diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json index 854effdd..c8521abe 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "[__split__]Pポイント": "[__split__] P-points ", "[__split__]SPレッスンのみ": "[__split__] SP lessons only ", "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina Recovery at the End of SP Lessons ", - "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力消費": "[__split__] At the end of SP Lesson, stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力消費": "[__split__] At the end of SP Lesson, Stamina consumption ", "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力減少": "[__split__] At the end of SP Lesson, Stamina decreases ", "[__split__]SPレッスン開始時、体力が": "[__split__] When SP Lesson Starts, Stamina is ", "[__split__]Times": "[__split__] Times ", @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ "[__split__]○〆Good Impression": "[__split__] ○〆 Good Impression ", "[__split__]○〆Good Impression is": "[__split__] ○〆 Good Impression is ", "[__split__]○〆Motivation": "[__split__] ○〆 Motivation ", - "[__split__]○〆Stamina Consumption": "[__split__] ○〆Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆stamina Consumption": "[__split__] ○〆Stamina Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆やる気": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation ", "[__split__]○〆やる気が": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation is ", "[__split__]○〆やる気が増加後、○〆やる気": "[__split__] ○〆After motivation increases, ○〆motivation ", @@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ "[__split__]○〆やる気効果のスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアルが": "[__split__] ○〆Visual increases when a Motivation Effect skill card is acquired ", "[__split__]○〆やる気効果のスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with ○〆motivation effect, vocals increase ", "[__split__]○〆やる気効果のスキルカード獲得時ビジュアルが": "[__split__] Visual increases when acquiring skill cards with ○〆Motivation Effect ", - "[__split__]○〆やる気効果のスキルカード獲得時体力が": "[__split__] When obtaining a skill card with the ○〆 motivation effect, stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆やる気効果のスキルカード獲得時体力が": "[__split__] When obtaining a skill card with the ○〆 motivation effect, Stamina ", "[__split__]○〆やる気消費": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆やる気減少": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation Decrease ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後○〆やる気が": "[__split__] ○〆After using Active Skill Card, ○〆Motivation ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆やる気が": "[__split__] After using an Active Skill Card, ○〆Motivation increases ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆元気の": "[__split__] ○〆After using Active skill card, ○〆stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆元気の": "[__split__] ○〆After using Active skill card, ○〆Stamina ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆好調": "[__split__] After using ○〆Active Skill Card, ○〆Good Shape ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆強気の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__]○〆After Using Active Skill Card, If ○〆Confident, Parameters ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] When an ○〆active skill card is used, ○〆stamina recovers ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] When an ○〆active skill card is used, ○〆Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、○〆固定元気": "[__split__] When using ○〆 Active Skill Card, ○〆 Fixed Energy ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、体力が": "[__split__] When using an active skill card, stamina ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、体力回復": "[__split__] When using ○〆Active Skill Card, recover stamina ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時体力が": "[__split__] ○〆When using Active skill card, stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、体力が": "[__split__] When using an active skill card, Stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、体力回復": "[__split__] When using ○〆Active Skill Card, recover Stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時体力が": "[__split__] ○〆When using Active skill card, Stamina ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] ○〆Dance increase when active skill card is acquired ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] ○〆Visual increase when active skill card is acquired ", "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] ○〆Vocal increase when active skill card is acquired ", @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when ○〆mental skill card is acquired ", "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] When a ○〆Mental Skill Card is obtained, Vocal increases ", "[__split__]○〆低下状態無効": "[__split__] ○〆Debuff Immune ", - "[__split__]○〆体力回復": "[__split__] ○〆stamina recovers ", - "[__split__]○〆体力回復効果のスキルカード使用後、○〆元気を": "[__split__]After using ○〆stamina recovery skill card, ○〆energy", + "[__split__]○〆体力回復": "[__split__] ○〆Stamina Recovery ", + "[__split__]○〆体力回復効果のスキルカード使用後、○〆元気を": "[__split__]After using ○〆Stamina recovery skill card, ○〆energy", "[__split__]○〆体力消費": "[__split__] ○〆Stamina Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆元気": "[__split__] ○〆Energy ", "[__split__]○〆元気が": "[__split__] ○〆Energy is ", @@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ "[__split__]○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] ○〆Energy Increase Disabled ", "[__split__]○〆全力になった時、このスキルカードの": "[__split__]○〆If