HashFinancial is a, proof of concept, financial analysis python application which was a freshman year project for CS102: Data Structures course. It aims at a comparative analysis of several companies listed on NASDAQ through their ticker values. Linear Regression seemed a likely statistical method for prediction given our current scope of exposure to Machine Learning.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- install dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
in your virtual-environment.
- Clone this repository from here.
- Run the program using any preferred IDE.
- If anything interesting pops up do let me know. :D
- Python - Core Language
- SciKit Learn - Machine Learning dependencies
- Quandl -Financial data and Stock History
- Pandas - Data manipulation
- Tkinter - Desktop GUI integration
- Matplotlib - Graphing Library
- Shresth Rana -Nem3sisX
- Abhinav Gupta -Abhinavvx
- Riona Chakraborty-RionaC
- Prerana Bhasein - preranabhasein