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NethServer system basic behavior implementation


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This package implements all core configuration.


Network configuration is saved inside the NetworksDB (:file:`/var/lib/nethserver/db/networks`).

Example of a database containing an interface:


Each entry describes a network interface according to CentOS/RHEL specification for network-scripts files:

<device_name> = type
       role = <role>
       <param> = <value>

The type variable is the type of interface. Valid values are:

  • ethernet
  • bond
  • bridge
  • alias
  • ipsec
  • xdsl

The <device_name> variable is the name for the device.

The role property is a mandatory parameter which describes the interface role. Valid values are:

  • green
  • orange
  • blue
  • red

If the role property is empty, the interface is not used by the system.

There are also 3 special roles:

  • bridged: interface is part of a bridge
  • slave: interface is part of a bond
  • alias: interface is an alias of another interface
  • xdsl-disabled: xdsl disabled interface

See also :ref:`section-roles-and-zones` for the meaning of each color.

All <param>/<value> are all valid CentOS network parameter for the specified interface. All parameters must be lowercase. Example:

  • ippaddr
  • dhcp_hostname
  • netmask
  • slave
  • ...

All parameters will be mapped 1-to-1 to the configuration file


One green ethernet:

db networks set eth0 ethernet role green ipaddr netmask network onboot yes bootproto static

File content:


Bond options

Any property starting with BondOpt prefix is used as bonding options.




The network database can be manipulated using the :dfn:`esmith::NetworksDB` perl module. For more information use:

perldoc esmith::NetworksDB

If you need to access the local IP address within a template, use this code snippet:

use esmith::NetworksDB;
my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open_ro() || return;;
my $LocalIP = $ndb->green()->prop('ipaddr') || '';


Old templates used a variable called LocalIP to access the green IP address. This variable is no more available.


All network configurations are applied by interface-update event.

Database initialization

All interfaces are imported from configuration files to database using the script: /usr/libexec/nethserver/update-networks-db .

The networks database is updated Whenever an interface is plugged into the system.

DHCP on red interfaces

When configuring a red interface in DHCP mode, enable also the above options:

  • peer_dns to avoid resolv.conf overwriting from dhclient
  • persistent_dhclient to enforce dhclient to retry in case of lease request errors

Remember also to remove all gateway IP address from green devices. This configuration will create the correct routes and correctly set DHCP options on dnsmasq.


Create a bridge interface from command line. The new interface will have green role (eth0 was the previous green interface):

db networks delprop eth0 ipaddr netmask bootproto
db networks setprop eth0 role bridged bridge br0
db networks set br0 bridge bootproto static device br0 ipaddr netmask onboot yes role green
signal-event interface-update

Reset network configuration

In case of misconfiguration, it's possible to reset network configuration by following these steps.

  1. Delete all logical and physical interfaces from the db

    Display current configuration:

    db networks show

    Delete all interfaces:

    db networks delete eth0

    Repeat the operation for all interfaces including bridges, bonds and vlans.

  2. Disable interfaces

    Physical interfaces:

    ifconfig eth0 down

    In case of a bridge:

    ifconfig br0 down
    brctl delbr br0

    In case of a bond (eth0 is enslaved to bond0):

    ifenslave -d bond0 eth0
    rmmod bonding
  3. Remove configuration files

    Network configuration files are inside the :file:`/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/` directory in the form: :file:`/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<devicename>`. Where devicename is the name of the interface like eth0, br0, bond0.

    Delete the files:

    rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

    Repeat the operation for all interfaces including bridges, bonds and vlans.

  4. Restart the network

    After restarting the network you should see only the loopback interface:

    service network restart

    Use :command:`ifconfig` command to check the network status.

  5. Manually reconfigure the network

    Choose an IP to assign to an interface, for example

    ifconfig eth0

    Then reconfigure the system:

    signal-event system-init

    The interface will have the chosen IP address.

  6. Open the web interface and reconfigure accordingly to your needs

Zeroconf network

Zeroconf network ( shouldn't be usefull on a server. It can be safely disabled using these commands:

config setprop sysconfig ZeroConf disabled
signal-event interface-update

Log retention and rotation

By default logs are rotated weekly and kept for 4 weeks. Some packages come with different defaults, but the majority do not specify a custom rotate value.

Logrotate db property:

  • Rotate: rotation frequency, can be daily, weekly, monthly. Default is weekly
  • Times: rotate log files Times number of times (days, weeks or months) before being removes, default is 4
  • Compression: can be enabled or disabled. Defaults is disabled



Keep logs for 6 months, rotate once a week:

config setprop logrotate Rotate weekly
config setprop logrotate Times 24
signal-event nethserver-base-update

Transport Layer Security

The TLS policy page controls how individual services configure the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, by selecting a policy identifier.

Each module implementation decides how to implement a specific policy identifier, providing a trade off between security and client compatibility. Newer policies are biased towards security, whilst older ones provide better compatibility with old clients.

You can enforce the TLS policy (20180330), or choose the legacy one (empty policy property) if your clients are not supported/maintained anymore (Windows XP for example).

