diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json index bf0e3037..2feb4017 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/Description_Split.json @@ -1,468 +1,479 @@ { - "/ 確率中": "/ Medium ", - "/ 確率大": "/ High ", - "/ 確率小": "/ Low ", - "/確率大": "/High ", - "[__split__](Within lesson": "[__split__] (Within lesson ", - "[__split__]At the start of the turn, draw a skill card\n○〆Fixed Energy": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, draw a skill card\n○〆Fixed Energy ", - "[__split__]Pポイント": "[__split__] P-points ", - "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__]Stamina Recovery at the End of SP Lessons ", - "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力消費": "[__split__] At the end of SP Lesson, stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]Times)": "[__split__] Times) ", - "[__split__]Vocal Lesson・Vocal Turn Only": "[__split__] Vocal Lesson・Vocal Turn Only ", - "[__split__]○〆やる気": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]○〆やる気が": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation is ", - "[__split__]○〆やる気が増加後、○〆やる気": "[__split__] After motivation increases, ○〆motivation ", - "[__split__]○〆やる気の": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation of ", - "[__split__]○〆やる気効果のスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with motivation effect, vocals increase ", - "[__split__]○〆やる気消費": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後○〆やる気が": "[__split__] After using ○〆Active Skill Card, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆元気の": "[__split__] After using ○〆Active skill card, ○〆stamina ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆好調": "[__split__] After using ○〆Active Skill Card, ○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、体力回復": "[__split__] When using ○〆Active Skill Card, recover stamina ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時体力が": "[__split__] When using ○〆Active skill card, stamina ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when active skill card is acquired ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when active skill card is acquired ", - "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when active skill card is acquired ", - "[__split__]○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", - "[__split__]○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] ○〆Increased Score Gain ", - "[__split__]○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] ○〆Extra Turn ", - "[__split__]○〆パラメータ上昇量増加": "[__split__] ○〆Increase parameter gain ", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード使用後○〆やる気が": "[__split__] After using ○〆Mental Skill Card, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合、○〆好調": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before using a Mental Skill Card, ○〆Good condition ", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before using another Mental Skill Card, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード強化時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase When ○〆Mental Skill Card is Enhanced ", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード強化時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase When ○〆Mental Skill Card is Enhanced ", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__]○〆 When a Mental Skill Card is obtained, Dance increases", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when mental skill card is acquired ", - "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__]○〆 When a Mental Skill Card is obtained, Vocal increases", - "[__split__]○〆低下状態無効": "[__split__] ○〆Debuff Immune ", - "[__split__]○〆体力消費": "[__split__] ○〆Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆元気": "[__split__] ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]○〆元気が": "[__split__] ○〆Energy is ", - "[__split__]○〆元気の": "[__split__] ○〆Energy of ", - "[__split__]○〆元気の増加量が": "[__split__] ○〆Energy increase amount ", - "[__split__]○〆元気を": "[__split__] ○〆Energy to ", - "[__split__]○〆元気を半分にして、減少前の○〆元気の": "[__split__] ○〆Halve Energy, before reduction, ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] ○〆Energy Increase Disabled ", - "[__split__]○〆固定元気": "[__split__] ○〆Fixed Energy ", - "[__split__]○〆好印象": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]○〆好印象が": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression is ", - "[__split__]○〆好印象が増加後、○〆好印象": "[__split__] After increasing good impression, good impression ", - "[__split__]○〆好印象の": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression of ", - "[__split__]○〆好印象効果のスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with good impression effect, visuals increase ", - "[__split__]○〆好印象消費": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆好調": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__]○〆好調が": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape is ", - "[__split__]○〆好調の": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape of ", - "[__split__]○〆好調のスコア上昇量を○〆好調": "[__split__] ○〆Good condition score increase amount ○〆Good condition ", - "[__split__]○〆好調の効果ターンが増加後、○〆好調": "[__split__] After increasing the effect turns of Good Shape, Good Shape ", - "[__split__]○〆好調効果のスキルカード獲得時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with Good Shape effect, dance increase ", - "[__split__]○〆好調消費": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合": "[__split__]If Not in Good Shape", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合○〆不安": "[__split__] If not in good condition, ○〆Anxiety ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合○〆弱気": "[__split__] If not in good condition, ○〆Timid ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合○〆手札減少": "[__split__] If not in good condition, ○〆Reduced Hand ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Additional Turn ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆元気": "[__split__]○〆If in Good Condition ○〆Energy", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆集中": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆When in Good Shape, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape, Parameter ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、使用可\n○〆絶好調": "[__split__] Usable if ○〆In Good Shape\n○〆Excellent Condition ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] ○〆Usable when in Good Shape\nParameter ", - "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合以降、ターン開始時、スコア": "[__split__]If in Good Condition ○〆from Then, Score at Turn Start", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] ○〆Increased Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If in reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Extra turn ", - "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If in reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]○〆絶好調": "[__split__] ○〆Excellent Condition ", - "[__split__]○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]○〆集中が": "[__split__] ○〆Focus is ", - "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後、○〆集中": "[__split__] After concentration increases, concentration ", - "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後体力が": "[__split__] After concentration increases, stamina ", - "[__split__]○〆集中効果のスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with concentration effect, vocals increase ", - "[__split__]○〆集中消費": "[__split__] ○〆Focus Consumption ", - "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when outing ends ", - "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when outing ends ", - "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when outing ends ", - "[__split__]このサポートカードのイベントによるパラメータ上昇を": "[__split__] Parameter Increase from Events of This Support Card ", - "[__split__]このサポートカードのイベントによる体力回復量を": "[__split__]The amount of stamina recovery from this support card's event ", - "[__split__]このサポートカードのレッスンサポート発生率を": "[__split__] Increase the Lesson Support Occurrence Rate of This Support Card ", - "[__split__]ごとにスコアを": "[__split__] Increase score each time ", - "[__split__]した状態でプロデュースを開始": "[__split__]Start Production with the Above Condition", - "[__split__]つ獲得": "[__split__] Obtain ", - "[__split__]で解放": "[__split__] Unlocked By ", - "[__split__]にして、減少前の○〆元気の": "[__split__] Make, before reducing ○〆Energy of ", - "[__split__]にする": "[__split__] to ", - "[__split__]のアイドルをプロデュースしている場合のみ発動": "[__split__] Activates Only When Producing a Specific Idol ", - "[__split__]の場合、体力減少": "[__split__] If so, stamina decreases ", - "[__split__]の場合、使用可\n○〆元気": "[__split__] If so, usable\n○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]の確率で○〆やる気": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]の確率で○〆元気": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]の確率で○〆好印象": "[__split__] Chance of ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]の確率で○〆好調": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__]の確率で○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]の確率で○〆集中": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]の確率で体力回復": "[__split__] Chance for Stamina Recovery ", - "[__split__]を山札のランダムな位置に○〆生成": "[__split__]Generate at a Random Position in the Deck", - "[__split__]アドレナリン全開": "[__split__] Adrenaline Full Throttle ", - "[__split__]アピールの基本": "[__split__]Basics of Appeal", - "[__split__]スキルカードが除外に移動した時、体力回復": "[__split__] When a skill card is moved to exclusion, recover stamina ", - "[__split__]スキルカードを": "[__split__] Skill Cards ", - "[__split__]スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] Draw a Skill Card ", - "[__split__]スキルカードを引く\n手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] Draw a Skill Card\nEnhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", - "[__split__]スキルカードを引く\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] Draw a skill card\n(In-lesson ", - "[__split__]スキルカードを選択して": "[__split__] Select a skill card ", - "[__split__]スキルカード使用後○〆やる気が": "[__split__] After using a skill card, motivation ", - "[__split__]スキルカード使用後○〆好印象が": "[__split__] After using a skill card, ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]スキルカード使用時○〆集中が": "[__split__] When using a skill card, ○〆focus ", - "[__split__]スキルカード強化時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when skill card is enhanced ", - "[__split__]スキルカード強化時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when skill card is enhanced ", - "[__split__]スキルカード強化時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when skill card is enhanced ", - "[__split__]スキルカード強化時ボーカルが": "[__split__] When skill card is enhanced, vocals ", - "[__split__]スコア": "[__split__] Score ", - "[__split__]スコアが": "[__split__] If score is ", - "[__split__]スコア上昇量が": "[__split__] Score increase amount ", - "[__split__]スコア上昇量を": "[__split__] Score increase amount ", - "[__split__]センス": "[__split__] Sense ", - "[__split__]センス専用": "[__split__] Sense Only ", - "[__split__]ターン": "[__split__] Turn ", - "[__split__]ターン\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Turn\n○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]ターン\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Turn\n○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]ターン\nパラメータ": "[__split__] Turn\nParameters ", - "[__split__]ターン\n次に使用するスキルカードの効果をもう": "[__split__] Turn\nNext, use the Skill Card effect again ", - "[__split__]ターンごとに": "[__split__] Each turn ", - "[__split__]ターンごとに、○〆元気": "[__split__] Each turn, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターンの間有効)": "[__split__] Valid for turns) ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Additional Turn ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆絶好調": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Excellent Condition ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合、": "[__split__] If above turns, ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合、○〆好調": "[__split__] If over turns, ○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆集中": "[__split__] If the turn is above, after that, at the end of the turn, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]ターン以上の場合除外にあるスキルカードを山札の下に移動": "[__split__] If more than X turns, move excluded skill cards to the bottom of the deck ", - "[__split__]ターン以下の場合○〆不調": "[__split__] If the turn is below, ○〆Bad Condition ", - "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] If within X turns, ○〆Score increase amount ", - "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If within the turns, ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If within turns, ○〆Good impression of ", - "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、スコア": "[__split__] If within turns, Score ", - "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] If within the turns, parameter ", - "[__split__]ターン目以降の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If after turn, usable\nParameters ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, good impression ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆好調が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, ○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時、パラメータを上昇。