description |
Edits channel properties. |
This function will allow you to modify a channel using the channel ID.
This function has 6 required fields:
- Channel ID (Required)
- Category ID (Required)
- Name (Required)
- Position (Required)
- NSFW (Required)
- Bitrate (Optional)
- User Limit (Optional)
- Sync Permission (Required)
- Reason (Optional)
Raw usage: $editChannel[channelID;categoryID/$default;name/$default;position/$default;nsfw/$default (yes/no);bitrate/$default;userLimit/$default;syncPermission (yes/no);reason (optional)]
- Channel ID - The channel we're editing
- Category ID - The category the channel is in
- Name - The channels name
- Position - The channels position
- NSFW - Whether or not the channel will be NSFW
- Bitrate -The bitrate of the voice channel
- User Limit - The limit of users to the voice channel
- Sync Permission - Whether or not the channel will sync perms
- Reason - The reason in the audit logs
- $default - This puts the property to the original/default option
name: "edit",
code: `
Channel name modified!