TLS db property in configuration database: ::

The event to expand the templates of all rpm which use TLS is tls-policy-save


The default YUM repository set of NethServer is composed of

  • nethserver-base: it contains packages and dependencies from core modules. It is updated when a new milestone is released. Enabled by default.
  • nethserver-updates: it contains updated packages. If needed, these updates can be applied without requiring manual intervention. Enabled by default.
  • nethforge: communty provided modules for NethServer. Enabled by default.
  • nethserver-testing: contains packages under QA process. Disabled by default.
  • ce-base: (ce- stands for CentOS) base packages from CentOS. Enabled by default.
  • ce-updates: updated packages from CentOS. Enabled by default.
  • ce-sclo-rh and ce-sclo-sclo: SCL repositories. Both enabled by default.
  • ce-extras: extra RPMs. Enabled by default.
  • epel: Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux. Enabled by default.

Packages published in above repositories should always allow a non-disruptive automatic update.

YUM repositories configuration

Two special .conf files control how NethServer configures and invokes YUM:

This is the list of .repo files providing the default repositories configuration:

ce-*, nethserver-* and nethforge repositories are accessed with a full release number (e.g. 7.6.1810), preventing unwanted upgrades to the next minor release version. See the software-repos-upgrade event for details.

The EPEL repository does not support accessing RPMs using a minor release like 7.5.1804 but only using a major release like 7.


When a subscription is enabled the default repositories are disabled. See :file:`/etc/yum.repos.d/subscription.repo`

Third party repositories

It's possible to install third party repositories, using standard CentOS methods.

If such repositories support access using minor release, they can be safely added to :file:`eorepo.conf` and :file:`pkginfo.conf` using a template-custom.


Since |product| 7.5.1804, nethserver-yum-cron has been merged into nethserver-base. The cron job runs each night with a random time before to start of 6 hours.. You can decide who receive the notifications (default is root), which updates to do, if you just check, download, or install automatically the updates.

Original author: Stephane de Labrusse (@stephdl)



  • applyUpdate: can be yes or no. If set to yes, downloaded updates will be installed
  • customMail: comma-separated list of extra mail recipients, as default a mail will be sent to root
  • download: can be yes or no. If set to yes, download new package updates
  • messages: can be yes or no. Whether a message should be emitted when updates are available
  • randomWait: random number of minutes to wait before executing the download procedure - NS6: 1 to 60 minutes - NS7: 1 to 360 minutes, negative and the job start immediately
  • status: can be enabled or disabled. When enabled, a cron script will search for package updates

Database example:



Mail for root user can be forwarded to external addresses.


  • EmailAddress: comma-separated list of mail addresses; messages sent to root user will be forwarded to listed addresses
  • KeepMessageCopy: can be yes or no; if set to yes, messages will be always delivered also to local root mail folder
  • SenderAddress: a valid mail address; if not empty, messages sent by root (like cron notifications) will be sent using the specified address. A good value could be: no-reply@<domain> (where <domain> is the domain of the server). If not set, messages will be sent using root@<fqdn> as sender address.

Database example:



config setprop root EmailAddress SenderAddress
signal-event notifications-save

Let's Encrypt certificates

This package also requests and automatically renews Let's Encrypt (LE) certificates. It adds httpd ACME-related configuration for all defined virtual hosts.

The main helper /usr/libexec/nethserver/letsencrypt-certs can be executed also from command line.

For more info, see:

/usr/libexec/nethserver/letsencrypt-certs -h

Database properties under pki key inside configuration database:

  • LetsEncryptRenewDays: days to the expiration, the certificate will be renewd when the condition is met
  • LetsEncryptMail: (optional) registration mail for LE notifications
  • LetsEncryptDomains: comma-separated list of domains added to certificate SAN field
  • LetsEncryptChallenge: challenge to use for validating the certificate, default is http. It accepts also values like dns-<provider>. Where <provider> is the name of the DNS provider. See the full list of available DNS provider plugins by executing certbot -h certonly. More info at
  • LetsEncryptShortChain: can be enabled or disabled. If enabled, the certificate chain will not contain the expired DST Root CA X3

DNS challenge

To use the DNS challenge, follow these steps:

  • install the required certbot plugin plugin using yum; to see the list of available package use yum search certbot-dns
  • set LetsEncryptChallenge property to correct DNS plugin
  • configure all required properties accordingly to plugin documentation

When using the dns challenge, make sure to set extra properties accordingly to certbot configuration. All properties for the dns challenge should be in the form LetsEncrypt_<certbot_option>, where <certbot_option> is the option specific to certbot DNS plugin.

Digitial Ocean example

  1. Install the plugin:

    yum install python2-certbot-dns-digitalocean
  2. Configure the challenge type:

    config setprop pki LetsEncryptChallenge dns-digitalocean
  1. Configure required props accordingly to

    config setprop pki LetsEncrypt_dns_digitalocean_token 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  2. Request certificate for domain

    /usr/libexec/nethserver/letsencrypt-certs -v -d