A free and open source fully automated TF2 trading bot advertising on www.backpack.tf using prices from www.prices.tf
Before you install the bot, there are a few things you need to have taken care off before you will be able to run the bot.
- You need a seperate Steam account with a mobile authenticator. I suggest using the Steam Desktop Authenticator to authenticate the account and get the secret keys used to automate generating 2FA codes and managing mobile confirmations.
- NodeJS version 8 or more
Please refer to the wiki for setting up the bot. For additional help and questions, please ask in the TF2 Automatic Discord server or create an issue.
You can clone or download the bot by clicking on the green button in the top right, follow the installation guide for more instructions.
Once you have downloaded the source and installed the neccesary packages, you can move on to configuring the bot. Follow the configuration guide.