An ads and marketing based company helping businesses elicit maximum clicks @ minimum cost.
Data Dictionary:
There are two csv files given
train_1.csv: In the csv file, each row corresponds to a particular article and each column corresponds to a particular date. The values are the number of visits on that date.
The page name contains data in this format:
having information about the page name, the main domain, the device type used to access the page, and also the request origin(spider or browser agent)
Exog_Campaign_eng: This file contains data for the dates which had a campaign or significant event that could affect the views for that day. The data is just for pages in English.
There’s 1 for dates with campaigns and 0 for remaining dates. It is to be treated as an exogenous variable for models when training and forecasting data for pages in English
Concepts Tested:
Exploratory data analysis
Time Series forecasting- ARIMA, SARIMAX, and Prophet