Full Power, This Skill Card's ", "[__split__]○〆全力の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__]○〆If Full Power, Usable\nParameter ", - "[__split__]○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆Full Power Value ", - "[__split__]○〆全力値が": "[__split__]○〆Full Power Value is ", - "[__split__]○〆全力値消費": "[__split__]○〆Full Power Value Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆Full Power Point ", + "[__split__]○〆全力値が": "[__split__]○〆Full Power Point is ", + "[__split__]○〆全力値消費": "[__split__]○〆Full Power Point Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆固定元気": "[__split__] ○〆Fixed Energy ", "[__split__]○〆好印象": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression ", "[__split__]○〆好印象が": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression is ", @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape, ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape, ○〆Additional Turn ", "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆元気": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape, ○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape, ○〆Reduced Stamina consumption ", "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape, ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆When in Good Shape, ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、スコア": "[__split__] ○〆In a Good Shape, Score ", @@ -126,31 +126,31 @@ "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合以降、ターン開始時、スコア": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape from Then, Score at Turn Start ", "[__split__]○〆強気": "[__split__]○〆Confident ", "[__split__]○〆強気に変更\n○〆元気": "[__split__]○〆Change to Confident\n○〆Energetic ", - "[__split__]○〆強気に変更\n○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆Change to Confident\n○〆Full Power Value ", + "[__split__]○〆強気に変更\n○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆Change to Confident\n○〆Full Power Point ", "[__split__]○〆強気に変更\nパラメータ": "[__split__]○〆Change to Confident\nParameter ", "[__split__]○〆強気に変更\n次に使用したスキルカードの消費体力を": "[__split__]○〆Change to Confident\nNext Used Skill Card's Stamina Cost to ", - "[__split__]○〆強気の場合、○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆If Confident, ○〆Full Power Value ", + "[__split__]○〆強気の場合、○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆If Confident, ○〆Full Power Point ", "[__split__]○〆強気効果のスキルカード使用後、このスキルカードの": "[__split__]After Using ○〆Confident Effect Skill Card, This Skill Card's ", "[__split__]○〆指針固定": "[__split__]○〆Fixed Guideline ", "[__split__]○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] ○〆Increased Stamina Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆やる気": "[__split__] ○〆If in a reduced stamina consumption state ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] ○〆If in reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Extra turn ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆元気": "[__split__] ○〆If in a reduced stamina consumption state ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] ○〆If in reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆やる気": "[__split__] ○〆If in a reduced Stamina consumption state ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] ○〆If in reduced Stamina consumption state, ○〆Extra turn ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆元気": "[__split__] ○〆If in a reduced Stamina consumption state ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] ○〆If in reduced Stamina consumption state, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆消費体力追加": "[__split__] ○〆Additional Stamina Consumption ", "[__split__]○〆温存": "[__split__]○〆Preservation ", "[__split__]○〆温存に変更\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__]Change to ○〆Preservation\n○〆Add to Skill Card Usage Count ", "[__split__]○〆温存に変更\n○〆元気": "[__split__]○〆Change to Preservation\n○〆Energetic ", - "[__split__]○〆温存に変更\n○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆Change to Preservation\n○〆Full Power Value ", + "[__split__]○〆温存に変更\n○〆全力値": "[__split__]○〆Change to Preservation\n○〆Full Power Point ", "[__split__]○〆温存の場合、自身を": "[__split__]○〆If Preservation, Self ", "[__split__]○〆絶好調": "[__split__] ○〆Excellent Condition ", "[__split__]○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]○〆集中が": "[__split__] ○〆Focus is ", "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後、○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆After Focus increases, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後、体力が": "[__split__] After focus increases, stamina ", - "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後体力が": "[__split__] ○〆After Focus increases, stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後、体力が": "[__split__] After focus increases, Stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後体力が": "[__split__] ○〆After Focus increases, Stamina ", "[__split__]○〆集中効果のスキルカード獲得時、": "[__split__] When Acquiring ○〆Focus Effect Skill Card, ", "[__split__]○〆集中効果のスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] ○〆When acquiring a skill card with Focus effect, vocals increase ", "[__split__]○〆集中効果のスキルカード獲得時、体力が": "[__split__] ○〆When Acquiring Focus Effect Skill Card, Stamina is", @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when outing ends ", "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when outing ends ", "[__split__]このサポートカードのイベントによるパラメータ上昇を": "[__split__] Parameter Increase from Events