Power Pulse Fitness&Diet application. You can use the App for tracking daily calories consumption, activity level and managing user’s fitness params.
The project was created on below technologies:
Node.js and Express framework.
Communication with the database is provided by using mongoose library through the MongoDB database management system.
Full information on handling routes, endpoints and schemas is available within the Power Pulse API created using swagger-ui-express
You can have a look on Figma
npm install — install dependencies;
npm start — run the app in production mode;
npm run start — run the app in development mode
Team Leader:
- Iryna Popkova;
- Svitlana Bardashova;
- Yulia Yaruchyk;
- Valentyna Riabchun;
- Yuriy Volkov;
- Andrey Maximov;
- Sergey Reznickyy;
- Kateryna Kononikhina;
- Olena Kaisym;
- Danylo Kornitskyj;
Deployment was made via Render
Power Pulse Backend deployment link
The live page can be accessed through the following link: