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Compressed replay file format for Echo VR based on .milk


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.butter Replay Format

The .butter format is originally based on the work on .milk by Exhibit. The goals of this format are as follows:

  • Smallest possible file size
  • Minimal data loss
    • Some precision is lost through lower bit length numbers
    • Precision in timing of events should not be compromised
  • Data complete
    • All parts of the API response should be included
    • Currently team names are intentionally not included


In general, data for each frame in this format is only stored as a diff of the previous frame, however, a full reset happens every N frames. This allows decompression of partial replays and streaming, as well as prevents precision errors from building up over time. Keyframe intervals can be customized depending on the recording rate and use case, but keyframes cannot be spaced more than 1 minute of real time apart due to the timestamp encoding. If there is more than 1 minute between keyframes, a keyframe should automatically be inserted. The start of a keyframe is denoted by the 0xFEFC header instead of the normal 0xFEFE header.


Each frame represents the data retrieved from a single call to the game's API. Any numerical value in a frame is only stored as the difference from the previous frame, except for keyframes.

File structure

Bytes Data
(27-45) + (18-36) * n File Header (n=total number of players in the file
(4) * n Chunk Header (N=total number of chunks
??*N N Frames

File Header

Bytes Data
1 .butter version
2 Keyframe interval, ushort
2-20 client_name ASCII string
1 null byte
16 sessionid Session ids are made of 5 hexadecimal words, containing 8-4-4-4-12 digits each, so 32 hexadecimal digits makes 16 bytes
4 sessionip IPv4 addresses can be stored as 4 bytes
1 Total number of players in this file. Since players can join or leave, this can be more than 15.
(2-20)*n ASCII array of null-terminated player names, where n=number of players in the match at any time.
8*n Player userids
1*n Player numbers
1*n Player levels
1 total_round_count
.5 blue_round_score << 0
.5 orange_round_score << 4
1 Map Byte (described below)
1 Chunk compression method (0=none, 1=gzip, 2=zstd)

Chunk Header

Bytes Data
4 Number of chunks (int)
4 * n uint for the size of each chunk in order

Frame Data

* denotes fields that may or may not be included as a result of the inclusion bitmasks.

Bytes Data
2 0xFEFC or 0xFEFE static header
2, 8 Unix time in milliseconds (long) (keyframe), or milliseconds since last frame (ushort).
4 game_clock float
1 Inclusion bitmask
1* game_status See Game Status table
1* / 2* Arena: blue_points 1 byte / Combat: blue_points 2-byte Half
1* / 2* Arena: orange_points 1 byte / Combat: orange_points 2-byte Half
1* Inputs
6* Pause and Restarts.
7* Last Score No continuous data
26* Last Throw No continuous data
10* VR Player
16* Disc
9* Combat Payload State (Only in Combat)
1 Team data bitmask
??*3 Team data (includes player data)
1+?? Bone data

Frame Size

Below are estimated sizes for each frame. To get approximate full uncompressed file size, multiply the number by the number of frames. Average frame sizes are around 380 bytes experimentally.

Min Max (8 players)
Keyframe 28 1112
Normal Frame 23 1106

Map Byte

Below is the bit flags structure for the Map Byte

Bit number Field name
0 Public or Private, Public = 0, Private = 1
1-3 Map name, see coding table below
4-7 Currently Unused Bits

Map name coding

Index Map Name
0 uncoded
1 mpl_lobby_b2
2 mpl_arena_a
3 mpl_combat_fission
4 mpl_combat_combustion
5 mpl_combat_dyson
6 mpl_combat_gauss
7 mpl_tutorial_arena

Inclusion bitmask

2a/4c represents 2 bytes in Arena, 4 bytes in Combat

Bit Value Bytes Saved
0 game_status / blue/orange points / Inputs 1+2a/4c+1
1 Pause and restarts 6
2 Last Score 7
3 Last Throw 26
4 VR Player 10
5 Disc 16
6 Combat Payload State 9
7 Rules Changed 4 + ASCII name

Game Status coding

Index Map Name
0 uncoded
1 --empty string--
2 pre_match
3 round_start
4 playing
5 score
6 round_over
7 post_match
8 pre_sudden_death
9 sudden_death
10 post_sudden_death

Pause and Restarts

Bit Value
0 blue_team_restart_request
1 orange_team_restart_request
2-3 paused_requested_team See Team indices table
4-5 unpaused_team See Team indices table
1-byte paused_state See Paused state table
2-byte paused_timer
2-byte unpaused_timer

Paused state

This is 1 byte, but it only needs 3 bits

Index Value
0 unpaused
1 paused
2 unpausing
3 pausing???
4 none (Combat)
5 unknown

Team indices

This is two bits

Index Team
0 Blue team
1 Orange Team
2 Spectator
3 None

Goal Type

This is three bits

Index Team
0 unknown

Last Score

Bit Value
0-1 team See Team indices table
2 point_amount 0 = 2-pointer, 1 = 3-pointer
3-7 goal_type See Goal Type table
1-byte person_scored index of person who scored
1-byte assist_scored 0 = 2-pointer, 1 = 3-pointer
2-byte disc_speed half
2-byte distance_thrown half

