##the World's First Makerable Deep Learning Robot, aka MDLR
the Makerable Deep Learning Robot, powered by Nvidia Jetson, Caffe, and DQN
##Architecture of the Robot
integrated with:
- Hardware side
- Nvidia Jetson Embedded Tegra Computing
- Autonomous Vehicle
- Camera Head by Servo
- on MDLR2.0
- portable robotics arm //uARM, MDLR2.0
- DepthCamera //DepthSense DS325 | Amazon | TI 3DToF
- a LCD/micro projector? //MDLR2.0
- Software side
- Caffe
- SLAM, like LSD, SLAMBenchmark
- APIs integrated with the hardware driver
- Nvidia.Jetson
- Linux For Tegra Archive
- How to run the Caffe deep learning vision library on Nvidia’s Jetson mobile GPU board
- Walking/Wheels Jetson robot
- [DL|Robotics]@jetsonhacks
- http://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/low-power-image-recognition-challenge-jets/
- http://secondrobotics.com/projects/robots/nvidia-jetson-robot-concept/nvidia-jetson-robot-goals/
- The aim of the Rawseeds Project is to build benchmarking tools for robotic systems.
- Google project-tango: area-learning
##Deep Learning in Depth