import { Meta, Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
NOVATICS UI contains simple and complex React components, is based on Material UI
Install Novatics UI, it is available as an npm package
npm install @novatics-ui/core
yarn add @novatics-ui/core
Here is an example of a basic app using Novatics UI's CurrencyTextField
import * as React from 'react';
import CurrencyTextField from '@novatics-ui/currency-text-field';
function App() {
return (
onChange={() => {
/* setup on change */
In this playground, try changing the props and see how it affects the output and the code.
- Download the project and install dependencies
yarn install
- Use nx generators to create the component and the storybook documentation. Visit the Nx Documentation to learn more.
yarn component:generate
- Run the storybook to start developing
yarn dev
Sign-up all commits, Here is How to Sign using gpg, ssh or S/MIME
Create a Pull request and wait for approval.
Deploy Verdaccio on local Docker
yarn verdaccio:up
Add user to verdaccio
yarn verdaccio:addUser
note On linux, there may be a permission error, in this case it is necessary to give permission on the sudo folder.
sudo chown 10001:65533 -R storage
Create versions, push to git and deploy.
yarn versions:create:push:deploy
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.