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@Nikolai558 Nikolai558 released this 30 Jul 00:35
· 3 commits to master since this release

Sector File must be located where the program EXE file is located.
Sector File Must be named "SECTOR.SCT2"
EXE must be located where it does not need ADMIN permissions to create files.
Does not have a folder called "Sector_Files" inside of the directory the exe is.

This program is intended for Vatsim VRC Sector files for each ARTCC.
It will go through the sector file for the ARTCC and create individual txt files
for each section of the sector file. Once its complete you can change out a
specific section (text file) with what you need. Then you can recompile it back
into one .sct2 file. This program will create the files inside a folder located
where the program EXE is located called "Sector_Files".

Side note Kyle Sanders has created a .BAT file that will combine all txt files
back into one sector file. The .bat file can be found on GitHub with the following link. - Again All Credit for
this batch file and the idea of my program goes to Kyle Sanders.

Please post any issues you come across on GitHub under the Issues tab and I will
try to correct them as they come in.