diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json
index 1aba308b..340f3ff3 100644
--- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json
+++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/commu_titles.json
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
"次こそは絶対に": "Definitely next time",
"まだまだこれから": "Still plenty to go",
"まだまだここから!": "Still more to come!",
- "[__split__]ちびっこ体操教室": "[__split__]Kids Gymnastics Class",
+ "[__split__]ちびっこ体操教室": "[__split__]Kids Gym Class",
"[__split__]イベントカフェPR": "[__split__]Event Café PR",
"[__split__]インタビュアー": "[__split__]Interviewer",
- "[__split__]キャンプ場体験": "[__split__]Camping Experience",
+ "[__split__]キャンプ場体験": "[__split__]Camping",
"[__split__]ゲーム体験": "[__split__]Game Experience",
"[__split__]サイン会": "[__split__]Sign Event",
"[__split__]スパリゾートPR": "[__split__]Spa Resort PR",
@@ -56,20 +56,20 @@
"[__split__]ラジオの公開収録": "[__split__]Radio Public Recording",
"[__split__]商店街イベント": "[__split__]Shopping Street Event",
"[__split__]天川イベントガール": "[__split__]Amakawa Event Girl",
- "[__split__]天川観光大使": "[__split__]Amakawa Tourism Ambassador",
+ "[__split__]天川観光大使": "[__split__]Amakawa Tourism",
"[__split__]握手会": "[__split__]Handshake Event",
"[__split__]映画上映イベント": "[__split__]Movie Screening Event",
- "[__split__]森林浴スポット撮影": "[__split__]Forest Bathing Spot Photoshoot",
+ "[__split__]森林浴スポット撮影": "[__split__]Forest Bathing Shoot",
"[__split__]水族館のナビ収録": "[__split__]Aquarium Navi Recording",
"[__split__]清掃ボランティア": "[__split__]Cleaning Volunteer",
"[__split__]温泉PR": "[__split__]Hot Spring PR",
"[__split__]脱出ゲームPR": "[__split__]Escape Game PR",
"[__split__]街頭キャンペーン": "[__split__]Street Campaign",
"[__split__]試飲販売": "[__split__]Tasting Sales",
- "ちびっこ体操教室": "Kids Gymnastics Class",
+ "ちびっこ体操教室": "Kids Gym Class",
"イベントカフェPR": "Event Café PR",
"インタビュアー": "Interviewer",
- "キャンプ場体験": "Camping Experience",
+ "キャンプ場体験": "Camping",
"ゲーム体験": "Game Experience",
"サイン会": "Sign Event",
"スパリゾートPR": "Spa Resort PR",
@@ -79,16 +79,21 @@
"ラジオの公開収録": "Radio Public Recording",
"商店街イベント": "Shopping Street Event",
"天川イベントガール": "Amakawa Event Girl",
- "天川観光大使": "Amakawa Tourism Ambassador",
+ "天川観光大使": "Amakawa Tourism",
"握手会": "Handshake Event",
"映画上映イベント": "Movie Screening Event",
- "森林浴スポット撮影": "Forest Bathing Spot Photoshoot",
+ "森林浴スポット撮影": "Forest Bathing Shoot",
"水族館のナビ収録": "Aquarium Navi Recording",
"清掃ボランティア": "Cleaning Volunteer",
"温泉PR": "Hot Spring PR",
"脱出ゲームPR": "Escape Game PR",
"街頭キャンペーン": "Street Campaign",
"試飲販売": "Tasting Sales",
+ "イベントカフェ": "Cafe Event",
+ "森林浴スポット": "Forest Bathing",
+ "スパリゾート": "Spa Resort",
+ "温泉": "Hot Spring",
+ "脱出ゲーム": "Escape Game",
"準備は万端?": "Is everything ready?",
"もっと先へ": "Go further ahead",
"もっともっと先へ!": "Go much further ahead!",
diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json
index 1c4ce5b0..b09003b5 100644
--- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json
+++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.fmt.json
@@ -38,7 +38,12 @@
"最大体力の{0}分回復\nPドリンク(SR以上)を選択して獲得\nアクティブスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Recover {0} of max stamina\nSelect and obtain P-Drink (SR or higher)\nSelect and obtain Active Skill Card",
"最大体力の{0}分回復\nメンタルスキルカード(高確率でSR以上)を選択して獲得": "Recover {0} of max stamina\nSelect and obtain Mental Skill Card (high probability of SR or higher)",