ターン開始時、好印象が": "[__split__]At the End of the Turn, Increase Parameters. At the Start of the Turn, Good Impressions", - "[__split__]ターン終了時、好印象": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, Good impression ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターン終了時残り": "[__split__] Remaining at the end of the turn ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆やる気が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆motivation ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆good impression ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調が": "[__split__]At the start of the turn, ○〆 good condition", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if ○〆in Good Shape, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in Good Shape, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in Good Shape, concentration ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in Good Shape, parameters ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__]At the start of the turn, if in a state of reduced stamina consumption, ○〆 score increase amount increases", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆絶好調": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if ○〆reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Excellent Condition ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆集中が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, concentration ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆やる気": "[__split__]At the start of the turn, ○〆 motivation", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆やる気の": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆パラメータ上昇量増加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Increase parameter gain ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆固定元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Fixed Energy ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, concentration ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時、スキルカードを引く\n○〆固定元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, draw a skill card\n○〆Fixed Energy ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時体力が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時最終ターンの場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If it's the final turn, stamina ", - "[__split__]ターン開始時残り": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, remaining ", - "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__] Dance SP lesson occurrence rate ", - "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increase in P Points Earned at the End of Dance SP Lesson ", - "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase at the End of Dance SP Lesson ", - "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、ランダムにPドリンクを": "[__split__] At the end of Dance SP Lesson, randomly get P drink ", - "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina recovery when dance SP lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the start of the dance SP lesson, ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスンボーナス": "[__split__] Dance Lesson Bonus ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスン・ダンスターンのみ": "[__split__] Dance Lesson・Dance Turn Only ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Dance Lesson, ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when dance lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Dance Lesson, stamina ", - "[__split__]ダンスレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Dance Lesson, ", - "[__split__]ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase ", - "[__split__]ダンス通常レッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when regular dance lesson ends ", - "[__split__]チェンジ": "[__split__] Change ", - "[__split__]パラメータ": "[__split__] Parameter ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__] Visual SP Lesson Occurrence Rate ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increased P points when visual SP lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when visual SP lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina recovery when visual SP lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時ビジュアルが": "[__split__] At the end of Visual SP Lesson, visuals ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Visual SP Lesson, ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスンボーナス": "[__split__] Visual Lesson Bonus ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン・ビジュアルターンのみ": "[__split__] Visual Lesson・Visual Turn Only ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Visual Lesson, ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase at the End of Visual Lesson ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Visual Lesson, stamina ", - "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the start of the visual lesson, ", - "[__split__]ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase ", - "[__split__]ビジュアル通常レッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when regular visual lesson ends ", - "[__split__]プランが": "[__split__] Plan is ", - "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__] Vocal SP lesson occurrence rate ", - "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increase in P Points Earned at the End of Vocal SP Lesson ", - "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase at the End of Vocal SP Lesson ", - "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina recovery when vocal SP lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時ボーカルが": "[__split__] At the end of Vocal SP Lesson, vocals ", - "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Vocal SP Lesson, ", - "[__split__]ボーカル、ダンス、ビジュアルすべてのSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__]SP Lesson Occurrence Rate for Vocals, Dance, and Visuals", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスンボーナス": "[__split__] Vocal Lesson Bonus ", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン・ボーカルターンのみ": "[__split__] Vocal Lesson・Vocal Turn Only ", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Vocal Lesson, ", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase at the End of Vocal Lesson ", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Vocal Lesson, stamina ", - "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Vocal Lesson, ", - "[__split__]ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase ", - "[__split__]ボーカル通常レッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when regular vocal lesson ends ", - "[__split__]ランダムな○〆トラブルカードを": "[__split__] Random ○〆 trouble card ", - "[__split__]ランダムなスキルカードを": "[__split__] Random Skill Card ", - "[__split__]ランダムな名前に「基本」を含むスキルカードを": "[__split__]Skill Card with 「Basic」 in a Random Name", - "[__split__]ランダムな名前に「基本」を含むスキルカードを異なるスキルカードに": "[__split__] Change a random skill card containing 'Basic' in its name to a different skill card ", - "[__split__]ランダムな強化済みスキルカードを、手札に○〆生成\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] Generate a random enhanced Skill Card in hand ○〆\nGenerate extra Skill Card uses ", - "[__split__]レッスンCLEARの": "[__split__] Lesson CLEAR of ", - "[__split__]レッスン中": "[__split__] During Lesson ", - "[__split__]レッスン中に体力が減少した時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] When stamina decreases during the lesson, ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]レッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increased P points when lesson ends ", - "[__split__]レッスン開始時、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the lesson, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Added to hand at Lesson start\n○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆好印象": "[__split__] At lesson start, enters hand\n○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Added to hand at Lesson start\n○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆集中": "[__split__] At lesson start, enters hand\n○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]ロジック専用": "[__split__] Logic Only ", - "[__split__]上昇。ターン開始時、好印象が": "[__split__] Increase. At the start of the turn, Good impression ", - "[__split__]不屈と勝利を歌ってくるわ!": "[__split__]I’ll Sing of Tenacity and Victory!", - "[__split__]以上ならスコア": "[__split__]Score if Above", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Increased Score Gain ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Additional Turn ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆元気": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good impression ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good impression of ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆好調": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good Condition ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Stamina Consumption Reduction ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆絶好調": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Excellent Condition ", - "[__split__]以上の場合○〆集中": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、Pポイント": "[__split__] If more, P points ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆やる気": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆やる気の": "[__split__] If over, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆体力消費": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If over, ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆好調": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、スコア": "[__split__]Score if Above", - "[__split__]以上の場合、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] If more, dance increase ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] If above, Parameter ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] If more, visuals increase ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] If more, vocals increase ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、ランダムなスキルカードを": "[__split__] If more, random skill card ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、体力回復": "[__split__] If more, stamina recovery ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If above, usable\nParameters ", - "[__split__]以上の場合、次のターン、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] If above, draw a Skill Card next turn ", - "[__split__]以上の場合スコア": "[__split__] If above, Score ", - "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good impression ", - "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good impression of ", - "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] If the score is above, after that, at the end of the turn, Score ", - "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン開始時、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the start of the turn, ○〆Extra skill card use ", - "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン開始時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the start of the turn, ○〆Good impression ", - "[__split__]以上の場合体力回復": "[__split__] If above, Stamina Recovery ", - "[__split__]以上の場合除外にあるスキルカードを山札の下に移動": "[__split__] If above, move excluded skill cards to the bottom of the deck ", - "[__split__]以上を": "[__split__]Above", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆スランプ": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Slump ", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆不安": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Anxiety ", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆不調": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Bad Condition ", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] If below, ○〆No Energy Gain ", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆弱気": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Timid ", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆手札減少": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Hand reduction ", - "[__split__]以下の場合○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Increased stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]以下の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If below, usable\nParameters ", - "[__split__]以下の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If below, from the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good impression of ", - "[__split__]以下の場合以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] If below, after that, at the end of the turn, Score ", - "[__split__]以下の場合体力減少": "[__split__]Energy Decrease If Below", - "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、○〆固定元気": "[__split__] After, when using Active Skill Cards, ○〆Fixed Energy ", - "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、○〆集中": "[__split__] After, when using Active Skill Cards, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、パラメータ": "[__split__] After, when using ○〆Active Skill Card, Parameters ", - "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時直前に○〆アクティブスキルカードを使用していた場合、スコア": "[__split__] After that, if an Active Skill Card was used just before using another Active Skill Card, Score ", - "[__split__]以降、○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時、○〆やる気": "[__split__] After, when using Mental Skill Cards, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]以降、○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] After, when using Mental Skill Cards, ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]以降、スキルカード使用時、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] After, when using Skill Card, ○〆Good Impression of ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン内にスキルカードを": "[__split__] Afterwards, within the turn, skill cards ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時○〆やる気が": "[__split__] From the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] After, at turn end ○〆Good Impression is ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時○〆集中が": "[__split__] After, at turn end ○〆Focus is ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、○〆やる気": "[__split__] Afterward, at the end of the turn, ○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] After, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good Impression ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、○〆集中": "[__split__] Afterward, at the end of the turn, ○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] After that, at the end of the turn, Score ", - "[__split__]休む選択時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when selecting rest ", - "[__split__]休む選択時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when selecting rest ", - "[__split__]休む選択時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when selecting rest ", - "[__split__]体力が": "[__split__] Stamina is ", - "[__split__]体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina Recovery ", - "[__split__]使用時、○〆好調": "[__split__] When used, ○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__]倍": "[__split__] Multiplier ", - "[__split__]分スコア上昇": "[__split__] Score Increase ", - "[__split__]分スコア上昇\n○〆やる気": "[__split__] Score Increase\n○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]分スコア上昇\n○〆元気": "[__split__]Points Increase\n○〆Energy", - "[__split__]分スコア上昇\n(試験・ステージ内": "[__split__] Score increase per segment\n(In tests or stages) ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇": "[__split__] Parameter Increase ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆やる気": "[__split__] Parameter Increase \n○〆Motivation ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆やる気の": "[__split__] Parameter Increase\n○〆Motivation of ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] Parameter Increase \n○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆体力消費": "[__split__] Parameter increase by amount\n○〆Stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Increase parameter by ○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] Parameter Increase \n○〆Increased Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] Increase parameter by \n(In-lesson ", - "[__split__]初期Pポイント": "[__split__] Initial P Points ", - "[__split__]初期ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Initial Dance Increase ", - "[__split__]初期ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Initial Visual Increase ", - "[__split__]初期ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Initial Vocal Increase ", - "[__split__]削除": "[__split__] Delete ", - "[__split__]回": "[__split__] Times ", - "[__split__]回使用するごとに、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] Every time used, ○〆Good impression of ", - "[__split__]回使用するごとに、○〆絶好調": "[__split__]○〆Excellent Condition for Each Use", - "[__split__]回使用すると、その試験・ステージが終了するまで、除外に移動する": "[__split__]If Used X Times, Moves to Exile Until the End of the Exam/Stage", - "[__split__]回獲得": "[__split__]Times Acquired", - "[__split__]回)": "[__split__] Times) ", - "[__split__]回)\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Times)\n○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]回)\n○〆集中が": "[__split__] Times)\n○〆Focus is ", - "[__split__]増加": "[__split__] Increase ", - "[__split__]増加するごとに、○〆元気の増加量が": "[__split__] Every time it increases, ○〆Energy increase amount ", - "[__split__]増加するごとに、スコア上昇量を": "[__split__] For each increase, Score Gain ", - "[__split__]増加するごとに、ターン開始時に引くスキルカードが": "[__split__] Each time it increases, the skill card drawn at the start of the turn ", - "[__split__]好調": "[__split__]Good Shape", - "[__split__]引く": "[__split__] Draw ", - "[__split__]引く\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Draw\n○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]弱気が": "[__split__] Timidness ", - "[__split__]強化": "[__split__] Enhance ", - "[__split__]後、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] After, draw a Skill Card ", - "[__split__]後、体力回復": "[__split__] After, Stamina Recovery ", - "[__split__]後、手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] After, enhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] Enhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n体力回復": "[__split__] Strengthen all cards in hand ○〆During lesson\nRecover stamina ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] Strengthen all cards in hand ○〆During lesson\n(In-lesson ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆試験・ステージ中強化": "[__split__]Strengthen All Cards in Hand During Exams/Stages", - "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Swap all cards in hand\n○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n体力回復": "[__split__] Replace all cards in hand\nRecover stamina ", - "[__split__]手札減少が": "[__split__] Hand reduction ", - "[__split__]授業終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when class ends ", - "[__split__]授業終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when class ends ", - "[__split__]授業終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase at the End of Lesson ", - "[__split__]最大体力上昇": "[__split__]Maximum Stamina Increase ", - "[__split__]未満の場合○〆スランプ": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Slump ", - "[__split__]未満の場合○〆不調": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Bad Condition ", - "[__split__]未満の場合○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] If below, ○〆No Energy Gain ", - "[__split__]未満の場合○〆気まぐれ": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Whim ", - "[__split__]未満の場合○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__]If Below ○〆Increased Energy Consumption", - "[__split__]枚": "[__split__] Cards ", - "[__split__]枚ごとに、○〆元気増加量": "[__split__] Per card, ○〆Increased Energy ", - "[__split__]枚減少": "[__split__] Decrease by X cards ", - "[__split__]次に使用する○〆アクティブスキルカードの効果をもう": "[__split__] Next, reuse ○〆Active Skill Card effect ", - "[__split__]次に使用するスキルカードの効果をもう": "[__split__] Next, reuse the Skill Card effect ", - "[__split__]次のターン、スキルカードを": "[__split__] Next turn, draw a skill card ", - "[__split__]次のターン、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] Draw a Skill Card next turn ", - "[__split__]次のターン、スキルカードを引く\n以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、パラメータ": "[__split__] Next turn, draw a skill card\nAfterwards, when using an active skill card, parameters ", - "[__split__]次のターン、パラメータ": "[__split__] Next turn, Parameters ", - "[__split__]次のターン、手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] Next turn, enhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", - "[__split__]次のターン、手札をすべて○〆試験・ステージ中強化": "[__split__]Next Turn, Strengthen All Cards During Exam/Stage", - "[__split__]活動支給選択時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when selecting activity ", - "[__split__]活動支給選択時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when selecting activity ", - "[__split__]活動支給選択時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when selecting activity ", - "[__split__]消費体力が": "[__split__] Stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]消費体力を": "[__split__] Stamina Consumption ", - "[__split__]減少": "[__split__] Decrease ", - "[__split__]発動(": "[__split__] Activate ( ", - "[__split__]直前に○〆アクティブスキルカードを使用していた場合体力回復": "[__split__] If an Active Skill Card was used just before, Stamina Recovery ", - "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆好印象": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Good impression ", - "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", - "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆絶好調": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Excellent Condition ", - "[__split__]相談選択時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when selecting consultation ", - "[__split__]相談選択時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when selecting consultation ", - "[__split__]相談選択時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when selecting consultation ", - "[__split__]花海 咲季のプロデュースで評価A": "[__split__]Rating A for Producing Hanami Saki", - "[__split__]花海 咲季の親愛度Lvを": "[__split__] Increase Saki Hanami's Bond Level to ", - "[__split__]試験・ステージ中": "[__split__] During Exam/Stage ", - "[__split__]試験・ステージ中に": "[__split__]During Exams/Stages", - "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Added to Hand at Exam/Stage Start\n○〆Energy ", - "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆好印象": "[__split__] Enter the hand at the start of the test/stage\n○〆Good impression", - "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__]Gains in Hand at Exam/Stage Start\n○〆Reduced Energy Consumption", - "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆集中": "[__split__]Added to Hand at the Start of Exams/Stages\n○〆Concentration", - "[__split__]試験終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when exam ends ", - "[__split__]試験終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase at the End of Exam ", - "[__split__]試験終了時、体力回復": "[__split__]Stamina Recovery at the End of Exams ", - "[__split__]軽減": "[__split__] Reduction ", - "[__split__]追い込みレッスン終了時ダンスが": "[__split__] At the end of Intensive Lesson, dance ", - "[__split__]追い込みレッスン終了時ビジュアルが": "[__split__] At the end of Intensive Lesson, visuals ", - "[__split__]追い込みレッスン終了時ボーカルが": "[__split__] At the end of Intensive Lesson, vocals ", - "[__split__]適用)": "[__split__] Applied) ", - "[__split__]適用)\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Apply)\n○〆Focus ", - "[__split__]適用)\n体力が": "[__split__] Apply)\nStamina is ", - "[__split__]重複不可": "[__split__] Cannot Stack ", - "[__split__]集中が": "[__split__] When Focus is ", - "[__split__](": "[__split__] ( ", - "[__split__](○〆集中効果を": "[__split__] (○〆Focus effect ", - "[__split__](プロデュース中": "[__split__] (During Production ", - "[__split__](レッスン中に使用したスキルカード": "[__split__] (Skill cards used during the lesson ", - "[__split__](レッスン内": "[__split__] (Within lesson ", - "[__split__](試験・ステージ内": "[__split__] (In Exam/Stage ", - "[__split__](開始": "[__split__] (Start ", - "[__split__])": "[__split__] ) ", - "[__split__])\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] )\n○〆Skill Card Use Count Added ", - "[__split__])\n○〆体力消費": "[__split__] )\n○〆Stamina consumption ", - "[__split__])\n○〆好調": "[__split__] )\n○〆Good Shape ", - "[__split__])\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] )\n○〆Reduce stamina consumption ", - "[__split__])\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] )\n(In-lesson ", - "[__split__])\n(試験・ステージ内": "[__split__] )\n(In Exam/Stage ", - "○〆元気が増加しない": "○〆Energy does not increase ", - "○〆元気が増加しない ": "○〆Energy does not increase ", - "○〆元気など補助効果を主とするスキルカード": "○〆Skill Card focusing on support effects like Energy ", - "○〆元気の増加量を増加": "○〆 Increase the Amount of Increased Energy", - "「○〆好印象」や「○〆やる気」を活用して育成するプラン": "A Plan Utilizing 「○〆Good Impression」 and 「○〆Motivation」 for Training ", - "「○〆好調」や「○〆集中」を活用して育成するプラン": "A Plan Utilizing 「○〆Good Shape」 and 「○〆Focus」 for Training ", - "スキルカードの消費体力を減少": "Reduce stamina consumption of skill cards ", - "スキルカードの消費体力を減少 ": "Reduce stamina consumption of skill cards ", - "スキルカードをプロデュース終了まで強化": "Enhance Skill Card Until Production Ends ", - "スキルカードを異なるスキルカードに変え、プロデュース終了までデッキに追加(強化段階を引き継ぐ)": "Change a skill card to a different one and add it to the deck until the end of production (inherits enhancement stage) ", - "スコアが上昇しない": "Score does not increase ", - "スコア上昇効果を主とするスキルカード": "Skill cards focused on score increase effect ", - "スコア上昇量を増加(○〆好印象による上昇も含む)": "Increase score (including increases from ○〆Good impression) ", - "スコア上昇量増加": " Score increase amount ", - "ターン目": " Turns ", - "ターン追加": " Extra turn ", - "チェンジ": " Change ", - "パラメータ上昇量を増加": "Increased parameter gain", - "ランダムな強化済みスキルカード(SSR)を、手札に○〆生成": "Generate a random enhanced skill card (SSR) into the hand ○〆 ", - "ランダムな所持している基本とつくスキルカードを異なるスキルカードにチェンジ": "Change a Random Owned Basic Skill Card to a Different Skill Card ", - "レッスン終了時、レッスン報酬のスキルカードの選択肢を追加": "At the end of the lesson, add skill card choices to lesson rewards ", - "不安": "Anxiety ", - "不調": "Poor condition ", - "以降、ターン開始時、スキルカードを引く": "After that, at the start of the turn, draw a Skill Card ", - "元気増加無効": "Energy increase nullified ", - "初星オブジェ(銀)": "First Star Object (Silver) ", - "弱気": "Timid ", - "応援/トラブル詳細": "Support/Trouble Details ", - "手札の消費体力がランダムに変化": "Stamina consumption of hand changes randomly ", - "気まぐれ": "Whim ", - "消費体力削減": "Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "消費体力増加": "Increased Stamina Consumption ", - "消費体力減少": "Reduced Stamina Consumption ", - "試験・ステージの残りターンが増加": "Increase remaining turns in test/stage " -} + "/ 確率中": "/ Medium ", + "/ 確率大": "/ High ", + "/ 確率小": "/ Low ", + "/確率大": "/High ", + "[__split__](Within lesson": "[__split__] (Within lesson ", + "[__split__]At the start of the turn, draw a skill card\n○〆Fixed Energy": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, draw a skill card\n○〆Fixed Energy ", + "[__split__]If over, ○〆Good Impression": "[__split__]If Over, ○〆 Good Impression", + "[__split__]Pポイント": "[__split__] P-points ", + "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__]Stamina Recovery at the End of SP Lessons ", + "[__split__]SPレッスン終了時、体力消費": "[__split__] At the end of SP Lesson, stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]Times)": "[__split__] Times) ", + "[__split__]Vocal Lesson・Vocal Turn Only": "[__split__] Vocal Lesson・Vocal Turn Only ", + "[__split__]○〆Stamina Consumption": "[__split__]○〆 Stamina Consumption", + "[__split__]○〆やる気": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]○〆やる気が": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation is ", + "[__split__]○〆やる気が増加後、○〆やる気": "[__split__] After motivation increases, ○〆motivation ", + "[__split__]○〆やる気の": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation of ", + "[__split__]○〆やる気効果のスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with motivation effect, vocals increase ", + "[__split__]○〆やる気消費": "[__split__] ○〆Motivation Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後○〆やる気が": "[__split__] After using ○〆Active Skill Card, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆元気の": "[__split__] After using ○〆Active skill card, ○〆stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用後、○〆好調": "[__split__] After using ○〆Active Skill Card, ○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、体力回復": "[__split__] When using ○〆Active Skill Card, recover stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時体力が": "[__split__] When using ○〆Active skill card, stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when active skill card is acquired ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when active skill card is acquired ", + "[__split__]○〆アクティブスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when active skill card is acquired ", + "[__split__]○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", + "[__split__]○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] ○〆Increased Score Gain ", + "[__split__]○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] ○〆Extra Turn ", + "[__split__]○〆パラメータ上昇量増加": "[__split__] ○〆Increase parameter gain ", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード使用後○〆やる気が": "[__split__] After using ○〆Mental Skill Card, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合、○〆好調": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before using a Mental Skill Card, ○〆Good condition ", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before using another Mental Skill Card, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード強化時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase When ○〆Mental Skill Card is Enhanced ", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード強化時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase When ○〆Mental Skill Card is Enhanced ", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__]○〆 When a Mental Skill Card is obtained, Dance increases", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when mental skill card is acquired ", + "[__split__]○〆メンタルスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__]○〆 When a Mental Skill Card is obtained, Vocal increases", + "[__split__]○〆低下状態無効": "[__split__] ○〆Debuff Immune ", + "[__split__]○〆体力消費": "[__split__] ○〆Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆元気": "[__split__] ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]○〆元気が": "[__split__] ○〆Energy is ", + "[__split__]○〆元気の": "[__split__] ○〆Energy of ", + "[__split__]○〆元気の増加量が": "[__split__] ○〆Energy increase amount ", + "[__split__]○〆元気を": "[__split__] ○〆Energy to ", + "[__split__]○〆元気を半分にして、減少前の○〆元気の": "[__split__] ○〆Halve Energy, before reduction, ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] ○〆Energy Increase Disabled ", + "[__split__]○〆固定元気": "[__split__] ○〆Fixed Energy ", + "[__split__]○〆好印象": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]○〆好印象が": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression is ", + "[__split__]○〆好印象が増加後、○〆好印象": "[__split__] After increasing good impression, good impression ", + "[__split__]○〆好印象の": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression of ", + "[__split__]○〆好印象効果のスキルカード獲得時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with good impression effect, visuals increase ", + "[__split__]○〆好印象消費": "[__split__] ○〆Good Impression Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆好調": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__]○〆好調が": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape is ", + "[__split__]○〆好調の": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape of ", + "[__split__]○〆好調のスコア上昇量を○〆好調": "[__split__] ○〆Good condition score increase amount ○〆Good condition ", + "[__split__]○〆好調の効果ターンが増加後、○〆好調": "[__split__] After increasing the effect turns of Good Shape, Good Shape ", + "[__split__]○〆好調効果のスキルカード獲得時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with Good Shape effect, dance increase ", + "[__split__]○〆好調消費": "[__split__] ○〆Good Shape Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合": "[__split__]If Not in Good Shape", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合○〆不安": "[__split__] If not in good condition, ○〆Anxiety ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合○〆弱気": "[__split__] If not in good condition, ○〆Timid ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態でない場合○〆手札減少": "[__split__] If not in good condition, ○〆Reduced Hand ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Additional Turn ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆元気": "[__split__]○〆If in Good Condition ○〆Energy", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合○〆集中": "[__split__] If in good condition, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆When in Good Shape, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] ○〆If in Good Shape, Parameter ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、使用可\n○〆絶好調": "[__split__] Usable if ○〆In Good Shape\n○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] ○〆Usable when in Good Shape\nParameter ", + "[__split__]○〆好調状態の場合以降、ターン開始時、スコア": "[__split__]If in Good Condition ○〆from Then, Score at Turn Start", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] ○〆Increased Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If in reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Extra turn ", + "[__split__]○〆消費体力減少状態の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If in reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]○〆絶好調": "[__split__] ○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]○〆集中": "[__split__] ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]○〆集中が": "[__split__] ○〆Focus is ", + "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後、○〆集中": "[__split__] After concentration increases, concentration ", + "[__split__]○〆集中が増加後体力が": "[__split__] After concentration increases, stamina ", + "[__split__]○〆集中効果のスキルカード獲得時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] When acquiring a skill card with concentration effect, vocals increase ", + "[__split__]○〆集中消費": "[__split__] ○〆Focus Consumption ", + "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when outing ends ", + "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when outing ends ", + "[__split__]お出かけ終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when outing ends ", + "[__split__]このサポートカードのイベントによるパラメータ上昇を": "[__split__] Parameter Increase from Events of This Support Card ", + "[__split__]このサポートカードのイベントによる体力回復量を": "[__split__]The amount of stamina recovery from this support card's event ", + "[__split__]このサポートカードのレッスンサポート発生率を": "[__split__] Increase the Lesson Support Occurrence Rate of This Support Card ", + "[__split__]ごとにスコアを": "[__split__] Increase score each time ", + "[__split__]した状態でプロデュースを開始": "[__split__]Start Production with the Above Condition", + "[__split__]つ獲得": "[__split__] Obtain ", + "[__split__]で解放": "[__split__] Unlocked By ", + "[__split__]にして、減少前の○〆元気の": "[__split__] Make, before reducing ○〆Energy of ", + "[__split__]にする": "[__split__] to ", + "[__split__]のアイドルをプロデュースしている場合のみ発動": "[__split__] Activates Only When Producing a Specific Idol ", + "[__split__]の場合、体力減少": "[__split__] If so, stamina decreases ", + "[__split__]の場合、使用可\n○〆元気": "[__split__] If so, usable\n○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]の確率で○〆やる気": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]の確率で○〆元気": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]の確率で○〆好印象": "[__split__] Chance of ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]の確率で○〆好調": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__]の確率で○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]の確率で○〆集中": "[__split__] Chance for ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]の確率で体力回復": "[__split__] Chance for Stamina Recovery ", + "[__split__]を山札のランダムな位置に○〆生成": "[__split__]Generate at a Random Position in the Deck", + "[__split__]アドレナリン全開": "[__split__] Adrenaline Full Throttle ", + "[__split__]アピールの基本": "[__split__]Basics of Appeal", + "[__split__]スキルカードが除外に移動した時、体力回復": "[__split__] When a skill card is moved to exclusion, recover stamina ", + "[__split__]スキルカードを": "[__split__] Skill Cards ", + "[__split__]スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] Draw a Skill Card ", + "[__split__]スキルカードを引く\n手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] Draw a Skill Card\nEnhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", + "[__split__]スキルカードを引く\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] Draw a skill card\n(In-lesson ", + "[__split__]スキルカードを選択して": "[__split__] Select a skill card ", + "[__split__]スキルカード使用後○〆やる気が": "[__split__] After using a skill card, motivation ", + "[__split__]スキルカード使用後○〆好印象が": "[__split__] After using a skill card, ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]スキルカード使用時○〆集中が": "[__split__] When using a skill card, ○〆focus ", + "[__split__]スキルカード強化時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when skill card is enhanced ", + "[__split__]スキルカード強化時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when skill card is enhanced ", + "[__split__]スキルカード強化時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when skill card is enhanced ", + "[__split__]スキルカード強化時ボーカルが": "[__split__] When skill card is enhanced, vocals ", + "[__split__]スコア": "[__split__] Score ", + "[__split__]スコアが": "[__split__] If score is ", + "[__split__]スコア上昇量が": "[__split__] Score increase amount ", + "[__split__]スコア上昇量を": "[__split__] Score increase amount ", + "[__split__]センス": "[__split__] Sense ", + "[__split__]センス専用": "[__split__] Sense Only ", + "[__split__]ターン": "[__split__] Turn ", + "[__split__]ターン\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Turn\n○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]ターン\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Turn\n○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]ターン\nパラメータ": "[__split__] Turn\nParameters ", + "[__split__]ターン\n次に使用するスキルカードの効果をもう": "[__split__] Turn\nNext, use the Skill Card effect again ", + "[__split__]ターンごとに": "[__split__] Each turn ", + "[__split__]ターンごとに○〆好印象が": "[__split__]Good Impression ○〆 per Turn", + "[__split__]ターンごとに、○〆元気": "[__split__] Each turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターンの間有効)": "[__split__] Valid for turns) ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Additional Turn ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合○〆絶好調": "[__split__] If above the turn, ○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合、": "[__split__] If above turns, ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合、○〆好調": "[__split__] If over turns, ○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆集中": "[__split__] If the turn is above, after that, at the end of the turn, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]ターン以上の場合除外にあるスキルカードを山札の下に移動": "[__split__] If more than X turns, move excluded skill cards to the bottom of the deck ", + "[__split__]ターン以下の場合○〆不調": "[__split__] If the turn is below, ○〆Bad Condition ", + "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] If within X turns, ○〆Score increase amount ", + "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If within the turns, ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If within turns, ○〆Good impression of ", + "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、スコア": "[__split__] If within turns, Score ", + "[__split__]ターン以内の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] If within the turns, parameter ", + "[__split__]ターン目以降の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If after turn, usable\nParameters ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, good impression ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時○〆好調が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, ○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時、パラメータを上昇。ターン開始時、好印象が": "[__split__]At the End of the Turn, Increase Parameters. At the Start of the Turn, Good Impressions", + "[__split__]ターン終了時、好印象": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, Good impression ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of the turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン終了時残り": "[__split__] Remaining at the end of the turn ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆やる気が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆motivation ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆元気が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆good impression ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調が": "[__split__]At the start of the turn, ○〆 good condition", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if ○〆in Good Shape, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in Good Shape, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in Good Shape, concentration ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆好調状態の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if in Good Shape, parameters ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__]At the start of the turn, if in a state of reduced stamina consumption, ○〆 score increase amount increases", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆消費体力減少状態の場合、○〆絶好調": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, if ○〆reduced stamina consumption state, ○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時○〆集中が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, concentration ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆やる気": "[__split__]At the start of the turn, ○〆 motivation", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆やる気の": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆パラメータ上昇量増加": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Increase parameter gain ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆固定元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, ○〆Fixed Energy ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆好印象": "[__split__]At the Start of the Turn, ○〆 Good Impression", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, concentration ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時、スキルカードを引く\n○〆固定元気": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, draw a skill card\n○〆Fixed Energy ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時体力が": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時最終ターンの場合、○〆元気の": "[__split__] If it's the final turn, stamina ", + "[__split__]ターン開始時残り": "[__split__] At the start of the turn, remaining ", + "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__] Dance SP lesson occurrence rate ", + "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increase in P Points Earned at the End of Dance SP Lesson ", + "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase at the End of Dance SP Lesson ", + "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、ランダムにPドリンクを": "[__split__] At the end of Dance SP Lesson, randomly get P drink ", + "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina recovery when dance SP lesson ends ", + "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン終了時ダンスが": "[__split__]Dance Increases After Dance SP Lesson", + "[__split__]ダンスSPレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the start of the dance SP lesson, ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスンボーナス": "[__split__] Dance Lesson Bonus ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスン・ダンスターンのみ": "[__split__] Dance Lesson・Dance Turn Only ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Dance Lesson, ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when dance lesson ends ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Dance Lesson, stamina ", + "[__split__]ダンスレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Dance Lesson, ", + "[__split__]ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance Increase ", + "[__split__]ダンス通常レッスン終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when regular dance lesson ends ", + "[__split__]チェンジ": "[__split__] Change ", + "[__split__]パラメータ": "[__split__] Parameter ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__] Visual SP Lesson Occurrence Rate ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increased P points when visual SP lesson ends ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when visual SP lesson ends ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina recovery when visual SP lesson ends ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン終了時ビジュアルが": "[__split__] At the end of Visual SP Lesson, visuals ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルSPレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Visual SP Lesson, ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスンボーナス": "[__split__] Visual Lesson Bonus ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン・ビジュアルターンのみ": "[__split__] Visual Lesson・Visual Turn Only ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Visual Lesson, ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase at the End of Visual Lesson ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Visual Lesson, stamina ", + "[__split__]ビジュアルレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the start of the visual lesson, ", + "[__split__]ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase ", + "[__split__]ビジュアル通常レッスン終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when regular visual lesson ends ", + "[__split__]プランが": "[__split__] Plan is ", + "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__] Vocal SP lesson occurrence rate ", + "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increase in P Points Earned at the End of Vocal SP Lesson ", + "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase at the End of Vocal SP Lesson ", + "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時、体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina recovery when vocal SP lesson ends ", + "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン終了時ボーカルが": "[__split__] At the end of Vocal SP Lesson, vocals ", + "[__split__]ボーカルSPレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Vocal SP Lesson, ", + "[__split__]ボーカル、ダンス、ビジュアルすべてのSPレッスン発生率": "[__split__]SP Lesson Occurrence Rate for Vocals, Dance, and Visuals", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスンボーナス": "[__split__] Vocal Lesson Bonus ", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン・ボーカルターンのみ": "[__split__] Vocal Lesson・Vocal Turn Only ", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、": "[__split__] At the End of Vocal Lesson, ", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase at the End of Vocal Lesson ", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン終了時体力が": "[__split__] At the end of Vocal Lesson, stamina ", + "[__split__]ボーカルレッスン開始時、": "[__split__] At the Start of Vocal Lesson, ", + "[__split__]ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase ", + "[__split__]ボーカル通常レッスン終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when regular vocal lesson ends ", + "[__split__]ランダムな○〆トラブルカードを": "[__split__] Random ○〆 trouble card ", + "[__split__]ランダムなスキルカードを": "[__split__] Random Skill Card ", + "[__split__]ランダムな名前に「基本」を含むスキルカードを": "[__split__]Skill Card with 「Basic」 in a Random Name", + "[__split__]ランダムな名前に「基本」を含むスキルカードを異なるスキルカードに": "[__split__] Change a random skill card containing 'Basic' in its name to a different skill card ", + "[__split__]ランダムな強化済みスキルカードを、手札に○〆生成\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] Generate a random enhanced Skill Card in hand ○〆\nGenerate extra Skill Card uses ", + "[__split__]レッスンCLEARの": "[__split__] Lesson CLEAR of ", + "[__split__]レッスン中": "[__split__] During Lesson ", + "[__split__]レッスン中に体力が減少した時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] When stamina decreases during the lesson, ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]レッスン終了時、Pポイント獲得量増加": "[__split__] Increased P points when lesson ends ", + "[__split__]レッスン開始時、○〆集中": "[__split__] At the start of the lesson, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Added to hand at Lesson start\n○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆好印象": "[__split__] At lesson start, enters hand\n○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Added to hand at Lesson start\n○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]レッスン開始時手札に入る\n○〆集中": "[__split__] At lesson start, enters hand\n○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]ロジック専用": "[__split__] Logic Only ", + "[__split__]上昇。