This function will find multiple members from the current guild through a given query
This function has 1 required field
- Query (Required)
- Limit (Optional)
- Properties (Optional)
- Get ID (optional)
Raw Usage: $findMembers[query;limit (optional);properties (optional);getID (optional)]
- Query - The query to list possible members
- Limit - The limit of the member list
- Properties - The properties showing the list
- Get ID -
- position - The # position of the member
- username - The user's username
- id - The user's id
Without optional fields
name: "fetchMembers",
code: `Heres a list:
With optional fields
name: "fetchMembers",
code: `Heres a list:
$findMembers[$message;10;{position} - {username}:{id};no]