1.9.0 (2023-08-15)
1.8.0 (2023-08-05)
- error-fallback: friendly error pages 6e324cc
- component-book-cover: gpu acceleration does not take effect 8ee553d
- import-book: snackbar context error 09214af
1.7.0 (2023-07-12)
- import-book: add button to jump to book for import notification 8be4d7c
- component-styled-typography: no correct line break 0189b7e
- component-toc-list: correct display the empty state 0ef5ca9
- dir: books in download should not allow clicking ccc69d7
- dir: key duplication causes list rendering errors adc5348
- setting-webdav: page crash on connection error b3c5150
- setting-webdav: service address text overflow b8e9e1d
- setting-webdav: webdav connection status not detected correctly e48c46a
- sync: sync results not displayed correctly b759a74
1.6.1 (2023-07-05)
1.6.0 (2023-07-04)
- comic: support comic #3 cbf5574
- parser-comic: wasm import problem 29afae1
- pwa: wasm files are not cached correctly 7c7eb48
1.5.0 (2023-06-11)
- webdav: support sync reading process 7a00c3a
- webdav: webdav is now associated with a unique hash of the book 3bce6ae
- indexed-db: fix database update logic b0a3992
- indexed-db: update the association table of book and tag 7fabfcb
- parser-pdf: parser error when has not toc 428d5f5
1.4.0 (2023-05-29)
- book-list: support remember sorting settings 0a557fa
- vercel: support reverse proxy #2 3f1e878
- webdav: support custom dir base path #2 148ce24
- book-list: sorting does not reset with page switch 3b7ab43
- i18n: incorrect i18n import and memo deps 57b64cc
- reader: forget to destroy the book causes the drag fail 9821a25
- reader: no autofocus causes invalid hotkeys b3e4e65
- webdav: when the webdav service mime type is incorrect, it does not resolve correctly 6613c6c
1.3.0 (2023-05-23)
- about: add about page c0c8738
- i18n: support manual language switching 03d1680
- pwa: complete pwa support 997b0b5
- reader: add top toolbar 993e1c9
- reader: support hotkey operation d2a93ae
- recent-reads: add toolbar b54ad6a
- parser-epub: ensure that the night mode style is correct 38b1c96
- pwa-updater: fix i18n 991567a
- reader: scroll lock issue 6df2f93
1.2.0 (2023-05-17)
- pdf: support pdf 2c129df
- parser-epub: font settings have no effect dd2fbfa
- reader: fix the problem of locking the layout causing the inability to scroll fc26ad9
- recent-reads: fix layout bugs bbfbf79
- type: fix reader params type error 118b822
1.1.0 (2023-05-16)
- recent-reads: add recent reading page 7c43622
- parser-epub: 尽量让文件本身有问题的图书显示正确的目录 1ad0f3e
- parser-epub: 修正拍平嵌套目录的实现 d7f6ef5
- parser-epub: epub 在亮色模式时使用书本内置的文本颜色 f2e1f71
- reader: 支持调整字体大小等设置 0ca4d8a
- reader: 修正打开书本后返回卡加载的问题 bfe9c79
- reader: 修正移动端 safari 添加到主屏幕后的滚动溢出 ac4f803
- tip-page: 修正 safari 上超链接样式问题 0fd6130