of This Support Card ", - "[__split__]このサポートカードのイベントによる体力回復量を": "[__split__] The amount of stamina recovery from this support card's event ", + "[__split__]このサポートカードのイベントによる体力回復量を": "[__split__] The amount of Stamina recovery from this support card's event ", "[__split__]このサポートカードのレッスンサポート発生率を": "[__split__] Increase the Lesson Support Occurrence Rate of This Support Card ", "[__split__]ごとにスコアを": "[__split__] Increase score each time ", "[__split__]した状態でプロデュースを開始": "[__split__] Start Production with the Above Condition ", @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ "[__split__]に移動\n○〆全力の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__]Move to\n○〆If Full Power, Parameter ", "[__split__]に移動\n○〆温存": "[__split__]Move to\n○〆Preservation ", "[__split__]のアイドルをプロデュースしている場合のみ発動": "[__split__] Activates Only When Producing a Specific Idol ", - "[__split__]の場合、○〆体力減少": "[__split__] In this case, ○〆stamina decreases ", + "[__split__]の場合、○〆体力減少": "[__split__] In this case, ○〆Stamina decreases ", "[__split__]の場合、すべてのスキルカードの": "[__split__]If Applicable, All Skill Cards' ", - "[__split__]の場合、体力減少": "[__split__] If so, stamina decreases ", + "[__split__]の場合、体力減少": "[__split__] If so, Stamina decreases ", "[__split__]の場合、使用可\n○〆元気": "[__split__] If so, usable\n○〆Energy ", "[__split__]の場合、使用可\n○〆強気に変更\nパラメータ": "[__split__]If Applicable, Usable\n○〆Change to Confident\nParameter ", "[__split__]の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__]If Applicable, Usable\nParameter ", @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ "[__split__]アピールの基本": "[__split__] Basics of Appeal ", "[__split__]コスト値増加": "[__split__]Cost Value Increase ", "[__split__]コピー": "[__split__] Copy ", - "[__split__]スキルカードが除外に移動した時、体力回復": "[__split__] When a skill card is moved to exclusion, recover stamina ", + "[__split__]スキルカードが除外に移動した時、体力回復": "[__split__] When a skill card is moved to exclusion, recover Stamina ", "[__split__]スキルカードを": "[__split__] Skill Cards ", "[__split__]スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] Draw a Skill Card ", "[__split__]スキルカードを引く\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__]Draw Skill Card\n○〆Add to Skill Card Usage Count ", @@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ "[__split__]ターン\n次に使用するスキルカードの効果をもう": "[__split__] Turn\nNext, use the Skill Card effect again ", "[__split__]ターンごとに": "[__split__] Each turn ", "[__split__]ターンごとに○〆好印象が": "[__split__] Good Impression ○〆per Turn ", - "[__split__]ターンごとに、○〆元気": "[__split__] Each turn, ○〆stamina ", + "[__split__]ターンごとに、○〆元気": "[__split__] Each turn, ○〆Stamina ", "[__split__]ターンごとに、○〆好印象が": "[__split__] Each turn, ○〆Good Impression increases ", "[__split__]ターンごとに、○〆好調状態の場合、○〆好調の": "[__split__] Each turn, if in Good Condition, ○〆Good Condition ", "[__split__]ターンの間有効)": "[__split__] Valid for turns) ", @@ -252,27 +252,27 @@ "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] If within the turns, parameter ", "[__split__]ターン減少": "[__split__] Turn reduction ", "[__split__]ターン目以降の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If after turn, usable\nParameters ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, ○〆stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, ○〆Stamina ", "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, ○〆good impression ", "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆好調が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, ○〆Good Shape ", "[__split__]ターン終了時、○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, energy ", "[__split__]ターン終了時、○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, good impression ", "[__split__]ターン終了時、○〆好調が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, high spirits ", "[__split__]ターン終了時、パラメータを上昇。ターン開始時、好印象が": "[__split__] At the End of the Turn, Increase Parameters. At the Start of the Turn, Good Impressions ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, Stamina ", "[__split__]ターン終了時、好印象": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, Good impression ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, Stamina ", "[__split__]ターン終了時残り": "[__split__] Remaining at the end of the turn ", "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆やる気が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆motivation ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Stamina ", "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆good impression ", "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Good Shape ", "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if ○〆in Good Shape, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in ○〆Good Shape, ○〆stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in ○〆Good Shape, ○〆Stamina ", "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in ○〆Good Shape, ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in ○〆Good Shape, parameters ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in a state of ○〆reduced stamina consumption, ○〆score increase amount increases ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆絶好調": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if ○〆reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in a state of ○〆reduced Stamina consumption, ○〆score increase amount increases ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆絶好調": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if ○〆reduced Stamina consumption state, ○〆Excellent Condition ", "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆集中が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆やる気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆motivation ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆やる気が": "[__split__] If at the start of the turn, motivation ", @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆パラメータ上昇量増加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Increase parameter gain ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆 energy ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆元気が": "[__split__] If at the start of the turn, energy ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆全力値が": "[__split__]At Start of Turn, ○〆Full Power Value Is ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆全力値が": "[__split__]At Start of Turn, ○〆Full Power Point Is ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆固定元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Fixed Energy ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] At the Start of the Turn, ○〆Good Impression ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Good Impression increases ", @@ -290,17 +290,17 @@ "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆好調状態の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If at the start of the turn in high spirits, focus ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆好調状態の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] If at the start of the turn in high spirits, parameter ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆強気の場合、○〆温存": "[__split__]At Start of Turn, If ○〆Confident, ○〆Preservation ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆絶好調": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in a reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆絶好調": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in a reduced Stamina consumption state, ○〆Excellent Condition ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆温存の場合、○〆体力回復": "[__split__]At Start of Turn, If ○〆Preservation, ○〆Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆集中が": "[__split__] If at the start of the turn, focus ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、スキルカードを引く\n○〆固定元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, draw a skill card\n○〆Fixed Energy ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、体力が": "[__split__] If at the start of the turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、体力が": "[__split__] If at the start of the turn, Stamina ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、最終ターンの場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If at the start of the final turn, energy of ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、最終ターンの場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] If at the start of the final turn, parameter ", "[__split__]ターン開始時、残り": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, remaining ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時体力が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時最終ターンの場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If it's the final turn, ○〆stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時体力が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, Stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時最終ターンの場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If it's the final turn, ○〆Stamina ", "[__split__]ターン開始時最終ターンの場合、パラメータ": "[__split__ ] When Starting the Turn on the Final Turn, Parameter ", "[__split__]ターン開始時残り": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, remaining ", "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__] Dance SP lesson occurrence rate ", @@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ "[__split__]ダンスレッスン・ダンスターンのみ": "[__split__] Dance Lesson・Dance Turn Only ", "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Dance Lesson, ", "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when dance lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] After dance lesson, stamina ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Dance Lesson, stamina ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] After dance lesson, Stamina ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Dance Lesson, Stamina ", "[__split__]ダンスレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Dance Lesson, ", "[__split__]ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase ", "[__split__]ダンス通常レッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when regular dance lesson ends ", @@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン・ビジュアルターンのみ": "[__split__] Visual Lesson・Visual Turn Only ", "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Visual Lesson, ", "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase at the End of Visual Lesson ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] After visual lesson, stamina ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Visual Lesson, stamina ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] After visual lesson, Stamina ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Visual Lesson, Stamina ", "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the start of the visual lesson, ", "[__split__]ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase ", "[__split__]ビジュアル通常レッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when regular visual lesson ends ", @@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン・ボーカルターンのみ": "[__split__] Vocal Lesson・Vocal Turn Only ", "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Vocal Lesson, ", "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase at the End of Vocal Lesson ", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] After vocal lesson, stamina ", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Vocal Lesson, stamina ", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、体力が": "[__split__] After vocal lesson, Stamina ", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Vocal Lesson, Stamina ", "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Vocal Lesson, ", "[__split__]ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase ", "[__split__]ボーカル通常レッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when regular vocal lesson ends ", @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ "[__split__]ランダムな手札": "[__split__]Random hand of cards", "[__split__]レッスンCLEARの": "[__split__] Lesson CLEAR of ", "[__split__]レッスン中": "[__split__] During Lesson ", - "[__split__]レッスン中に体力が減少した時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] When stamina decreases during the lesson, ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]レッスン中に体力が減少した時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] When Stamina decreases during the lesson, ○〆Good Impression ", "[__split__]レッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increased P-points when lesson ends ", "[__split__]レッスン開始時、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the lesson, ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Added to hand at Lesson start\n○〆Energy ", @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆やる気の": "[__split__] If over, ○〆Motivation ", "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] In case of more than, ○〆score increase ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] If more than this, ○〆stamina recovers ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] If more than this, ○〆Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆体力消費": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Stamina consumption ", "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Energy ", "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Energy ", @@ -417,10 +417,10 @@ "[__split__]以上の場合、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] If more, vocals increase ", "[__split__]以上の場合、ランダムなPドリンク(SR以上)を獲得\n(プロデュース中": "[__split__] In Case of Above, Obtain Random P Drink (SR or Above)\n(During Produce) ", "[__split__]以上の場合、ランダムなスキルカードを": "[__split__] If more, random skill card ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、体力回復": "[__split__] If more, stamina recovery ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、体力減少": "[__split__] If above, stamina reduction ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、体力回復": "[__split__] If more, Stamina recovery ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、体力減少": "[__split__] If above, Stamina reduction ", "[__split__]以上の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If above, usable\nParameters ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、使用可\n最大体力の": "[__split__]If above this value, usable\nMax stamina of", + "[__split__]以上の場合、使用可\n最大体力の": "[__split__]If above this value, usable\nMax Stamina of", "[__split__]以上の場合、次のターン、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] If above, draw a Skill Card next turn ", "[__split__]以上の場合、次のターン、手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] If Above, All Cards in Hand are ○〆Enhanced Next Turn During Lesson ", "[__split__]以上の場合スコア": "[__split__] If above, Score ", @@ -443,12 +443,12 @@ "[__split__]以下の場合○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] If below, ○〆No Energy Gain ", "[__split__]以下の場合○〆弱気": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Timid ", "[__split__]以下の場合○〆手札減少": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Hand reduction ", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Increased stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] If less than this, ○〆stamina recovers ", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Increased Stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] If less than this, ○〆Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Energy ", "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]以下の場合、レッスン中に消費した体力の": "[__split__] In the following cases, the stamina consumed during the lesson ", - "[__split__]以下の場合、体力回復": "[__split__] In the following cases, recover stamina ", + "[__split__]以下の場合、レッスン中に消費した体力の": "[__split__] In the following cases, the Stamina consumed during the lesson ", + "[__split__]以下の場合、体力回復": "[__split__] In the following cases, recover Stamina ", "[__split__]以下の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If below, usable\nParameters ", "[__split__]以下の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If below, from the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good impression of ", "[__split__]以下の場合以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] If below, after that, at the end of the turn, Score ", @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、○〆集中が": "[__split__]Afterwards, End of Turn, ○〆Focus ", "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] After that, at the end of the turn, Score ", "[__split__]以降、ターン開始時、○〆元気": "[__split__] From here On, At the Start of the Turn, ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン開始時、○〆全力値": "[__split__]After, at the start of the turn, ○〆Full Power Value", + "[__split__]以降、ターン開始時、○〆全力値": "[__split__]After, at the start of the turn, ○〆Full Power Point", "[__split__]以降、ターン開始時、○〆集中減少": "[__split__] From This Turn On, ○〆Focus Reduction ", "[__split__]以降、ターン開始時、いずれかの": "[__split__]Afterwards, At Turn Start, Any of the ", "[__split__]以降の": "[__split__] Following ", @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ "[__split__]保留": "[__split__]On Hold ", "[__split__]倍": "[__split__] Multiplier ", "[__split__]倍\n○〆固定元気": "[__split__] times\n○〆 fixed energy ", - "[__split__]分○〆体力回復\n○〆好印象": "[__split__]○〆stamina recovers by this amount\n○〆Good impression", + "[__split__]分○〆体力回復\n○〆好印象": "[__split__]○〆Stamina Recovery by this amount\n○〆Good impression", "[__split__]分○〆元気増加\n○〆やる気": "[__split__] ○〆Energy Increases by Minutes\n○〆Motivation ", "[__split__]分○〆好印象増加\n○〆好印象の": "[__split__]○〆Good impression increases by this amount\n○〆Good impression of", "[__split__]分○〆集中増加\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Minute(s) ○〆Focus Increase\n○〆Focus ", @@ -541,23 +541,23 @@ "[__split__]山札か捨札にあるスキルカードを選択し、": "[__split__]Select Skill Card from Deck or Discard, ", "[__split__]引く": "[__split__] Draw ", "[__split__]引く\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__]Draw\n○〆Add to Skill Card Usage Count ", - "[__split__]引く\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Draw\n○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]引く\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Draw\n○〆Reduced Stamina consumption ", "[__split__]弱気が": "[__split__] Timidness ", "[__split__]強化": "[__split__] Upgrade ", - "[__split__]後、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] Afterwards, ○〆stamina recovers ", + "[__split__]後、○〆体力回復": "[__split__] Afterwards, ○〆Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]後、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] After, draw a Skill Card ", "[__split__]後、体力回復": "[__split__] After, Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]後、手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] After, Upgrade all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", "[__split__]後、手札をすべて○〆試験・ステージ中強化": "[__split__] Afterwards, ○〆strengthen all cards during the exam/stage ", "[__split__]手札の": "[__split__]Hand Cards' ", "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] Upgrade all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n○〆体力回復": "[__split__] All cards in hand ○〆strengthen during the lesson\n○〆stamina recovers ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n体力回復": "[__split__] Upgrade all cards in hand ○〆During lesson\nRecover stamina ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n○〆体力回復": "[__split__] All cards in hand ○〆strengthen during the lesson\n○〆Stamina Recovery ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n体力回復": "[__split__] Upgrade all cards in hand ○〆During lesson\nRecover Stamina ", "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] Upgrade all cards in hand ○〆During lesson\n(In-lesson ", "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆試験・ステージ中強化": "[__split__] Upgrade All Cards in Hand ○〆During Exams/Stages ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n○〆体力回復": "[__split__] Replace all cards in hand\n○〆stamina recovers ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n○〆体力回復": "[__split__] Replace all cards in hand\n○〆Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Swap all cards in hand\n○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n体力回復": "[__split__] Replace all cards in hand\nRecover stamina ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n体力回復": "[__split__] Replace all cards in hand\nRecover Stamina ", "[__split__]手札を選択し、": "[__split__]Select from Hand, ", "[__split__]手札減少が": "[__split__] Hand reduction ", "[__split__]指針": "[__split__]Guideline ", @@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ "[__split__]段階目に変更\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__]Change to Stage\n○〆Add to Skill Card Usage Count ", "[__split__]段階目に変更\n○〆元気": "[__split__]Change to Stage\n○〆Energy ", "[__split__]段階目に変更\n○〆全力の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__]Change to Stage\nIf ○〆Full Power, Parameters ", - "[__split__]段階目に変更\n○〆全力値": "[__split__]Change to Stage\n○〆Full Power Value ", + "[__split__]段階目に変更\n○〆全力値": "[__split__]Change to Stage\n○〆Full Power Point ", "[__split__]段階目に変更\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__]Change to stage \nDecrease in ○〆Stamina Consumption", "[__split__]段階目に変更\nパラメータ": "[__split__]Change to Step\nParameter ", "[__split__]活動支給選択時、": "[__split__] At Activity Selection,", @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ "[__split__]発動(": "[__split__] Activate ( ", "[__split__]直前に○〆アクティブスキルカードを使用していた場合体力回復": "[__split__] If an ○〆Active Skill Card was used just before, Stamina Recovery ", "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆好印象": "[__split__] If a ○〆Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Good impression ", - "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If a ○〆Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If a ○〆Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Reduced Stamina consumption ", "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆絶好調": "[__split__] If a ○〆Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Excellent Condition ", "[__split__]相談でPドリンク交換後、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase After P-Drink Exchange in Consultation ", "[__split__]相談でPドリンク交換後、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] After consulting and exchanging P Drink, Visual increases ", @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆好印象": "[__split__] Enter the hand at the start of the test/stage\n○〆Good impression ", "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Gains in Hand at Exam/Stage Start\n○〆Reduced Energy Consumption ", "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Added to Hand at the Start of Exams/Stages\n○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]試験前の体力回復量が": "[__split__] The stamina recovery amount before the exam ", + "[__split__]試験前の体力回復量が": "[__split__] The Stamina recovery amount before the exam ", "[__split__]試験終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when exam ends ", "[__split__]試験終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase at the End of Exam ", "[__split__]試験終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina Recovery at the End of Exams ", @@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ "[__split__](": "[__split__] ( ", "[__split__](○〆やる気効果を": "[__split__] (○〆Motivation Effect ", "[__split__](○〆集中効果を": "[__split__] (○〆Focus effect ", - "[__split__](このレッスン中に増加した○〆全力値の": "[__split__](○〆Full Power Value Increased During This Lesson ", + "[__split__](このレッスン中に増加した○〆全力値の": "[__split__](○〆Full Power Point Increased During This Lesson ", "[__split__](プロデュース中": "[__split__] (During Production ", "[__split__](レッスン中": "[__split__](During Lesson ", "[__split__](レッスン中に使用したスキルカード": "[__split__] (Skill cards used during the lesson ", @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ "[__split__])\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] )\n○〆Skill Card Use Count Added ", "[__split__])\n○〆体力消費": "[__split__] )\n○〆Stamina consumption ", "[__split__])\n○〆好調": "[__split__] )\n○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__])\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] )\n○〆Reduce stamina consumption ", + "[__split__])\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] )\n○〆Reduce Stamina consumption ", "[__split__])\n○〆消費体力追加": "[__split__] )\n○〆Additional Stamina Consumption ", "[__split__])\n次のターン、○〆温存": "[__split__])\nNext Turn, ○〆Preservation ", "[__split__])\n次のターン、○〆温存に変更": "[__split__])\nNext Turn, Change to ○〆Preservation ", @@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ "エアロビクス": "Aerobics ", "スキルカードが選択されてません": "Skill card not selected ", "スキルカードが除外に移動した時、体力回復": "Recover energy when a skill card is moved to exclusion ", - "スキルカードの消費体力を減少": "Reduce stamina consumption of skill cards ", - "スキルカードの消費体力を減少 ": "Reduce stamina consumption of skill cards ", + "スキルカードの消費体力を減少": "Reduce Stamina consumption of skill cards ", + "スキルカードの消費体力を減少 ": "Reduce Stamina consumption of skill cards ", "スキルカードをプロデュース終了までデッキから削除": "Remove Skill Card from Deck Until End of Production ", "スキルカードをプロデュース終了まで強化": "Upgrade Skill Card Until Production Ends ", "スキルカードを異なるスキルカードに変え、プロデュース終了までデッキに追加(強化段階を引き継ぐ)": "Change a skill card to a different one and add it to the deck until the end of production (inherits Upgrade stage) ", @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ "ランダムな強化済みスキルカード(SSR)を、手札に○〆生成": "Generate a random Upgraded skill card (SSR) into the hand ○〆 ", "ランダムな所持している基本とつくスキルカードを異なるスキルカードにチェンジ": "Change a Random Owned Basic Skill Card to a Different Skill Card ", "レッスンの残りターンが増加": "Increases Remaining Turns of Lesson ", - "レッスン未CLEARの場合○〆消費体力増加1ターン": "If lesson not cleared, ○〆Increased stamina consumption 1 turn ", + "レッスン未CLEARの場合○〆消費体力増加1ターン": "If lesson not cleared, ○〆Increased Stamina consumption 1 turn ", "レッスン終了時、レッスン報酬のスキルカードの選択肢を追加": "At the end of the lesson, add skill card choices to lesson rewards ", "不安": "Anxiety ", "不調": "Poor condition ", @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ "応援/トラブル詳細": "Support/Trouble Details ", "手札の消費体力がランダムに変化": "Stamina consumption of hand changes randomly ", "授業の消費体力増加": " Increase in Class Stamina Consumption ", - "授業の消費体力減少": "Reduced stamina consumption during lessons ", + "授業の消費体力減少": "Reduced Stamina consumption during lessons ", "新たな挑戦の成功ですわ!": "It's a success of a new challenge! ", "気まぐれ": "Whim ", "消費体力削減": "Reduced Stamina Consumption ", @@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ "相談の全項目を割増": "Increase All Consultation Items ", "相談の全項目割増": " All Consultation Items Increased ", "試験・ステージの残りターンが増加": "Increase remaining turns in test/stage ", - "試験前体力回復量減少": "Decreased stamina recovery before the exam", + "試験前体力回復量減少": "Decreased Stamina recovery before the exam", "試験終了までスキルカードを強化": "Upgrade skill cards until the exam ends ", "試験終了時、ダンス上昇+": "At the end of the exam, Increase Dance ", "試験終了時、ビジュアル上昇+": "At the end of the exam, Increase Visual ", diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json index 5079a58b..e1dc0c4b 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ "ボーカルレッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇{0}": "At the end of Vocal Lesson, Vocal {0}", "ボーカル上昇{0}\nスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Vocal increase {0}\nSelect and obtain a skill card", "報酬獲得量{0}up": "Reward acquisition amount {0} up", + "{0}の確率で成功しボーカル上昇{1}\n{2}の確率で失敗しボーカル上昇{3}": "{0} chance of success, Vocal increase by {1}\n{2} chance of failure, Vocal increase by {3}", "{0}の確率で成功しダンス上昇{1}\n{2}の確率で失敗しダンス上昇{3}": "{0} chance of success, Dance increase by {1}\n{2} chance of failure, Dance increase by {3}", "{0}の確率で成功しビジュアル上昇{1}\n{2}の確率で失敗しビジュアル上昇{3}": "{0} chance of success, Visual increase by {1}\n{2} chance of failure, Visual increase by {3}", diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json index 8de4361d..6ef31bf0 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "パラメータ値増加": "Parameter Value Increase", "プロデュースの方向性を示すもので、プロデュースアイドルごとに決められています。