Used as BatA version for adding new fetures Release Version has been moved and renamed to UTF-8_String.h. Link to current version:
Is a UTF-8 Formatted cross-platform CharT, string, or text in C++. Include 64 bit int formatted version of the above.
Creates a UTF-8 vector of unsigned char from a char, wchat_t, any unicode value, and std::string.
Simply by putting the Uchar.h header file in your C++ project you can have a iBS::u8char object for a unaversal char, c++ compliant container. Strait from a file into memory in the same format. No converting back and forth.
Can do conversions if needed. For example it can take in any Unicode and stores it in UTF-8 format:
iBS::u8char uc = 0x03a9;//Ω std::cout << uc.str() ;
<--- Main Header File Uchar.h --->
Defines iBS::UnicodeInt as uint64_t a 64 bit integer,
could be changed in one spot into uint32_t.
- UnicodeInt represents any Unicode integer value.
*** iBS::u8char struct v2.2 is up and running. ***
It is a UTF-8 formated container that holds a muti-byte unsigned char.
It uses a std::vector to hold 0 - 6 unsigned char s that make up
any UTF-8 formatted charT today and all the room Unicode has
reserved to ever use.
--- Constructors ---
u8char(std::vector<unsigned char>& c)
u8char(UnicodeInt unicode)
u8char(wchar_t ch):ref(1)
--- Operators ---
u8char& operator=( u8char const& x) // copy operator
u8char& operator=(UnicodeInt unicode)
u8char& operator=(char ch)
u8char& operator=(wchar_t& wc)
--- Functions ---
size_t size() const
void encode(unsigned int& unicode)
inline void setUnicode(UnicodeInt unicode)
bool appendtostr(std::string& str)
bool appendtostr(std::stringstream& str) // faster then std::string
std::string str()
*** iBS::u8str ***
A simple container that holds any UTF-8 formatted string
--- Functions ---
void append(u8char uc)
size_t u8char_count() //Idea to use for letter count
size_t unsignedchar_count()
void appendtostr(std::string& str)
std::string str()
*** iBS::Global Functions ***
- short iBS::ByteCount(unsigned char byte)
returns 0 if not lead byte or -1 when not UTF-8 formated
else returns number of ,8 bit bytes, it takes to contain it.
- bool iBS::isTrailByte(unsigned char byte)
returns true if it is a trailing byte in UTF-8 format
- void iBS::readu8file(std::string filename,u8str& u8_v)
Fills u8str with the complete UTF-8 formatted file at filename
Reads all of file filling each u8char one part at a time.
Each u8char will represent one Unicode.
Idea for finding problem in corrupted file.
- UnicodeInt iBS::Decode(u8char& u8c)
returning a Unicode as an uint32_t.
unsigned int unicode = uc.Decode();
inline UnicodeInt decode(std::vector<char>& c)
inline UnicodeInt decode(wchar_t& wch)
*** iBS::uchar ***
Unlike u8char, uchar holds(in memory) the char value as a single byte unsigned 32 bit integer.
It also is a standed c++ compliant container that can hold any Unicode.
It is acts the same way as the traditional char struct, ecept it holds the larger uint32_t
insted of the unsined 8 bit integer.
--- Constructors ---
uchar(int v)
uchar(long v)
uchar(UnicodeInt v)
uchar(char v)
uchar(uchar const &v)
uchar(wchar_t wch)
--- Operators ---
uchar& operator=(int unicode)
uchar& operator=(UnicodeInt unicode)
uchar& operator=(char ch)
uchar& operator=(uchar const& uch)
uchar& operator=(wchar_t wch)
bool operator==(int i)
bool operator==(UnicodeInt unicode)
bool operator==(char c)
bool operator==(uchar uch)
bool operator<(UnicodeInt unicode)
bool operator>(UnicodeInt unicode)
bool operator<=(UnicodeInt unicode)
bool operator>=(UnicodeInt unicode)
--- Functions ---
UnicodeInt get()
void set(UnicodeInt v)
void set(uchar uch)
void set(wchar_t wch)
UnicodeInt lower_case()
UnicodeInt upper_case()
******* iBS::ustr ******* A container that holds a vector of UnicodeInt to store raw Unicodes
Raw Unicodes makes for a good string or file format,
UTF-8 if based on Unicode Int,
converts easer then UTF-16, no Big and Little Idian,
more compact then UTF-32,
backwards compadable with ANSII and more.
--- Constructors ---
ustr(UnicodeInt unicode):ref(1) { ref[0] = unicode; };
ustr(char ch):ref(1) { ref[0] = ch; };
ustr(wchar_t wch):ref(1) { ref[0] = wch; };
working on ustr(std::vector<unsigned char>& raw_utf8)
working on ustr(unsigned char* raw_utf8)
working on ustr(std::string str):ref(str.size())
--- Operators ---
ustr& operator=(ustr const& x)
ustr& operator=(char ch)
ustr& operator=(wchar_t& wc)
--- Functions ---
size_t size() const
std::string str()
todo size_t u8char_count()
todo ...
Ufunc.h bool iBS::isOn(unsigned char byte, short index) void iBS::display_bits(unsigned char uc) void iBS::display_bits(unsigned short us) void iBS::display_bits(unsigned int ui) void iBS::display_bits(int i) void iBS::display_bits(size_t i)
Unum.h removed in v2.0
Udata.h removed in v2.0
Note: Even though Bjarn Stroustrup was not a direct contributor. His vector was used and his lectures were a big influence.