the preferences. This means that when they are changed, they become the default settings for the next viewing of s-parameters.

Ask File Save

A long time ago, the feature that asks whether you want to save a project file got so broken that when the preference to check this was selected, the code simply asked the question every time you tried to exit, whether the file was changed or not. This was not really a bug, but a conscious decision, after the code got too complicated. This is now fixed in a different manner. Now, when the preference is selected and the project file exited, a complete snapshot of the project file that would be written is compared to the previous one to determine whether to ask. Unfortunately, for old project files, it will ask whether you want to save whether or not you changed it until you have saved one with this version. This is because the ordering of the file is now enforced.


Panning of the schematic display can now be undone/redone.

HDMI Cable Measurement Examples

This year at the DesignCon conference, I stepped through an example of measuring an HDMI cable using a fixture and various de-embedding techniques. This example is now provided.

Start and Stop Time on Sine Sources

They now have a start and stop time. This was needed for examples of VNA dwell time.

Bug Fixes

Excess Inductance and Capacitance

I have proven that the previous code was overstating this by a factor of 2. This has been fixed.

Number of Network Parameters on Each Line of the Touchstone File (Issue #36)

Previously, each frequency points' data was provided on a single line. A user of the software notified me that this violates the touchstone specification and this was confirmed. This now conforms to the specification.

Post-Processing (Issue #35)

The post-processing feature was added in the last release, but it was found that it was being ignored in de-embedding projects that were included as parts. This has been fixed.

Spectral Content and Spectral Density Views

When these were shown for upsampled waveforms, the values were incorrect. This has been fixed.

See Installation for installation instructions.