This is a very simple wireframing application I created as my final project for CSE 316: Fundimentals of Software Development at Stony Brook University in Fall, 2019.
Users are able to create/login to accounts and create wireframe diagrams for the purpose of UI mock-ups. Wireframes are saved to an online database (Firebase) and are only accessable to the user that created them. Outside of basic CRUD capabilities, editing a wireframe supports drag and drop, drag corner to resize, and various property manipulation depending on the element.
Wireframer was created using JavaScript, React, Redux, and Firebase, along with simple HTML and CSS styling. Also made use of Materialize, react-materialize, and react-rnd for additional styling/functionality.
I'm currently working on a more fully-fledged wireframing application as part of the Wolfie-Tools team under Professor Richard McKenna at Stony Brook University. Keep an eye out for that project as it develops.