The ultimate news app designed for the modern reader. Delivering real-time updates, personalized feeds, and breaking news alerts.
This project was built using the following technologies and packages:
- Flutter - Google's UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
- Clean Architecture - A modular and scalable architecture pattern to separate concerns and improve maintainability.
- GetIt - A simple service locator for dependency injection in Flutter.
- Riverpod - A state management library that simplifies state handling and improves testability.
- Firebase Cloud Firestore - A NoSQL cloud database to store and sync data.
- Firebase Authentication - For user authentication (email/password).
- Firebase Cloud Messaging - For push notifications.
- Firebase Remote Config - For managing app configurations and force updates.
- Appwrite Storage - For storing and managing images and files in the cloud.
- News API - For fetching the latest news articles and headlines.
- GoRouter - A declarative routing package for Flutter.
- Dio - A powerful HTTP client for making network requests.
- Fpdart - Functional programming in Dart, used for
type handling.
- Floor Database - A SQLite abstraction for local database management.
- Shared Preferences - For lightweight local caching of user data.
- Cached Network Image - For efficiently loading and caching images from the network.
- Flutter DotEnv - For managing environment variables.
- Logger - A flexible logging library for better debugging and monitoring.