##Deep Network Workbench
###DL in depth
- Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning
- DIY Deep Learning for Vision: a Hands-On Tutorial with Caffe
- Caffe Model Zoo
- DeepNetworks by C++ //我所写的CNN框架 VS caffe - linger
- Caffe Hands on Notes
- 深度学习caffe的代码怎么读?
###Torch, etc
- https://github.com/deepmind
- Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- DeepMind publications
- Technical Note: Q-Learning, Watkins 1992
- other than DQN:
- Sequential Deep Learning for Human Action Recognition
- Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Time-Series Prediction
- Nvidia.Jetson
- Linux For Tegra Archive
- How to run the Caffe deep learning vision library on Nvidia’s Jetson mobile GPU board
##the World's First Makerable Deep Learning Robot, aka MDLR
##Neuromorphic Processing: A New Frontier in Scaling Computer Architecture
- qualcomm zeroth
- https://www.qualcomm.com/invention/cognitive-technologies
- 体系结构研究者眼中的神经网络硬件
- 计算所的DianNao和DaDianNao为什么能连续斩获ASPLOS'14和MICRO'14的Best Paper?
- CM1K
- http://techcrunch.com/2015/01/31/the-ongoing-quest-for-the-brain-chip/
- https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/braincard-pattern-recognition-for-all#/story
- http://neuromorthings.com/#about
###Open Problems
Several problems to address
- 以下问题相互递进
- 如何主动发现问题解决问题
- 如何使用先验知识,将先验知识转移进网络中
- 已训练的网络训练新知的过程怎样变迁
- 深度神经网络的数据通量
- 数据接口带宽,存储量
- 深度硬件,运动控制,时间序列,小脑神经网络,Sequential Deep Learning,Deep time series
- https://gist.github.com/NirViaje/7ca109d2e99d0b16ec43#dqn
- Currently state of the art but...(Scyfer, Universiteit van Amsterdam spin off)
- No way of doing logical inference (extrapolation)
- No easy integration of abstract knowledge
- Hypothetic space bias might not conform with realityWhen to apply Deep
- 看上去一切触手可及对不对?可是我们离真正的人工智能还有多远呢?至少还需要有两三个这样的变革吧 zhihu