We are invited to prepare a "stimulating presentation" that will showcase our ideas and engage the virtual audience, and a pre-recorded video which should be maximum 10 minutes long (hard max). It is not entirely clear if the NTTS presentation itself is just a playback of the pre-recorded video or if it is live.
Decided to adapt the Miro interactive presentation and add voice-over.
- "Infomercial" approach
- Must engage non-specialists
- Promote ESS open-source communities in conclusion
- Start as a "classical" PowerPoint slide listing the woes of the IT manager (read with dull voice)
- Zoom out: the audience is bored (see PowerPoint poisoning)
- Mauro interupts: "Haven't you heard about I3S?" (Mauro's voice until the end, or do we go on with a dialog?)
- Zoom out to a global view of the whole building
- List main contributions of the ESSnet (should ideally resonate with the PP bullet points)
- Each time, zoom to the corresponding part of the building
- At the end, back to the initial room and zoom on a whiteboard with main conclusions
- Complete detailed script before Friday 12 (all)
- Jakob records video of animation with voice of IT manager and sends it on Wedenesday
- We can also generate the IT manager's voice with Text-to-Speech software
- Actually it is probably better to record the voice separately
- Mauro does the rest of the voice over
- NTTS-2021 programme @ glance is published. The detailed programme will be published in February 2021.
- Cartoonize yourself
- Powerpoint poisoning
- Google Text-to-Speech
- Bank of free photos: https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/
- Free video editing sofware: http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/
Agreed on messages and storyboard.
Action points:
- List points in the initial PPT -> Jakob and all
- Find reusable images of people, meetings... -> all
- Connect with intern specialist in video -> Franck
- Intern is unavailable until Feb. 22
- Write to NTTS for clarification -> Franck
- Done: NTTS presentation is actually playing the video and being there for questions
Agreed on procedure and deadlines.
Action points:
- Jakob mails with characteristics of his screen recording software and sends a one minute video example
- Mauro tests how many words he reads in one minute
- Done: roughly 100 words or 600 chars by minute
- All to contribute to the script
- Franck to set up additional meeting on Feb. 16