- [Fix] Fixed Offline Playback with Verimatrix
- [Fix] Fixed an issue with the render system
- [Add] Added new SPD property to set a reference utc server time
- [Fix] Offline Playback with Widevine
- [Add] NexSound features
- [Add] Browse file functionality for the Sample app
- [Update] Update Verimatrix module to v4.3.9.0
- [Improve] Update sample project
- [Improve] Setting log levels per instance
- [Improve] Improve setTargetBandwidth API with QUICK_MIX option for faster track changes
- [Improve] Improve multiple player instance stability
- [Add] Added new functionality to get content information
- [Add] Added EMSG events for HLS/fMP4
- [Fix] Fixed an issue with SET_PRESENTATION_DELAY property
- [Add] Added new functionality to get content information
- [Fix] Fixed an issue with the pssh key for Widevine
- [Update] Support Widevine Key Renewal
- [Fix] Fixed an issue for specific type of DRM contents
- [Update] Introduce a parameter to disable WV logs
- [Optimization] Optimization for multiview playback
- [Fixed] Fixed a crash when device loses the connection
- [Optimization] Optimise SPD feature to work with no-audio streams
- [Update] Updated SW Widevine library(15.2.4)
- [Update] Updated SW Widevine library(14.4.1)
- [Update] Updated SW Widevine library(14.4.0).
- [Update] Updated SPD work.
- [Update] Updated low latency work including ABR support.
- [Update] Improved Widevine workflow. Applied changed WV key rotation in iOS and matched up iOS workflow with Android
- [Update] Applied latest DAA(Dolby Audio for Applications v3.5) library. AC3 and AC4 codecs are combined into Dolby codec
- [Add] Added WebView in iOS for internal test
- [Update] Applied the latest GoogleInteractiveMediaAds.framework
- [Update] Improved Low-Latency performance.
- [Update] Supported DASH SPD(Suggested Presentation Delay) feature.
- [Update] Improved Mpeg-TS Parser.
- [Add] Added Playback Rate (speed control) feature.
- [Update] Improved Low-Latency performance.
- [Update] Removed 32bit architecture (armv7, armv7s, i386)
- [Add] Added ASiD watermarking feature.
- [Add] Added property for Unity.
- [Update] Improved stability using the getProgramDateTime method.
- [Update] Improved HW decoder to support HEVC main10 & mainSP.
- [Add] Added Low-Latency feature.
- [Update] Support for Swift 4 (xcode 9.3)
- [Update] Improved stability using Widevine DRM.
- [Add] Added widevine callback after receiving data from LicenseServer.
- [Update] Improved external subtitles performance.
- [Add] Supported HW decoding on HEVC codec after iOS 11.
- [Update] Improved dynamic thumbnail performance.
- [Update] Improved subtitles performance.
- [Update] Improved stability of the subtitle parser.
- [Update] Improved stability of playback in the offline mode.
- [Update] Improved stability of playback using Widevine DRM.
- [Update] Improved audio codec init routine.
- [Update] Improved start-up time for PD(progressive download) content.
- [Update] Improved file parser.
- [Updated] Changed setProperty/getProperty to treat integer value.
- [Add] Supported Dolby AC4 codec.
- [Update] Updated VAST samples (AD point, skippable,...).
- [Add] Supported AirPlay
- [Update] Updated swift samples to support VPAID.
- [Update] Improved HLS Widevine module to support multi-key.
- [Optimization] Improved start time logic.
- [Optimization] Improved all build settings.
- [Add] Supported below features of HLS V7.
- [Update] Added codecID value in TrackInfomation.
- [Update] Improved the TTML decoder.
- Version
- [Update] Support for Swift 3
- [Optimization] Improved video decoder module to endure the decoding fails.
- [Optimization] Improved caption renderer rescaling logic.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML text multi tracks in ID3 tags.
- [Add] Property added to enable TTML text tracks in ID3 tags.
- [Update] added NXHttpStateDelegate in NXStatisticsAPI to receive HTTP state information.