ターン開始時、好印象が": "[__split__] Increase. At the start of the turn, Good impression ", + "[__split__]不屈と勝利を歌ってくるわ!": "[__split__]I’ll Sing of Tenacity and Victory!", + "[__split__]以上ならスコア": "[__split__]Score if Above", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆スコア上昇量増加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Increased Score Gain ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆ターン追加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Additional Turn ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆元気": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good impression ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good impression of ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆好調": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good Condition ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Stamina Consumption Reduction ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆絶好調": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]以上の場合○〆集中": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、Pポイント": "[__split__] If more, P points ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆やる気": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆やる気の": "[__split__] If over, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Skill card usage count added ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆体力消費": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If over, ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆好調": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆消費体力削減": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If above, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、スコア": "[__split__]Score if Above", + "[__split__]以上の場合、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] If more, dance increase ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、パラメータ": "[__split__] If above, Parameter ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] If more, visuals increase ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] If more, vocals increase ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、ランダムなスキルカードを": "[__split__] If more, random skill card ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、体力回復": "[__split__] If more, stamina recovery ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If above, usable\nParameters ", + "[__split__]以上の場合、次のターン、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] If above, draw a Skill Card next turn ", + "[__split__]以上の場合スコア": "[__split__] If above, Score ", + "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good impression ", + "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good impression of ", + "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] If the score is above, after that, at the end of the turn, Score ", + "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン開始時、○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the start of the turn, ○〆Extra skill card use ", + "[__split__]以上の場合以降、ターン開始時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] If above, from the next turn onwards, at the start of the turn, ○〆Good impression ", + "[__split__]以上の場合体力回復": "[__split__] If above, Stamina Recovery ", + "[__split__]以上の場合除外にあるスキルカードを山札の下に移動": "[__split__] If above, move excluded skill cards to the bottom of the deck ", + "[__split__]以上を": "[__split__]Above", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆スランプ": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Slump ", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆不安": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Anxiety ", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆不調": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Bad Condition ", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] If below, ○〆No Energy Gain ", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆弱気": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Timid ", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆手札減少": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Hand reduction ", + "[__split__]以下の場合○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Increased stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆元気": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]以下の場合、○〆集中": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]以下の場合、使用可\nパラメータ": "[__split__] If below, usable\nParameters ", + "[__split__]以下の場合以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] If below, from the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good impression of ", + "[__split__]以下の場合以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] If below, after that, at the end of the turn, Score ", + "[__split__]以下の場合体力減少": "[__split__]Energy Decrease If Below", + "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、○〆固定元気": "[__split__] After, when using Active Skill Cards, ○〆Fixed Energy ", + "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、○〆集中": "[__split__] After, when using Active Skill Cards, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、パラメータ": "[__split__] After, when using ○〆Active Skill Card, Parameters ", + "[__split__]以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時直前に○〆アクティブスキルカードを使用していた場合、スコア": "[__split__] After that, if an Active Skill Card was used just before using another Active Skill Card, Score ", + "[__split__]以降、○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時、○〆やる気": "[__split__] After, when using Mental Skill Cards, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]以降、○〆メンタルスキルカード使用時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] After, when using Mental Skill Cards, ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]以降、○〆元気効果のスキルカード使用後、○〆好印象": "[__split__]After Using a Skill Card with a Cheerful Effect, ○〆Good Impression", + "[__split__]以降、スキルカード使用時、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] After, when using Skill Card, ○〆Good Impression of ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン内にスキルカードを": "[__split__] Afterwards, within the turn, skill cards ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時○〆やる気が": "[__split__] From the next turn onwards, at the end of the turn, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時○〆好印象が": "[__split__] After, at turn end ○〆Good Impression is ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時○〆集中が": "[__split__] After, at turn end ○〆Focus is ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、○〆やる気": "[__split__] Afterward, at the end of the turn, ○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、○〆好印象": "[__split__] After, at the end of the turn, ○〆Good Impression ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、○〆集中": "[__split__] Afterward, at the end of the turn, ○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]以降、ターン終了時、スコア": "[__split__] After that, at the end of the turn, Score ", + "[__split__]休む選択時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when selecting rest ", + "[__split__]休む選択時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when selecting rest ", + "[__split__]休む選択時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when selecting rest ", + "[__split__]体力が": "[__split__] Stamina is ", + "[__split__]体力回復": "[__split__] Stamina Recovery ", + "[__split__]使用時、○〆好調": "[__split__] When used, ○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__]倍": "[__split__] Multiplier ", + "[__split__]分○〆元気増加\n○〆やる気": "[__split__]○〆 Energy Increases by Minutes\n○〆 Motivation", + "[__split__]分スコア上昇": "[__split__] Score Increase ", + "[__split__]分スコア上昇\n○〆やる気": "[__split__] Score Increase\n○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]分スコア上昇\n○〆元気": "[__split__]Points Increase\n○〆Energy", + "[__split__]分スコア上昇\n○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__]Score Increases by Minutes\n○〆Stamina Consumption Increases", + "[__split__]分スコア上昇\n(試験・ステージ内": "[__split__] Score increase per segment\n(In tests or stages) ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇": "[__split__] Parameter Increase ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆やる気": "[__split__] Parameter Increase \n○〆Motivation ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆やる気の": "[__split__] Parameter Increase\n○〆Motivation of ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] Parameter Increase \n○〆Additional Skill Card Usage ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆体力消費": "[__split__] Parameter increase by amount\n○〆Stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Increase parameter by ○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__] Parameter Increase \n○〆Increased Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]分パラメータ上昇\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] Increase parameter by \n(In-lesson ", + "[__split__]初期Pポイント": "[__split__] Initial P Points ", + "[__split__]初期ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Initial Dance Increase ", + "[__split__]初期ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Initial Visual Increase ", + "[__split__]初期ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Initial Vocal Increase ", + "[__split__]削除": "[__split__] Delete ", + "[__split__]回": "[__split__] Times ", + "[__split__]回使用するごとに、○〆好印象の": "[__split__] Every time used, ○〆Good impression of ", + "[__split__]回使用するごとに、○〆絶好調": "[__split__]○〆Excellent Condition for Each Use", + "[__split__]回使用すると、その試験・ステージが終了するまで、除外に移動する": "[__split__]If Used X Times, Moves to Exile Until the End of the Exam/Stage", + "[__split__]回獲得": "[__split__]Times Acquired", + "[__split__]回)": "[__split__] Times) ", + "[__split__]回)\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Times)\n○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]回)\n○〆集中が": "[__split__] Times)\n○〆Focus is ", + "[__split__]増加": "[__split__] Increase ", + "[__split__]増加するごとに、○〆元気の増加量が": "[__split__] Every time it increases, ○〆Energy increase amount ", + "[__split__]増加するごとに、スコア上昇量を": "[__split__] For each increase, Score Gain ", + "[__split__]増加するごとに、ターン開始時に引くスキルカードが": "[__split__] Each time it increases, the skill card drawn at the start of the turn ", + "[__split__]夏の宵の線香花火": "[__split__]Summer Evening Sparklers", + "[__split__]好調": "[__split__]Good Shape", + "[__split__]引く": "[__split__] Draw ", + "[__split__]引く\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Draw\n○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]弱気が": "[__split__] Timidness ", + "[__split__]強化": "[__split__] Enhance ", + "[__split__]後、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] After, draw a Skill Card ", + "[__split__]後、体力回復": "[__split__] After, Stamina Recovery ", + "[__split__]後、手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] After, enhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] Enhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n体力回復": "[__split__] Strengthen all cards in hand ○〆During lesson\nRecover stamina ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] Strengthen all cards in hand ○〆During lesson\n(In-lesson ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて○〆試験・ステージ中強化": "[__split__]Strengthen All Cards in Hand During Exams/Stages", + "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] Swap all cards in hand\n○〆Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]手札をすべて入れ替える\n体力回復": "[__split__] Replace all cards in hand\nRecover stamina ", + "[__split__]手札減少が": "[__split__] Hand reduction ", + "[__split__]授業終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when class ends ", + "[__split__]授業終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when class ends ", + "[__split__]授業終了時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal Increase at the End of Lesson ", + "[__split__]時間": "[__split__]Time", + "[__split__]最大体力上昇": "[__split__]Maximum Stamina Increase ", + "[__split__]未満の場合○〆スランプ": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Slump ", + "[__split__]未満の場合○〆不調": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Bad Condition ", + "[__split__]未満の場合○〆元気増加無効": "[__split__] If below, ○〆No Energy Gain ", + "[__split__]未満の場合○〆気まぐれ": "[__split__] If below, ○〆Whim ", + "[__split__]未満の場合○〆消費体力増加": "[__split__]If Below ○〆Increased Energy Consumption", + "[__split__]枚": "[__split__] Cards ", + "[__split__]枚ごとに、○〆元気増加量": "[__split__] Per card, ○〆Increased Energy ", + "[__split__]枚減少": "[__split__] Decrease by X cards ", + "[__split__]次に使用する○〆アクティブスキルカードの効果をもう": "[__split__] Next, reuse ○〆Active Skill Card effect ", + "[__split__]次に使用するスキルカードの効果をもう": "[__split__] Next, reuse the Skill Card effect ", + "[__split__]次のターン、スキルカードを": "[__split__] Next turn, draw a skill card ", + "[__split__]次のターン、スキルカードを引く": "[__split__] Draw a Skill Card next turn ", + "[__split__]次のターン、スキルカードを引く\n以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時、パラメータ": "[__split__] Next turn, draw a skill card\nAfterwards, when using an active skill card, parameters ", + "[__split__]次のターン、パラメータ": "[__split__] Next turn, Parameters ", + "[__split__]次のターン、手札をすべて○〆レッスン中強化": "[__split__] Next turn, enhance all cards in hand ○〆During Lesson ", + "[__split__]次のターン、手札をすべて○〆試験・ステージ中強化": "[__split__]Next Turn, Strengthen All Cards During Exam/Stage", + "[__split__]活動支給選択時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when selecting activity ", + "[__split__]活動支給選択時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when selecting activity ", + "[__split__]活動支給選択時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when selecting activity ", + "[__split__]消費体力が": "[__split__] Stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]消費体力を": "[__split__] Stamina Consumption ", + "[__split__]減少": "[__split__] Decrease ", + "[__split__]発動(": "[__split__] Activate ( ", + "[__split__]直前に○〆アクティブスキルカードを使用していた場合体力回復": "[__split__] If an Active Skill Card was used just before, Stamina Recovery ", + "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆好印象": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Good impression ", + "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Reduced stamina consumption ", + "[__split__]直前に○〆メンタルスキルカードを使用していた場合○〆絶好調": "[__split__] If a Mental Skill Card was used just before, ○〆Excellent Condition ", + "[__split__]相談選択時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when selecting consultation ", + "[__split__]相談選択時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual increase when selecting consultation ", + "[__split__]相談選択時、ボーカル上昇": "[__split__] Vocal increase when selecting consultation ", + "[__split__]花海 咲季のプロデュースで評価A": "[__split__]Rating A for Producing Hanami Saki", + "[__split__]花海 咲季の親愛度Lvを": "[__split__] Increase Saki Hanami's Bond Level to ", + "[__split__]藤田 ことねを入手": "[__split__]Acquire Kotone Fujita", + "[__split__]試験・ステージ中": "[__split__] During Exam/Stage ", + "[__split__]試験・ステージ中に": "[__split__]During Exams/Stages", + "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆元気": "[__split__] Added to Hand at Exam/Stage Start\n○〆Energy ", + "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆好印象": "[__split__] Enter the hand at the start of the test/stage\n○〆Good impression", + "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__]Gains in Hand at Exam/Stage Start\n○〆Reduced Energy Consumption", + "[__split__]試験・ステージ開始時手札に入る\n○〆集中": "[__split__]Added to Hand at the Start of Exams/Stages\n○〆Concentration", + "[__split__]試験終了時、ダンス上昇": "[__split__] Dance increase when exam ends ", + "[__split__]試験終了時、ビジュアル上昇": "[__split__] Visual Increase at the End of Exam ", + "[__split__]試験終了時、体力回復": "[__split__]Stamina Recovery at the End of Exams ", + "[__split__]軽減": "[__split__] Reduction ", + "[__split__]追い込みレッスン終了時ダンスが": "[__split__] At the end of Intensive Lesson, dance ", + "[__split__]追い込みレッスン終了時ビジュアルが": "[__split__] At the end of Intensive Lesson, visuals ", + "[__split__]追い込みレッスン終了時ボーカルが": "[__split__] At the end of Intensive Lesson, vocals ", + "[__split__]適用)": "[__split__] Applied) ", + "[__split__]適用)\n○〆集中": "[__split__] Apply)\n○〆Focus ", + "[__split__]適用)\n体力が": "[__split__] Apply)\nStamina is ", + "[__split__]重複不可": "[__split__] Cannot Stack ", + "[__split__]集中が": "[__split__] When Focus is ", + "[__split__](": "[__split__] ( ", + "[__split__](○〆集中効果を": "[__split__] (○〆Focus effect ", + "[__split__](プロデュース中": "[__split__] (During Production ", + "[__split__](レッスン中に使用したスキルカード": "[__split__] (Skill cards used during the lesson ", + "[__split__](レッスン内": "[__split__] (Within lesson ", + "[__split__](試験・ステージ内": "[__split__] (In Exam/Stage ", + "[__split__](開始": "[__split__] (Start ", + "[__split__])": "[__split__] ) ", + "[__split__])\n○〆スキルカード使用数追加": "[__split__] )\n○〆Skill Card Use Count Added ", + "[__split__])\n○〆体力消費": "[__split__] )\n○〆Stamina consumption ", + "[__split__])\n○〆好調": "[__split__] )\n○〆Good Shape ", + "[__split__])\n○〆消費体力減少": "[__split__] )\n○〆Reduce stamina consumption ", + "[__split__])\n(レッスン内": "[__split__] )\n(In-lesson ", + "[__split__])\n(試験・ステージ内": "[__split__] )\n(In Exam/Stage ", + "○〆元気が増加しない": "○〆Energy does not increase ", + "○〆元気が増加しない ": "○〆Energy does not increase ", + "○〆元気など補助効果を主とするスキルカード": "○〆Skill Card focusing on support effects like Energy ", + "○〆元気の増加量を増加": "○〆 Increase the Amount of Increased Energy", + "「○〆好印象」や「○〆やる気」を活用して育成するプラン": "A Plan Utilizing 「○〆Good Impression」 and 「○〆Motivation」 for Training ", + "「○〆好調」や「○〆集中」を活用して育成するプラン": "A Plan Utilizing 「○〆Good Shape」 and 「○〆Focus」 for Training ", + "スキルカードの消費体力を減少": "Reduce stamina consumption of skill cards ", + "スキルカードの消費体力を減少 ": "Reduce stamina consumption of skill cards ", + "スキルカードをプロデュース終了まで強化": "Enhance Skill Card Until Production Ends ", + "スキルカードを異なるスキルカードに変え、プロデュース終了までデッキに追加(強化段階を引き継ぐ)": "Change a skill card to a different one and add it to the deck until the end of production (inherits enhancement stage) ", + "スコアが上昇しない": "Score does not increase ", + "スコア上昇効果を主とするスキルカード": "Skill cards focused on score increase effect ", + "スコア上昇量を増加(○〆好印象による上昇も含む)": "Increase score (including increases from ○〆Good impression) ", + "スコア上昇量増加": " Score increase amount ", + "ターン目": " Turns ", + "ターン追加": " Extra turn ", + "チェンジ": " Change ", + "パラメータ上昇量を増加": "Increased parameter gain", + "ランダムな強化済みスキルカード(SSR)を、手札に○〆生成": "Generate a random enhanced skill card (SSR) into the hand ○〆 ", + "ランダムな所持している基本とつくスキルカードを異なるスキルカードにチェンジ": "Change a Random Owned Basic Skill Card to a Different Skill Card ", + "レッスン終了時、レッスン報酬のスキルカードの選択肢を追加": "At the end of the lesson, add skill card choices to lesson rewards ", + "不安": "Anxiety ", + "不調": "Poor condition ", + "以降、ターン開始時、スキルカードを引く": "After that, at the start of the turn, draw a Skill Card ", + "元気増加無効": "Energy increase nullified ", + "初星オブジェ(銀)": "First Star Object (Silver) ", + "弱気": "Timid ", + "応援/トラブル詳細": "Support/Trouble Details ", + "手札の消費体力がランダムに変化": "Stamina consumption of hand changes randomly ", + "気まぐれ": "Whim ", + "消費体力削減": "Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "消費体力増加": "Increased Stamina Consumption ", + "消費体力減少": "Reduced Stamina Consumption ", + "試験・ステージの残りターンが増加": "Increase remaining turns in test/stage " +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/News.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/News.json index 6c496ed4..af462e82 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/News.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/News.json @@ -146,5 +146,20 @@ "衣装一覧で髪型が誤表示されている現象": "Phenomenon of Incorrect Hairstyle Display in Costume List", "親愛度コミュ第9話が条件を満たしても発生しない現象": "Phenomenon Where Bond Commu Episode 9 Does Not Trigger Even If Conditions Are Met", "通信エラーになる現象": "Issue with Communication Error", - "過去に開催したイベントコミュ追加のお知らせ": "Notice of Additional Event Commu from the Past" + "過去に開催したイベントコミュ追加のお知らせ": "Notice of Additional Event Commu from the Past", + "初声公演記念パック": "First Voice Performance Commemorative Pack", + "[__split__]ツアー記念": "[__split__]Tour Commemoration", + "[__split__]回きりお得!": "[__split__]Limited Time Deal!", + "[__split__]ジュエル": "[__split__]Jewels", + "[__split__]個": "[__split__]Pieces", + "[__split__]left": "[__split__]Left", + "[__split__]あと": "[__split__]Left", + "[__split__]日": "[__split__]Days", + "[__split__]プロデュースアイドルピースパック(リーリヤ)": "[__split__]Produce Idol Piece Pack (Lilja)", + "初声公演記念パック販売中!": "First Voice Performance Commemorative Pack On Sale!", + "初ツアー開催記念!お得なジュエル販売中!": "First Tour Celebration! Special Jewel Sale!", + "サークルのリーダーが一定期間ログインしていない場合、他のメンバーが新しいリーダーになる条件調整のお知らせ": "Notice of Condition Adjustment for New Leader if Circle Leader Has Not Logged In for a Certain Period", + "[__split__]予告": "[__split__]Notice", + "[__split__]冠菊 ことねガシャ開催!": "[__split__]Kamurigoku Kotone Gacha Event!", + "[__split__]「アイドルへの道」に倉本千奈と花海佑芽が登場!": "[__split__]China Kuramoto and Ume Hanami to appear in 「The Idol Road」!" } diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/Support_voices.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/Support_voices.json index 86b104e4..e71625a4 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/Support_voices.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/Support_voices.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "んぐっ……よし、がんばろー!": "Mmph...... Alright, let's do our best!", "まだまだ序の口、始まったばかりよ!": "This is just the beginning, it's only getting started!", "私の声が聞こえないくらい、\n盛り上がってみせなさい!": "Make so much noise that you can't even hear my voice!", - "……これが、一番星……": "......So this is, Hatsuboshi......", + "……これが、一番星……": "......So this is, Prima Stella......", "あ、水たまりはっけーん!": "Ah, found a puddle!", "ちょっと佑芽!": "Hey, Ume!", "やめなさーい!": "Stop it!", @@ -107,5 +107,11 @@ "きみはわたしの、生徒なんですから。": "You're my student, after all.", "――ほら、ボクの背中に乗って。": "——Here, get on my back.", "心配しなくて大丈夫。": "Don't worry, it's okay.", - "うぅ……。\n麻央センパイの背中、あったかい……。": "Uuu... Mao-senpai's back is so warm..." + "うぅ……。\n麻央センパイの背中、あったかい……。": "Uuu... Mao-senpai's back is so warm...", + "なんだかことねの気配を感じるわ。": "I feel Kotone's presence somehow.", + "わたあめお面でバレないはず!": "I shouldn't be recognized with this cotton candy mask!", + "ふふ――見えてるわよ。": "Hehe— I can see you.", + "お~し、挟み撃ちするぞ~!": "Alright, let's pincer attack!", + "任せてことね": "Leave it to me, Kotone", + "こんなときだけ息ぴったりね!": "We only sync up perfectly at times like this!", } diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json index c02e6f71..75f4e939 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ "[__split__]秦谷美鈴誕生日": "[__split__]Misuzu Hataya's Birthday", "[__split__]十王星南誕生日": "[__split__]Sena Juo's Birthday", "[__split__]根緒亜紗里誕生日": "[__split__]Asari Neo's Birthday", + "プロデュースをA+評価で完了する": "Complete the produce with an A+ rating", "目標:ユニット内の役割決め\n「一番目立つセンターは、当然、私がやるべき」\n「いちばん!顔が!可愛いやつがやるんだよ!」\n「年功序列!」": "Goal: Deciding roles within the unit\n\"The most prominent center should obviously be me\"\n\"The one with the cutest face should do it!\"\n\"Seniority rules!