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File metadata and controls

92 lines (84 loc) · 3.84 KB


ASSIGNMENT 2 Name : Naman Anand Roll no : 200101070 SUBJECT : CS242 ASSIGNMENT : 2

COMPILING AND FOR RUNNING COMMANDS :-> 1)gcc -o 200101070 200101070_Assign2.c 2)./200101070

LIST OF OPERATIONS 1)setenv HOME // NOTE THE STARTING COMMAND SHOULD BE SAME LIKE THIS OHERWISE IT WILL NOT WORK U HAVE TO PUT EXACT SAME SPACES You Will Be directed into seperate line FOR Storing You can use HOME,SHELL,TERM,USER replacing HOME U can Give Any Number if spaces after HOME it works

2)printenv HOME echo $HOME USE EXACTLY SAME COMMAND Without any Spaces For its Working You can use HOME,SHELL,TERM,USER replacing HOME

  1. Implemented all Types of cd
    1. cd ~ to go You can Use cd ~ to go to HOME and U can Give Any Number of spaces after ~ it works . But not before cd or ~ Use same command till there cd works
    2. cd .. // SAME LIKE OF LINUX WORKS
    4. You can go to any subdirectory using cd Subdirectory_name
    5. You can reach anypath by giving exact path cd /REALPATH
    6. cd just pressing cd WILL Lead You to Home ALL TYPES OF CD IMPLEMENTED

  1. history U can use history command to print history Note Please use history without any spaces before

  1. If U WANT TO EXIT U CAN USE FOLLOWING WORDS x quit exit It will make u exit Note Please use exit or x or quit without any spaces before

  1. | PIPING WORKS EX -> ls -lha | sort ls -lha | wc , etc Please use this without any spaces before Only single level piping without any redirection (BEFORE SPACES TO COMMANDS WILL DAMAGE THE PROGRAM)

        input(<), output(>), append(>>) Also <>

Input and Output redirection Works and Also Append We can use for various cases Note Format ls -l >output.txt ls -l >>output2.txt (if u use ls -l > output.txt) ->It creates and store in ' output.txt' Also for reading We can Use cat <input.txt ALso Both redirection simulataneously working Please use this format Ex- cat <input.txt>output.txt // NO SPACE BETWEEN FILES

  1. List of LINUX commands:

man, which, chsh, whereis, passwd, date, cal, clear, sleep, history, apropos, exit, logout, shutdown, ls, cat, more, less, touch, cp, mv, rm, script, find, mkdir, cd, pwd, rmdir, chmod, grep Note In grep and echo Please Do Not Use " " Use Directly without " " like example ls | grep m etc

  1. help command without any previous space Ex-help

Note It may not work for particular command or return error But Please try again once. It will work. Also please try to give exact commands for proper working in Shell Reason -> There is A restriction on Size Of input and various commands. Overriding It may led to some error . But we can easily change in case of higher input . I thought that size of Input will work fine So I didn't Make more larger. Due to this it may not give output for any command Or it may led to segmentation fault.Please close and again run in that case .

Thank You !!