- [Update] Updated video layout to support rotation in background.
- [Update] Updated Verimatrix module
- [Update] Improved caption handling
- [Update] Improved TTML subtitle parser.
- [Update] Improved DTS HPX performances.
- [Update] Improved animation effects on video render.
- [Update] Support custom caption attributes.
- [Update] OpenSSL version 1.0.2k.
- [Optimization] Supported animation effects on video render.
- [Optimization] Improved redirection processing with MSS.
- [Fix] Missed text frame when calling setMediaStream with the same track.
- [Fix] Resized font size depending on rotation.
- [Optimization] Supported close in opening status.
- [Fixed] Handled an exceptional case that widevine license server responses with invalid data.
- [Update] Added a new sample code version including more API references.
- [Update] Improved reconnectNetwork API for supporting DASH and Smooth Streaming.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML renderer.
- [Optimization] Improved NxPlayerView layout calculation.
- [Fix] Fixed CTS wrap-around logic.
- [Update] Updated to redraw captionView right after rotating.
- [Update] Updated to find stream logic at CompletedAsyncCmdSetMediaStream.
- [Update] Improved video quality in devices with retina displayes.
- [Update] Extended API setExternalSubtitle to disable external subtitle (backwards compatible).
- [Update] Support added for byte-range request with redirection server in DASH content.
- [Update] Improved DTS HPX performances.
- [Add] Added backgroundMode property in NxPlayer to play continuously in background (backwards compatible).
- [Add] Added APis for supporting multi-delegate feature.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML caption renderer.
- [Improvement] Elimination of meaningless warnings.
- [Fix] Fixed wrong mediaType in completedAsyncCmdMediaOnOff.
- [Fix] Changed return values of NEXPLAYERHLSAES128DescrambleCallbackFunc and NEXPLAYERHLSAES128DescrambleWithByteRangeCallbackFunc for matching with several callbacks.
- [Fix] Fixed wrong positions of image type caption.
- [Add] Support NEXPLAYERHLSAES128DescrambleWithByteRangeCallbackFunc.
- [Add] Support Http redirection in DASH protocol.
- [Add] Added APIs setMediaOnOff and isMediaOnOff, to disable/enable the media stream of content(audio/video/text).
- [Update] Support ARC.
- [Fix] Improved NexPlayer playback routine in IPV6 network.
- [Fix] Fixed an error that it is not working ABR when playing Smooth Streaming content for some specific cases.
- [Fix] Added exception routine that if http response data recevied from server is bigger than 2KB, it isn't sent to UI.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where closed caption was flikered.
- [Fixed] Fixed the issue where audio did not play in encrypted DASH content.
- [Update] Improved the LogLevel module.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where the player sent the wrong parameter of nexPlayer:mediaTypeChangedTo: delegate method.
- [Fixed] Added captionType in NXContentInfo.
- [Fixed] Fixed the issue where the player didn't call deinit of AudioRenderer in certain cases.
- [Added] Added completedAsyncCmdSetMediaStreamWithResult delegate.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where the player returned an incorrect eNEXPLAYER_HTTP_INVALID_RESPONSE event value.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue of the unmatching A/V sync when playing some contents.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue of the returned error when re-initiailizing codec.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where all types of C-level DRM callback APIs mismatched in the 64-bit system.
- [Fixed] Fixed all types of DRM and descramblers for the 64-bit environment.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue of the player showing incorrect subtitles in certain contents.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where the dynamic thumbnail did not work in certain cases.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue of the player not playing certain contents downloaded through offline playback.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue of the incorrect track change in some certain cases.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue of the player not switching media streams normally in some contents.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue of the WMV8 content not playing properly.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where the 3GPP subtitle didn't show properly in specific cases.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where the seeking action while buffering failed in specific cases.
- [Update] Updated the Verimatrix ViewRight Web Client to version
- [Add] Added the resume and pause features for offline downloading.
- [Fixed] Fixed when the SRT/SMI subtitle was not erased for specific cases.
