A fully functioning B2C carbon calculator
Functioning calculator(s) on the URL https://greenhousecalculator.com (URL owned by NWG)
Inspiring, creative, and possibly innovative data visualizations of carbon emission results
Ongoing communication with the team, especially founder Nicolai Alexandrowski, project manager Réka Kosztolányi, and other relevant members of the NWG team.
If possible, creating the function of "user profiles" for the B2C carbon calculator
Guidelines for future/further developments for other developers
User friendly CO2e calculator
Mobile design first = fast usability and perception of results, reactive interface, color maps, key words, numbers, unities
Bottom horizontal navigation for the categories/spaces
Focused on average emission factor by country or region
Fast learning curve using visual queues
Our Goal is to allow users to calculate their Carbon Footprint emissions fast and that they can understand and internalised the scale of it.