"試験時のスコアボーナスを{0}増加": "Increase exam score bonus by {0}",
+ "ボーカル上昇{0}\nPドリンクを選択して獲得\n好印象関係のスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Vocal increase {0}\nSelect and gain P-Drink\nSelect and gain a Good Impression-related skill card",
+ "ダンス上昇{0}\nPドリンクを選択して獲得\nやる気関係のスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Dance increase {0}\nSelect and gain P-Drink\nSelect and gain a Motivation-related skill card",
+ "ビジュアル上昇{0}\nPドリンクを選択して獲得\nアクティブスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Visual increase {0}\nSelect and gain P-Drink\nSelect and gain an Active skill card",
"営業で獲得するファン投票数を{0}増加": "Increase the number of fan votes received in sales by {0}",
"オーディションで獲得するファン投票数を{0}増加": "Increase the number of fan votes you get in auditions by {0}",
+ "最大体力の{0}分回復\nランダムなPドリンク(SR以上)を獲得\nスキルカードを選択して異なるやる気関係のスキルカードにチェンジ": "Recover {0} minutes of max stamina\nObtain a random P-Drink (SR or higher)\nSelect a skill card and change to a different motivation-related skill card",
+ "最大体力の{0}分回復\nランダムなPドリンクを{1}つ獲得\nスキルカードを選択して強化": "Recover {0} minutes of max stamina\nObtain {1} random P-Drink\nSelect a skill card to strengthen",
"1日にメモリーをレンタルできる回数が{0}倍に増加します": "The number of times you can rent memories per day increases by {0} times"
diff --git a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json
index c06e9d04..2957abc7 100644
--- a/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json
+++ b/local-files/genericTrans/index/term.json
@@ -43,12 +43,13 @@
"○〆元気+5\n○〆全力値+2\n○〆全力値が1以上の場合、○〆温存に変更\nレッスン中1回 ": "○〆Energy +5\n○〆Full Power Point +2\nIf ○〆Full Power Point is 1 or higher, change to ○〆Reserved\nOnce during a lesson ",
"○〆温存に変更\n○〆元気+2\n○〆強気の場合、○〆全力値+3\nレッスン中1回 ": "Change to ○〆Reserved\n○〆Energy +2\nIf ○〆Confident, ○〆Full Power Point +3\nOnce during a lesson ",
"○〆強気に変更\nパラメータ+10\n○〆全力値+2\nレッスン中1回 ": "Change to ○〆Confident\nParameter +10\n○〆Full Power Point +2\nOnce during a lesson ",
- "ボーカル上昇{0}\nPドリンクを選択して獲得\n好印象関係のスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Vocal increase {0}\nSelect and gain P-Drink\nSelect and gain a Good Impression-related skill card",
- "ダンス上昇{0}\nPドリンクを選択して獲得\nやる気関係のスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Dance increase {0}\nSelect and gain P-Drink\nSelect and gain a Motivation-related skill card",
- "ビジュアル上昇{0}\nPドリンクを選択して獲得\nアクティブスキルカードを選択して獲得": "Visual increase {0}\nSelect and gain P-Drink\nSelect and gain an Active skill card",
- "営業先を選択してください": "Please select a sales location",
- "イベントカフェ": "Cafe Event",
- "森林浴スポット": "Forest Bathing",
+ "営業先を選択してください": "Select a sales location",
+ "[__split__]好印象関係の強化済みスキルカードを選択して獲得": "[__split__]Select and acquire enhanced skill cards related to good impression",
+ "[__split__]やる気関係の強化済みスキルカードを選択して獲得": "[__split__]Select and acquire enhanced skill cards related to motivation",
+ "[__split__]強化済みのアクティブスキルカードを選択して獲得": "[__split__]Select and acquire enhanced active skill cards",
+ "[__split__]やる気関係のスキルカードを選択して獲得": "[__split__]Select and acquire motivation-related skill cards",
+ "[__split__]好印象関係のスキルカードを選択して獲得": "[__split__]Select and gain a Good Impression-related skill card",
+ "[__split__]アクティブスキルカードを選択して獲得": "[__split__]Select and gain an Active skill card",
"ファン投票数": "No. of fan votes",
"アピールの基本1枚を思い出し笑いにチェンジして強化": "Change Basic Appeal 1 card to Recollection Laughter and Enhance",