description |
Creates a webhook to the given channel ID |
This function creates a webhook that can be used later
This function has 4 required fields
- Channel ID (Required)
- Name (Required)
- Avatar URL (Required)
- Return Webhook ID/Token (Required)
- Separator (Optional)
Raw Usage: $createWebhook[channel ID;name;avatar url;returnWebhook ID/Token (yes/no);separator (optional)]
- Channel ID - The channel where the webhook is assigned to
- Name - The name of the webhook
- Avatar URL - The avatar of the webhook
- Return Webhook Info - Whether or not the function returns the info of the newly created webhook
- Separator - The symbol/letter that separates the webhook id and token
name: "createWebhook",
code: `$createWebhook[$channelID;some random webhook;;yes;,]
The bot will make a webhook and will respond with