This project is a patched for openboard to support Shan language layout.
- The base project AOSP Keyboard LatinIME not support for Shan's language yet.
- Keyboard texts table build tools original from tools/make-keyboard-text - platform/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME - Git at Google currently limit MAX_LENGTH_OF_LANGUAGE = 2 which not support for three-letter codes language yet.
so if add values_shn to tools/make-keyboard-text/src/main/resources will failed with Unknown locale format: shn
Method 1. from
Clone the repo
git clone
copy/add values_shn/donottranslate-more-keys.xml to tools/make-keyboard-text/resources/
Edit tools/make-keyboard-text/src/main/java/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/tools/ (Workaround solution for three-letter codes, for now)
private static final int MIN_LENGTH_OF_LANGUAGE = 2;
private static final int MAX_LENGTH_OF_LANGUAGE = 3; // change this from 2 to 3
private static final int LENGTH_OF_SCRIPT = 4;
private static final int MIN_LENGTH_OF_REGION = 2;
private static final int MAX_LENGTH_OF_REGION = 2;
private static final int LENGTH_OF_AREA_CODE = 3;
private static boolean isValidLanguage(final String text) {
Generate the new version of
./gradlew tools:make-keyboard-text:makeText
Edit app/src/main/java/org/dslul/openboard/inputmethod/latin/utils/ (Workaround solution for now)
public class ScriptUtils {
public static final int SCRIPT_MALAYALAM = 12;
public static final int SCRIPT_MYANMAR = 13;
public static final int SCRIPT_SHAN = 14; // add this as new language script
public static final int SCRIPT_SINHALA = 15;
public static final int SCRIPT_TAMIL = 16;
public static final int SCRIPT_TELUGU = 17;
public static final int SCRIPT_THAI = 18;
static {
mLanguageCodeToScriptCode.put("ml", SCRIPT_MALAYALAM);
mLanguageCodeToScriptCode.put("my", SCRIPT_MYANMAR);
mLanguageCodeToScriptCode.put("shn", SCRIPT_SHAN); // add this script
mLanguageCodeToScriptCode.put("si", SCRIPT_SINHALA);
mLanguageCodeToScriptCode.put("ta", SCRIPT_TAMIL);
mLanguageCodeToScriptCode.put("te", SCRIPT_TELUGU);
mLanguageCodeToScriptCode.put("th", SCRIPT_THAI);
public static boolean isLetterPartOfScript(final int codePoint, final int scriptId) {
case SCRIPT_SHAN: // add this to SCRIPT_MYANMAR case cause Shan's unicode is in Myanmar's unicode block
// Myanmar has three unicode blocks :
// Myanmar U+1000..U+109F
// Myanmar extended-A U+AA60..U+AA7F
// Myanmar extended-B U+A9E0..U+A9FF
return (codePoint >= 0x1000 && codePoint <= 0x109F
|| codePoint >= 0xAA60 && codePoint <= 0xAA7F
|| codePoint >= 0xA9E0 && codePoint <= 0xA9FF);
copy/add app/src/main/res/values-shn/*
copy/add app/src/main/res/xml/_shan.xml
Compile the project.
sh ./gradlew assembleDebug
Connect your phone and install the debug APK
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
Method 2. from
Clone patched repo
git clone
Compile the project.
sh ./gradlew assembleDebug
Connect your phone and install the debug APK
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk