This is a recreation of the destination controller in our game Polly bus. It is loaded with routes from Midland Classic and the in-game company JournyWise Of Mainstone.
This project uses a LCD library 1 from dhalbert to controll the 16x2 1602a LCD we used a 2ALAMSCN 2PCS HD44780 1602 16x2 LCD Display
You will also need
- 3 Buttons
- 10 Male To Male Jumper Cables
- 1 Raspberry Pico/Pico W with Circuit Python 3Installed
- 1 Break Board We Used 2
- 1 16x2 1602a LCD
- 1 Mirco USB Cable
- Download the Code From this repo Link
- More the zip folder to the Raspberry Pi Pico and extract it
- Once the code is extracted make sure you can see in the root of the pico's file structure.
- Now just restart the pico and you can use the button on the small breadboard to control the device.
- Open
- Add this template
CustomRoute = [
#Route Dest #Route Num
"Not In Service 000",
"Destination 1",
"Destination 2",
"Destination 3",
"Destination 4",
"Destination 5",
"Destination 6"
Make sure to start the route num at the start of the # of the route num comment. Make sure the last route in the array does NOT have a "," at the end.
Add as many routes as you need.
Now Go to the bottom of and edit the "arrays" array like this.
arrays = {
"JWOM": JWOMRoute,
"MDCL": MDCLRoute,
"Your Company": CustomRoute,
Companys = ["JWOM", "MDCL", "Your Company"]
The LCD library is from dhalbert