\"", "ptで解放": "Unlock with points", @@ -731,5 +732,20 @@ "レッスン後、ボロボロで": "Exhausted After Lesson", "'24夏": "'24 Summer", "'24祭": "'24 Festival", - "やさしさ、あったかい": "Kindness, warmth" + "やさしさ、あったかい": "Kindness, warmth", + "勉強タイム!": "Study Time!", + "久しぶりのお出かけ": "A Rare Outing", + "ドッジボール対決!": "Dodgeball Showdown!", + "[初声]月村 手毬": "[First Voice] Tsukimura Temari", + "初声公演": "First Voice Performance", + "[初声]藤田 ことね": "[First Voice] Fujita Kotone", + "[初声]花海 咲季": "[First Voice] Hanami Saki", + "初声": "First Voice", + "[__split__]祭": "[__split__]Festival", + "夏を満喫するわよ!": "Let's Enjoy the Summer!", + "ふわふわなお面?": "A Fluffy Mask?", + "[__split__]光景 '": "[__split__]Koukei '", + "[__split__]The Rolling Riceball '": "[__split__]The Rolling Riceball '", + "[__split__]冠菊": "[__split__]Kamurigoku", + "仲良し自慢": "Best Friends Boast" } diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.fmt.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.fmt.json index 77b160e3..a78e190e 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.fmt.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.fmt.json @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ "お仕事を{0}回開始しよう ({1}/{2})": "Let's start {0} jobs ({1}/{2})", "お仕事を合計{0}時間しよう": "Let's work a total of {0} hours", "お仕事を合計{0}時間しよう ({1}/{2})": "Let's work a total of {0} hours ({1}/{2})", - "アイドルへの道で★を合計{0}以上獲得しよう": "Let's earn a total of {0} or more stars on the path to becoming an idol", - "アイドルへの道で★を合計{0}以上獲得しよう ({1}/{2})": "Let's earn a total of {0} or more stars on the path to becoming an idol ({1}/{2})", + "アイドルへの道で★を合計{0}以上獲得しよう": "Let's earn a total of {0} or more stars on The Idol Road", + "アイドルへの道で★を合計{0}以上獲得しよう ({1}/{2})": "Let's earn a total of {0} or more stars on The Idol Road ({1}/{2})", "アチーブメントを{0}個獲得しよう": "Let's acquire {0} achievements", "アチーブメントを{0}個獲得しよう ({1}/{2})": "Let's acquire {0} achievements ({1}/{2})", "イベントガシャを{0}回引こう": "Let's pull the event gacha {0} times", diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.json index 921ac3dd..c046bc80 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/mission.json @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ "[__split__]藤田 ことね": "[__split__]Kotone Fujita", "「お仕事」機能解放": "Unlock 'Work' feature", "「お仕事」機能解放 (1/1)": "Unlock 'Work' feature (1/1)", - "「アイドルへの道」機能解放": "Unlock 'Path to Idol' feature", - "「アイドルへの道」機能解放 (1/1)": "Unlock 'Path to Idol' feature (1/1)", + "「アイドルへの道」機能解放": "Unlock 「The Idol Road」 feature", + "「アイドルへの道」機能解放 (1/1)": "Unlock 「The Idol Road」 feature (1/1)", "「コインガシャ」機能解放": "Unlock 'Coin Gacha' feature", "「コインガシャ」機能解放 (1/1)": "Unlock 'Coin Gacha' feature (1/1)", "「コンテスト」機能解放": "Unlock 'Contest' feature", diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/pitem_name.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/pitem_name.json index a9d1c623..64887f17 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/pitem_name.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/pitem_name.json @@ -104,5 +104,15 @@ "転がり続ける元気の源": "Rolling Source of Energy", "転がり続ける元気の源+": "Rolling Source of Energy+", "願いを叶えるお守り": "Wish-fulfilling Charm", - "願いを叶えるお守り+": "Wish-fulfilling Charm+" + "願いを叶えるお守り+": "Wish-fulfilling Charm+", + "初声の証・咲季": "First Voice Proof - Saki", + "初声の証・手毬": "First Voice Proof - Temari", + "初声の証・ことね": "First Voice Proof - Kotone", + "[__split__]初声の証・咲季": "[__split__]First Voice Proof - Saki", + "[__split__]初声の証・手毬": "[__split__]First Voice Proof - Temari", + "[__split__]初声の証・ことね": "[__split__]First Voice Proof - Kotone", + "ハンターの戦利品": "Hunter's Spoils", + "[__split__]シューター": "[__split__]Shooter", + "ぱちぱち線香花火": "Crackling Sparklers", + "[__split__]ぱちぱち線香花火": "[__split__]Crackling Sparklers" } diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/skill_card_name.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/skill_card_name.json index bb025695..4918926d 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/skill_card_name.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/skill_card_name.json @@ -6,6 +6,18 @@ "Colorful Cute!": "Colorful Cute!", "Colorful Cute! has been removed": "Colorful Cute! has been removed", "POW!": "POW!", + "初めてのご褒美 has been removed": "First Reward has been removed", + "初めての未来 has been removed": "First Future has been removed", + "初めての場所 has been removed": "First Place has been removed", + "Upgraded 初めてのご褒美": "Upgraded First Reward", + "Upgraded 初めての未来": "Upgraded First Future", + "Upgraded 初めての場所": "Upgraded First Place", + "初めてのご褒美": "First Reward", + "初めての未来": "First Future", + "初めての場所": "First Place", + "初めての未来": "[__split__]First Future", + "[__split__]初めてのご褒美": "[__split__]First Reward", + "初めての場所": "[__split__]First Place", "POW! has been removed": "POW!has been removed", "Upgraded ": "Upgraded ", "Upgraded 200%スマイル": "Upgraded 200% Smile", diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/tutorial.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/tutorial.json index 4ee9b3f6..d7c57d9c 100644 --- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/tutorial.json +++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/tutorial.json @@ -11,35 +11,35 @@ "今回のように\n強化状態を消費するスキルカードには\n強力なものがあります": "As seen this time\nthere are powerful skill cards that consume \"enhanced state\"", "以降、○〆アクティブスキルカード使用時直前に○〆アクティブスキルカードを使用していた場合、スコア": "Thereafter, if a ○〆 active skill card was used just before using a ○〆 active skill card, score", "Pアイテムは条件を満たすと効果を発揮します。\nはじめから持っているPアイテムは\nプロデュースアイドルによって決まります。": "P-Items will take effect when conditions are met.\nThe P-Items you start with are determined by the produced idol.", - "Pポ": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイ": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイン": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントが": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがあ": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがあり": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありま": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがあります": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談し": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整え": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えて": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみ": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみま": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみませ": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみません": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", - "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみませんか": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", + "Pポ": "L", + "Pポイ": "Lo", + "Pポイン": "Looks ", + "Pポイントが": "Looks li", + "Pポイントがあ": "Looks lik", + "Pポイントがあり": "Looks like ", + "Pポイントがありま": "Looks like you ", + "Pポイントがあります": "Looks like you have som", + "Pポイントがありますね": "Looks like you have some P-Po", + "Pポイントがありますね\n": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\n", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWh", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy n", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy no", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談し": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not c", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not co", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not con", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consu", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consul", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult t", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整え": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult th", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えて": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみ": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the ", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみま": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the t", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみませ": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the te", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみません": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the tea", + "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみませんか": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teac", "Pポイントがありますね\n先生に相談して、準備を整えてみませんか?": "Looks like you have some P-Points.\nWhy not consult the teacher?", "Pポイントが少ない場合、相談を開始する時に\n確認メッセージを表示します。": "If P-Points are low, a confirmation message\nwill be displayed when starting a consultation.", "True EndアチーブメントはTrue Endに到達すると獲得できます。True Endアチーブメントを獲得すると、アイドルのパラメータが上昇します。": "True End Achievements can be earned by reaching the True End. Earning True End Achievements increases the idol's parameters.", @@ -158,32 +158,32 @@ "ダンスが足りないみたいですね\nダンスレッスンがおすすめ": "It seems like your dance skills are lacking.\nDance lessons are recommended.", "ダンスが足りないみたいですね\nダンスレッスンがおすすめで": "It seems like your dance skills are lacking.\nDance lessons are recommended.", "ダンスが足りないみたいですね\nダンスレッスンがおすすめです": "It seems like your dance skills are lacking.\nDance lessons are recommended.", - "ダンスに": "ダンスに", - "ダンスに差": "ダンスに差", - "ダンスに差が": "ダンスに差が", - "ダンスに差があ": "ダンスに差があ", - "ダンスに差があっ": "ダンスに差があっ", - "ダンスに差があった": "ダンスに差があった", - "ダンスに差があったみ": "ダンスに差があったみ", - "ダンスに差があったみた": "ダンスに差があったみた", - "ダンスに差があったみたい": "ダンスに差があったみたい", - "ダンスに差があったみたいで": "ダンスに差があったみたいで", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです": "ダンスに差があったみたいです", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\n": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\n", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダ": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダ", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダン": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダン", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンス": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンス", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレ": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレ", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッ": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッ", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッス": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッス", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスン": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスン", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化し": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化し", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しま": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しま", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しまし": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しまし", - "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しましょ": "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しましょ", + "ダンスに": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差が": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があ": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があっ": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があった": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみ": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみた": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたい": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいで": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\n": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダ": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダン": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンス": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレ": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッ": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッス": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスン": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化し": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しま": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しまし": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", + "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しましょ": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", "ダンスに差があったみたいです\nダンスレッスンで強化しましょう": "There seems to be a difference in Dance\nStrengthen with Dance Lesson", "ダンスのパラメータが上昇して\nレッスンクリアに近づきましたね!": "Your dance parameter has increased\nand you are closer to clearing the lesson!", "パラメータ上昇量を": "Amount of parameter increase",