Heads up! This starter kit is a work in progress. I'm sharing it early in case it's useful, but it's not quite polished yet. If you spot any bugs or have ideas for improvements, feel free to contribute!
🚀 Kickstart your SaaS journey with this powerful GitHub template. We've packed it with essential technologies to give your product a solid foundation:
- Authentication (Lucia)
- Authorization
- Subscription Management (Stripe)
- Stripe Integration / Webhooks
- Drizzle ORM
- Shadcn/ui
- TailwindCSS
If you find obvious issues with this starter kit, feel free to submit a pull request or submit and issue. We want to keep this starter simple with the core technology picked, so we don't recommend trying to add in various things without prior approval.
Start by clicking the "use this template" button on the github repo. We suggest creating a new repository so you can track your code changes. After, clone your own repository down to your computer and start working on it.
This starter kit does uses Docker and Docker Compose to run a postgres database, so you will need to either have those installed, or modify the project to point to a hosted database solution.
cp .env.sample .env
npm i
docker compose up
npm run db:migrate
npm run dev
This starter kit uses postgres. Supabase provides 2 free postgres database. Setup a database and get your DATABASE_URL.
When deplying to production, you want to set HOST_NAME to your FQDN, such as https://you-domain.com