- [Fixed] Fixed a crash caused by an invalid TimedMeta frame.
- [Add] Added a feature of external license file support.
- [Add] Added samples for VAST integration.
- [Add] Added APIs for supporting C-level DRM callbacks.
- [Update] Improved the TTML renderer.
- [Add] Added the Dynamic Thumbnail feature for HLS and Smooth Streaming.
- [Add] Added the client-side timeshift feature.
- [Add] Added properties for setting a proxy server.
- [Add] Added an external ABR Delegate to receive track switch events.
- [Add] Now supporting DASH subtitles.
- [Update] Updated the Verimatrix ViewRight Web Client to version with iOS 9 support.
- [Add] Added DTS-HPX integration.
- [Add] Added new APIs : setExternalSubtitle to NXPlayer for setting external subtitles during playback.
- [Add] Added nexPlayer:didReceiveInformativeEvent:details : method to NXPlayerDelegate : protocol to support the remote subtitles download feature on iOS SDK.
- [Add] Added NexInformativeEvent type : NexInformativeEventDownloadBegan, NexInformativeEventDownloadFinished and defined the detailed event parameter keys : pkNexInformativeEventURL, kNexInformativeEventResult
- [Add] Added new APIs : setTargetBandwidth and setABREnabled to NXPlayerABRController
- [Add] Added a new Property NXPropertyContinueDownloadAtPause to enable buffering in pause state.
- [Add] Added NexAudioPostProcessingAdapter API class and delegate protocol to support external audio processing.
- [Add] Added DolbyIntegration and NexDolbySoundSettings classes to support Dolby approval with AC3 codec and integration.
- [Update] Updated Verimatrix ViewRight Web Client to version with iOS 9 support
- [Add] Added NexVideoTextureReceiver API class
- [Add] Added addHTTPHeaderFields: API method to NXPlayer
- [Add] Added goToCurrentLivePosition: API method to NXPlayer
- [Update] Update support for Swift 2.0 in iOS SDK
- [Add] Added Offline playback feature on iOS SDK
- [Add] Added support for Swift in iOS SDK
- [Add] Added iOS Statistics API
- [Fixed] Can’t disable logging
- [Add] Added nexPlayer:onModifyHTTPRequest: method to NXPlayerDelegate protocol to support NXPropertyEnableModifyHTTPRequest when used to modify HTTP requests sent to the remote server.
- [Fixed] Removed private API call that prevents App Store Review approval.
- [Update] Updated Verimatrix ViewRight Web Client to version 3.7 with 64-bit architecture support.
- [Add] Added support for iOS 8 Video Toolbox (hardware accelerated) H.264 decoder.
- [Add] Added APIs for caption renderer control: NXCaptionRenderController.h - captionAttribute, captionHidden, clearCaptionView
- [Add] Added property to decide rendering mode (text or caption mode) for CEA 608 closed captions: NXProperty.h - NXPropertyCEA608TextMode
- [Update] Improved linking flexibility
- [Update] Added support for 64-bit architecture.
- [Add] Added new APIs: changeMinBandwidth, changeMaxBandwidth, changeBandwidthMin: Max to set a maximum or minimum limit (or both) to control which tracks will be played in multi-track content, regardless of the bandwidth available.
- [Add] Added new properties: numDecodingVideoFrames and numRenderingVideoFrames.
- [Update] Update WebVTT caption renderer.
- [Add] Added new callbacks: onHTTPResponse() and onHTTPRequest()
- [Add] Added a new API: getSARInfo.
- [Update] Improved stability of startFromTime API.
- [Update] Improved handling of timed metadata.
- [Add] Added new function to extract all the ID3 metadata, including customised tags, on the content.
- [Add] Added a callback for simple caption text.
- [Updated] Improved stability of VMDRM feature.
- [Add] Supports Verimatrix ViewRight 3.5
- [Add] Plain text rendering of additional streaming caption formats supported: CEA708 closed captions and WebVTT
- [Add] Added DASH DRM session delegate, NXDashDRMSessionDelegate.h.
