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OctoMeow edited this page May 29, 2014 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the neutrino wiki!

A backup of my table

| Process                                     | Experiments          | Notes               |
| solar :math:`\nu_e` disappearance           |                      |                     |
| Atm. :math:`\nu_\mu,\bar\nu_\mu` disapp.    | Super-K              |                     |
| Accelerator                                 |   K2K                |                     |
| :math:`\nu_\mu` disappearance               +----------------------+---------------------+
|                                             |   T2K                |                     |
|                                             +----------------------+---------------------+
|                                             |   MINOS              |                     |
| :math:`\nu_\tau` appearance                 |  Super-K             |                     |
|                                             +----------------------+---------------------+
| :math:`\nu_\mu\to\nu_\tau`                  |    OPERA             |                     |
| :math:`\nu_\mu\to\nu_e`                     | T2K                  |                     |
+                                             +----------------------+---------------------+
|                                             | MINOS                |                     |
| :math:`\bar\nu_e` disappearance             | Double Chooz         | :math:`L=1.1km`     |
+                                             +----------------------+---------------------+
|                                             | Daya Bay             | :math:`L=1.65km`    |
+                                             +----------------------+---------------------+
|                                             | RENO                 | :math:`L=1.38km`    |
| :math:`\nu_e` disappearance                 | Double Chooz         |                     |
| :math:`\nu_\mu\to\nu_e`                     |----------------------+---------------------+
|                                             | T2K                  |                     |
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