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Jetpack Compose Project Structure Guide

Organizing a Jetpack Compose project helps make it easier to read, maintain, and expand. Since Compose is a declarative UI framework, its structure is slightly different from traditional Android projects.
Here's a simplified guide with examples:

📂 represents a folder   |   📄 represents a file
├── 📂 app
│     ├── 📂 android
│     └── 📂 host

├── 📂 data
│     ├── 📂 network
│     │     ├── 📂 service
│     │     ├── 📂 client
│     │     ├── 📂 model
│     │     └── 📂 error
│     │
│     ├── 📂 db
│     │     ├── 📂 entity
│     │     ├── 📂 dao
│     │     ├── 📂 database
│     │     ├── 📂 converter
│     │     └── 📂 migration
│     │
│     ├── 📂 pref
│     │
│     └── 📂 repository
├── 📂 domain
│     ├── 📂 model
│     └── 📂 repository

├── 📂 di
│     ├── 📂 modules
│     ├── 📂 scopes
│     └── 📂 components

├── 📂 presentation
│     ├── 📂 ui
│     │     ├── 📂 screen1
│     │     │     ├── 📄 Screen1.kt
│     │     │     ├── 📄 ViewModel1.kt
│     │     │     └── 📂 components
│     │     │           ├── 📄 Component1.kt
│     │     │           └── 📄 Component2.kt
│     │     │
│     │     └── 📂 screen2
│     │           ├── 📄 Screen2.kt
│     │           ├── 📄 ViewModel2.kt
│     │           └── 📂 components
│     │                  ├── 📄 Component1.kt
│     │                  └── 📄 Component2.kt
│     │
│     ├── 📂 common
│     │     ├── 📂 shared components
│     │     └── 📂 shared viewmodels
│     │
│     └── 📂 theme
│     │     ├── 📄 color
│     │     ├── 📄 shape
│     │     ├── 📄 theme
│     │     └── 📄 type
│     │
│     └── 📂 navigation

├── 📂 notification
├── 📂 workers
└── 📂 utils

1. App Layer

Responsible for the main entry point and setup for the application.


  • app/android → Contains the Application class and custom components.
  • app/host → Contains the MainActivity or main entry point of the app.

2. Data Layer

Handles all data operations (API calls, database, preferences).

Subfolders: network

  • data/network → Manages API communication.

    • service/ → Contains API interfaces (e.g., Retrofit services).
    • client/ → Sets up network clients (like Retrofit).
    • model/ → Holds data models for API responses.
    • error/ → Handles API errors (e.g., custom exceptions).


    • data/network/service/WeatherService.kt → Defines weather API calls.

Subfolders: db

  • data/db → Manages local database with Room.

    • entity/ → Defines database tables (Room entities).
    • dao/ → Contains DAO interfaces for database operations.
    • database/ → Sets up the Room database class.
    • converter/ → Handles type conversions for custom data types.
    • migration/ → Manages database schema updates.


    • data/db/entity/User.kt → Defines user table.

Subfolders: pref

  • data/pref → Manages key-value storage (e.g., SharedPreferences).


    • data/pref/UserPreferences.kt → Handles user preferences.

Subfolders: repository

  • data/repository → Acts as the single source of truth for data from APIs, DB, or preferences.


    • data/repository/UserRepository.kt → Combines user data from API and local DB.

3. Domain Layer

Contains business logic and domain-specific data.

Subfolders: domain

  • domain/model → Holds core business models.
  • domain/repository → Defines repository interfaces.


  • domain/model/User.kt → Core user model for the business logic.

4. Dependency Injection (DI)

Sets up dependency injection using Hilt or Dagger.

Subfolders: di

  • di/modules → Contains modules for providing dependencies.
  • di/scopes → Manages custom scopes if needed.
  • di/components → Sets up DI components.


  • di/modules/NetworkModule.kt → Provides network-related dependencies like Retrofit.

5. Presentation Layer

Manages the UI and related logic using Jetpack Compose.

Subfolders: ui

  • presentation/ui → Organized by screens or features.

    • screen1/ → Contains the UI and ViewModel for the first screen.
      • Screen1.kt → The UI for Screen 1.
      • ViewModel1.kt → Manages Screen 1's logic.
      • components/ → Reusable UI components for Screen 1.


    • presentation/ui/screen1/Screen1.kt → Compose UI for Screen 1.
    • presentation/ui/screen1/ViewModel1.kt → Logic for Screen 1.

Subfolders: common

  • presentation/common → Shared UI components and ViewModels across multiple screens.

    • shared components/ → Reusable UI components for any screen.
    • shared viewmodels/ → Common ViewModels for multiple screens.


    • presentation/common/sharedcomponents/Button.kt → Custom button used in multiple screens.

Subfolders: theme

  • presentation/theme → Manages Compose themes (e.g., colors, shapes, typography).


    • presentation/theme/Color.kt → Defines app colors.

Subfolders: navigation

  • presentation/navigation → Manages navigation between screens using Jetpack Navigation.

6. Notification Layer

Manages app notifications.


  • notification/NotificationHelper.kt → Handles push notifications.

7. Workers Layer

Contains background tasks using WorkManager.


  • workers/SyncWorker.kt → Syncs data in the background.

8. Utils Layer

Holds utility functions and helper classes.


  • utils/DateUtils.kt → Common functions for date formatting.

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