Last Throw

2-byte half-precision floats for each of:

  • arm_speed
  • total_speed
  • off_axis_spin_deg
  • wrist_throw_penalty
  • rot_per_sec
  • pot_speed_from_rot
  • speed_from_arm
  • speed_from_movement
  • speed_from_wrist
  • wrist_align_to_throw_deg
  • throw_align_to_movement_deg
  • off_axis_penalty
  • throw_move_penalty


A bitmask containing 1 bit for each of:

  • left_shoulder_pressed
  • right_shoulder_pressed
  • left_shoulder_pressed2
  • right_shoulder_pressed2


It would possible to eliminate the velocity component and only make use of frame diffs and timing to calculate velocity, but velocity

Bytes Value
2 x position
2 y position
2 z position
4 Orientation
2 x velocity
2 y velocity
2 z velocity

Combat Payload State

This could be reduced more if the max values of some of these were taken into account.

Bytes Value
1 contested
1 payload_checkpoint
1 payload_defenders
2 payload_multiplier
2 payload_distance
2 payload_speed

Sum = 9

VR Player

VR player is a simple pose value - 10 bytes.


This is used for any position and rotation value

Bytes Value
2 x position
2 y position
2 z position
4 Orientation


Orientations are usually presented in the API as 3 sets of XYZ direction vectors, but this can be encoded in 4 bytes with minimal precision loss by using smallest three compression. The orientation is converted to a Quaternion, then the component with the smallest absolute value is replaced by its index (in 2 bits). The other three values are recorded using 10 bits each.

Team data bitmask

Bit Value
0 Blue team possession
1 Orange team possession
2 Blue team stats included
3 Orange team stats included
4 Spectator team stats included
5 unused
6 unused
7 unused

Team data size

Min Max (4 players) Max (5 players)
5 339 420

Team data

Bytes Value
14* Team Stats
1 Number of players on team (K)
(4 to 81) * K Player data


Example JSON:

  "stats": {
    "points": 18,
    "possession_time": 561.90625,
    "interceptions": 0,
    "blocks": 0,
    "steals": 5,
    "catches": 0,
    "passes": 0,
    "saves": 11,
    "goals": 0,
    "stuns": 169,
    "assists": 8,
    "shots_taken": 29

1 byte each (alphabetical):

  • Assists
  • Blocks
  • Catches
  • Goals
  • Interceptions
  • Passes
  • Points
  • Saves
  • Steals
  • Shots Taken

2 bytes each:

  • Possession Time (half-precision float)
  • Stuns

Player data

4-69 bytes depending on what is included

Bytes Value
1 Player index (for this file)
1 playerid
1 Player state bitmask
14* Player Stats (if included)
2* Ping (if included)
2* Packet loss ratio (half) (if included)
1* Holding Left. If holding a player, the userid is converted to the player's file id (if included)
1* Holding Right If holding a player, the userid is converted to the player's file id (if included)
6* Velocity (if included)
1 Player pose bitmask
10* Head Pose
10* Body Pose
10* Left Hand Pose
10* Right Hand Pose
1* Combat loadout bitmask (only in Combat)

Player state bitmask

Possession, Blocking, Stunned, Invulnerable

Bit number Field name Saved Bytes
0 possession -
1 blocking -
2 stunned -
3 invulnerable -
4 is_emote_playing -
5 Contains changed stats 14
6 Contains changed ping/packetlossratio/holding_left/right
Holding is never included in Combat
7 Contains changed velocity 6

Player pose bitmask

Bit number Field name
0 Head position changed
1 Head rotation changed
2 Body position changed
3 Body rotation changed
4 LHand position changed
5 LHand rotation changed
6 RHand position changed
7 RHand rotation changed

Holding indices

Case Value
none 255
geo 254
disc 253
playerid The file id of the player

Combat loadout bitmask

Bit number Field name
0-1 Weapon
2-3 Ordnance
4-5 TacMod
6 Arm
7 unused

Combat loadout index order

Index Weapon Ordnance TacMod Arm
0 rocket stun sensor Left
1 blaster det wraith Right
2 scout burst heal
3 assault arc shield

Bone data

Bytes Value
1-bit Inclusion bit for all bone data
5-bits Number of players
2-bits unused
??*N Player bone data, where N is the number of players

Player bone data

Bone data is stored as a diff from the previous frame. Positions are already local to the player, so no need to convert.

Bytes Value
3 Inclusion bitmask for this player's 23 bone positions
3 Inclusion bitmask for this player's 23 bone rotations
0-138 Player bone positions
0-92 Player bone rotations as smallest-three


Future optimizations:

  • Diff rotations
  • Diff body/hands relative to head
  • Reduce storage precision of diffed values if possible
  • Use curve fitting for bone data


Compressed replay file format for Echo VR based on .milk