- [Add] Added a new NXPlayerView property, captionHidden, to hide captions.
- [Update] NXPlayerView.CEA608CaptionView deprecated. May return nil when captions are not CEA608. Use captionHidden instead.
- [Fixed] Increase stack size for all tasks.
- [Fixed] Removed absolute addressing - apply PIE.
- [Fixed] Changed identifierForVender instead of UDID.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with CFF PD.
- [Fixed] Support large local files.
- [New] Support 3GPP Timed Text
- [New] Support CFF Timed Text
- [New] Support Armv7s architecture
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with Smooth Streaming captions
- [Fixed] Fixed issues with parsing of PIFF content
- [Updated] Updated HTTP header option to remove "Content-length:0".
- [New] Added DECE UV Descrambler callback.
- [New] IGNORE_ABNORMAL_SEGMENT_TIMESTAMP property is added for supporting download file skip feature in HLS.
- [New] Added property "START_WITH_AV".
- [New] Added exception routine to prevent crashing in getContentInfo function.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with distorted H264 content. H264 decoder is updated.
- [Fixed] Fixed issues with wrong subtitle frames being delivered in the case of Pause - Resume repetition.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue in Live content where even when BufferSeek Range was available, Seekable Range sometimes returned INVALID_4BYTE value.
- [Fixed] Full support for all HLS Version 4 (07) Multi Stream use cases added.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with Audio duration being shorter than Video duration.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with PIFF DRM - Reader updated.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with subtitles on SmoothStreaming Content.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with initialization of ContentInformatoion function.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with PIFF DRM content. PIFF DRM can now be handled.
- [Fixed] Fixed issues with TrackDown and TrackDisable situation with HLS. (Freezing video problem)
- [Updated] Enabled server-side timeshift feature of HLS.
- [Updated] Seek processing time is improved.
- [Updated]Improved server-side timeshift of HLS.
- [Removed]Removed property "MAX_SKIP_FRAME_CNT"
- [Removed]Removed property "SMOOTH_SKIPPING"
- [NEW API] NXPropertySetLiveBackOff
- [NEW API] NXPropertySetLiveBackOffset
- [NEW API] NXHTTPCredentialsProvider:: HTTPCredentialHeadersForHTTPStatusCode:responseData:
- [NEW API] NXSmoothStreamFragmentDescrambler:: descrambleSmoothStreamingFragmentForPlayer:inputBuffer: inputBufferSize:outputBuffer:outputBufferSize: mediaFileURL:parentPlaylistURL: (Added mediaFileURL and parentPlaylistURL parameters)
- [NEW API] NXManifestAndPlaylistDescrambler
- [NEW API] NXPlayer::manifestAndPlaylistDescrambler
- [NEW API] NXPDBlockDescrambler
- [NEW API] NXPlayer::PDBlockDescrambler
- [NEW API] NXPiffPlayReadyDescrambler
- [NEW API] NXPlayer::piffPlayReadyDescrambler
- [NEW API] NXPlayerDelegate::nexPlayer:playlistReceived:forURL:
- [API CHANGE] NXPlayer::addRTSPHeaderField:forMethods: now works even if the header field already exists; if the header field exists, the new value replaces the original value.
- [New] Support for HLS Version 4
- [New] Support for LiveBackOff (moving the "live" streaming point back away from the actual live position via NXPropertySetLiveBackOff).
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where two or or more "Set-Cookie" headers in the same response were not being handled.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with PIFF local content
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue playing SmoothStreaming content
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue handling the user-agent tag.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue handling ID3TimedMeta information
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with PIFF PlayReady DRM (added Sample Encryption Box size check)
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue with the server-side timeshift feature.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where SSL sockets might occasionally have been leaked.
- [Update] Improved robustness of local caption support
- [Update] Improved robustness of smooth streaming subtitles
- [Update] Improved general streaming robustness
- [Update] Improved handling of H.264 content
- [Update] Improved handling of AVI container format
- [Update] Fixed issue causing video freeze in certain cases during HLS track switching