- Change a version number in Assets/SceneViewFovControl/Editor/Settings.cs
namespace UTJ.UnityEditor.Extension.SceneViewFovControl {
static class Settings {
> public const string VersionString = "0.1.x";
Push changes to the repository at github.
Create a
- Open entire directory by Unity Editor
- Select "Assets > Make SceneViewFovControl.unitypackage"
will be put in root directory of the Unity Project.
via "Draft Release" page at github.- Also add tag in the "Draft Release" page
Change release URL in README.md, README.en.md and README.ja.md
## How to use
> - Import [this .unitypackage](https://github.com/t-mat/UnitySceneViewFovControl/releases/download/0.1.6/SceneViewFovControl.unitypackage) to your Unity project.
## 使い方
> - [この .unitypackage](https://github.com/t-mat/UnitySceneViewFovControl/releases/download/0.1.6/SceneViewFovControl.unitypackage) を Unity プロジェクトにインポートします
- Push changes to thre repository at github again.