This function returns the given user's specified property
This function has 2 fields
- User ID (Required)
- Property (Required)
Raw Usage: $user[userID;property]
- User ID - The user the properties are based off of
- Property - The property we're getting from <user>
- name - User's name
- id - User's ID
- tag - User's Tag
- discrim - User's discriminator
- mention - User's mention
- avatar - User's avatar URL
- isbot - Whether or not the user is a bot, Return's Boolean
- istyping - Whether or not the user is typing, Return's Boolean
- created - User's date and time of creation
- timestamp - How long ago the user was created
- lastmessageid - User's last message ID
- lastmessagechannelid - User's last channel ID
name: "user",
code: `
//Or specified user
name: "user",
code: `