"# OpenCV4Android"
PickPic release version : https://youtu.be/v2bJJXJHd5c
This project was created by working at kth(KT Hitel).
When a user takes a picture or load to the album, PickPic recommends similar items (Open market - G market ETC..) Using OpenCV4Android SDK.
I used the color space (HSV, YCrCb, GrayScale.. ETC), many Algorithm (findcontours, drawcontours, threshold, color segmenation ETC)
If you want to know more way to find object just send to message for me cordorshs@gamil.com I will help you :)
##The previous cache item that user searched
##Using object features in picture
##Americano coffee
##Using object features in picture
##Photo Frame
##Using object features in picture
##Americano coffee