This is a simple calculator web application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This calculator allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also supports decimal numbers and multiple operations in a single expression.
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Support for decimal numbers
- Multiple operations in a single expression
To use the calculator, simply open the index.html
file in a web browser. The calculator interface will be displayed, allowing you to input numbers and perform calculations.
- Enter numbers using the buttons provided.
- Use the operation buttons (+, -, *, /) to perform arithmetic operations.
- Click the equals button (=) to calculate the result.
- To clear the input, click the reset button (C).

Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.