登場するスキルカードやPアイテムの種類がプランごとに異なります。": "This indicates the direction of production, which is determined for each production idol. The types of skill cards and P items that appear vary by plan.", "保留": "On Hold", - "全力値": "Full Power Value", - "全力値減少": "Decrease in Full Power Value", + "全力値": "Full Power Point", + "全力値減少": "Decrease in Full Power Point", "好印象減少": "Decrease in Good Impression", "好調減少": "Decrease in Good Condition", "強化月間対象": "Intensive Month Target", @@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ "ボーカル、ダンス、ビジュアルすべてのSPレッスン発生率+5%": "SP Lesson occurrence rate for Vocal, Dance, and Visual +5%.", "○〆強気に変更\nパラメータ+15\nレッスン中1回 ": "Change to ○〆Confident\nParameter +15\nOnce during a lesson ", - "○〆全力値+1\n○〆温存の場合、自身を保留に移動\n○〆全力の場合、パラメータ+25": "○〆Full Power Value +1\nIf ○〆Reserved, move self to Hold\nIf ○〆Full Power, Parameter +25", - "ターン終了時に○〆全力値が10以上なら、次のターン開始時に○〆全力値を10消費して、指針を○〆全力に変更": "If ○〆Full Power Value is 10 or higher at the end of the turn, consume 10 ○〆Full Power Value at the start of the next turn to change Guideline to ○〆Full Power", + "○〆全力値+1\n○〆温存の場合、自身を保留に移動\n○〆全力の場合、パラメータ+25": "○〆Full Power Point +1\nIf ○〆Reserved, move self to Hold\nIf ○〆Full Power, Parameter +25", + "ターン終了時に○〆全力値が10以上なら、次のターン開始時に○〆全力値を10消費して、指針を○〆全力に変更": "If ○〆Full Power Point is 10 or higher at the end of the turn, consume 10 ○〆Full Power Point at the start of the next turn to change Guideline to ○〆Full Power", "熱意1につきパラメータ上昇量を1増加 \nターン終了時、○〆熱意を0にする": "Increase parameter gain by 1 for each Enthusiasm 1 \nAt the end of the turn, set ○〆Enthusiasm to 0", "○〆全力に変更時、手札に移動する\nスキルカードを2枚まで保存でき、2枚を超えると古い順に捨札に送る": "When changed to ○〆Full Power, move to hand\nCan save up to 2 skill cards, sending the oldest to discard if exceeding 2", - "○〆元気+2\n○〆全力値+2": "○〆Energy +2\n○〆Full Power Value +2", + "○〆元気+2\n○〆全力値+2": "○〆Energy +2\n○〆Full Power Point +2", "○〆温存に変更\n○〆元気+2": "Change to ○〆Reserved\n○〆Energy +2", - "パラメータ+15\n○〆全力値+2\nレッスン中1回 ": "Parameter +15\n○〆Full Power Value +2\nOnce during a lesson ", + "パラメータ+15\n○〆全力値+2\nレッスン中1回 ": "Parameter +15\n○〆Full Power Point +2\nOnce during a lesson ", "○〆強気に変更\nパラメータ+22回)\nレッスン中1回 重複不可": "Change to ○〆Confident\nParameter +2 (2 times)\nOnce during a lesson No duplication", - "○〆元気+5\n○〆全力値+2\n○〆全力値が1以上の場合、○〆温存に変更\nレッスン中1回 ": "○〆Energy +5\n○〆Full Power Value +2\nIf ○〆Full Power Value is 1 or higher, change to ○〆Reserved\nOnce during a lesson ", - "○〆温存に変更\n○〆元気+2\n○〆強気の場合、○〆全力値+3\nレッスン中1回 ": "Change to ○〆Reserved\n○〆Energy +2\nIf ○〆Confident, ○〆Full Power Value +3\nOnce during a lesson ", - "○〆強気に変更\nパラメータ+10\n○〆全力値+2\nレッスン中1回 ": "Change to ○〆Confident\nParameter +10\n○〆Full Power Value +2\nOnce during a lesson ", + "○〆元気+5\n○〆全力値+2\n○〆全力値が1以上の場合、○〆温存に変更\nレッスン中1回 ": "○〆Energy +5\n○〆Full Power Point +2\nIf ○〆Full Power Point is 1 or higher, change to ○〆Reserved\nOnce during a lesson ", + "○〆温存に変更\n○〆元気+2\n○〆強気の場合、○〆全力値+3\nレッスン中1回 ": "Change to ○〆Reserved\n○〆Energy +2\nIf ○〆Confident, ○〆Full Power Point +3\nOnce during a lesson ", + "○〆強気に変更\nパラメータ+10\n○〆全力値+2\nレッスン中1回 ": "Change to ○〆Confident\nParameter +10\n○〆Full Power Point +2\nOnce during a lesson ", "成長効果": "Growth Effect", "スコア上昇なし": "No Score Increase", @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ "成長効果はありません": "No Growth Effect", "発動中の指針はありません": "No active guideline", "カード除去": "Card Removal", - "プリマステラ": "Prima Stella", "初期パラメータ": "Initial Parameters", "ダンスSPレッスン発生率増加": "Increased Dance SP Lesson Rate", "ビジュアルSPレッスン発生率増加": "Increased Visual SP Lesson Rate", @@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ "[__split__]弱点を武器に\n十王 星南で最終試験に合格して評価A以上を": "[__split__]Turn weaknesses into strengths.\nPass the final test with Sena Juo with an A or higher. ", "[__split__]希望があるなら\n十王 星南で最終試験に合格して評価B以上を": "[__split__]If there's hope,\nPass the final test with Sena Juo with a B or higher. ", - "○〆全力値+4\n○〆消費体力減少2ターン\nレッスン中1回 重複不可": "○〆Full Power Value +4\n○〆Stamina consumption decrease for 2 turns\nOnce per lesson No stacking", + "○〆全力値+4\n○〆消費体力減少2ターン\nレッスン中1回 重複不可": "○〆Full Power Point +4\n○〆Stamina consumption decrease for 2 turns\nOnce per lesson No stacking", " 藤田ことねのプロデュースを10回完了": " Completed 10 productions of Kotone Fujita", "1ターン後": "After 1 turn", "1位ボーナス": "1st place bonus", diff --git a/local-files/localization.json b/local-files/localization.json index 86e11835..653e0332 100644 --- a/local-files/localization.json +++ b/local-files/localization.json @@ -3083,7 +3083,7 @@ "produce.lesson.enchant": "Enchant", "produce.lesson.execute_confirm": "Execution Confirmation", "produce.lesson.full_power": "Full Power", - "produce.lesson.full_power_point": "Full Power Value", + "produce.lesson.full_power_point": "Full Power Point", "produce.lesson.gimmick.title": "Gimmick Details", "produce.lesson.great": "GREAT!", "produce.lesson.grow_effect": "Growth Effect",