This is an open source webApplication to conduct Online Examinations for our SRM university
- Student Management
- Course Management
- Exam and result Management
- Question and Test
- Time Management
Steps to setup this webapplication in you workplace
DECLARATION : This project can be run on Xampp Server, don't worry if you don't the link below to install Xampp server
For the installation demo you can refer : ""
Instructions for downloading the project:
- Install XAMPP server on your system to be used as local server for project. (lets say you installed it in 'K:\xampp_folder' folder)
- Download the zip file and unzip on any of the drive
- Now copy and paste our whole project from the unzipped folder to folder inside 'K:\xampp_folder\htdocs'.
- Start your XAMPP Control Panel and start 'Apache' and 'MySql' servers there.
- Open your browser and type 'localhost/' or '' , then from there go to phpmyadmin.
- Create a database named:'project' in phpmyadmin.
- Import the sql file which is in the sql directory.
- open any browser and type http://localhost/filename.
- first register and then login
- If you are an admin login details : Login Id: Password: admin else for User Login : you need to sign up first and then sign in to the portal as per your email id and password
- Congratulations! you are good to go
Thank you