The most easy way to get informations from the Azure subscriptions.
First of all, export your Azure Service Principal credentials to use this project.
export AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL="http://awesome-service-principal"
Run this command to build your structure
$ make setup
To get the full information from subscriptions, use this command:
$ make export-public-ips
"Subscription name","public-ip-1","resource-group",""
"Subscription name","public-ip-2","resource-group",""
"Subscription name","public-ip-3","resource-group",""
The output contains:
"Subscription name","public ip name","resource group","ip address"
If you want only the IP list, use this:
$ make export-public-ips | awk -F "," '{print $4}'
To get the full information from subscriptions, use this command:
$ make export-vm-images
"Subscription Name","vm-0","CoreOS","CoreOS","Stable","latest"
"Subscription Name","vm-1","Canonical","UbuntuServer","16.04-LTS","latest"
"Subscription Name","vm-2","Canonical","UbuntuServer","18.04-LTS","latest"
The output contains:
"Subscription name","vm name","publisher", "offer", "sku", "version"
To get the full information from subscriptions, use this command:
$ make export-vm-public-ips
"Subscription Name","vm-0","XXX.XXX.163.121"
"Subscription Name","vm-1","XXX.XXX.67.68"
"Subscription Name","vm-2","XXX.XXX.30.230"
The output contains:
"Subscription name","vm name","ip address"
If you want only the IP list, use this:
$ make export-vm-public-ips | awk -F "," '{print $3}'
To get the full information from subscriptions, use this command:
$ make export-vm-sizes
"Subscription Name","vm-0","Standard_ds2_v2"
"Subscription Name","vm-1","Standard_ds2_v2"
"Subscription Name","vm-2","Standard_ds2_v2"
The output contains:
"Subscription name","vm name","vm size"
To get the full information from subscriptions, use this command:
$ make export-role-assignment
"Subscription Name","c1111111-cf11-111b-b111-1d111f111c11","","1ad1b1f1-111a-1111-b1cf-11ab111a1e0f","Owner"
"Subscription Name","1ab1111d-b11b-1e11-b111-11111ef11111","","d11ab11c-111f-111f-1111-1c11111f111c","Owner"
"Subscription Name","111c1111-1111-1111-1f1a-111bab1a11f1","http://azure-cli-2019-01-08-15-38-34","a7111111-111e-11d1-b11a-11b11a1b1e11","Contributor"
The output contains:
"Subscription name","role name","service principal name", "service principal id", "role definition"
This commands will read all the Subscriptons where the Service Principal has the access.
TIP: Create the Service Principal for this action only with READ permissions.
That's all :D