The web-site should show my knowlege in following parts of the Front-End Engineering Course:
- Semantic HTML
- CSS (including Transitions)
- JS (DOM Events with JS)
- Bootstrap 5
- Some knowlege of the web-accesibility
- GitHub skills (and also careful writing of the README using Markdown skills)
The web-site contains with two pages: the home one and the contact one. The home page has navigation, three sections and footer. The contact page includes navigation, one sector (includes the contact form) and footer. There are CSS-animation and CSS-Transitions. Also I used the DOM Events with JS to inrich styles and do the web-site more interective (like showing that my portfolio projects are not done yet or to give additional information about me with the hidden notes)
##How to use
Download the code.
1.HTML 2.CSS 3. Bootstrap 5 4. DOM Events with Java Script 5. Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)