This repositories hold serveral projects done for CSUS, Sacramento CSC 138 course.
TCPClient: established a port with TCP connection, where user can send a message to a server port(Socket1)
TCPServer: established a port with TCP connection that listens for requests(Socket1)
UDPClient: established a port with UDP connection, where user can send a message to a server port(Socket1)
UDPServer: established a port with UDP connection that listens for requests(Socket1)
WebServer: establishes a port that is listening for user request, when user request is received, display request on webpage(Socket2)
MailClient: establish SMTP connection with an email server and allows the user to send emails(Socket3)
Router's Packet Scheduling: The incoming packets arrive at a router in sequence and are queued in the buffer of the router. The router needs to decide the order of packets to send to the outgoing link. (Programming Assignment 4)