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Sono Beta 1.10.4

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Online interface available at (not https, the websocket is not working with the certificates I give it right now).

Sono is a high-level object-oriented and procedural scripting language developed with linguistic capabilities in mind. For that it supports multiple operators revolving around phonological analysis based upon distinctive features.

While the included file hayes.tsv is used for the example codes under examples, any set of TSV separated distinctive feature list may be used, with or without all the features expressed in hayes.tsv.

Place features in all-caps have sub-features that are considered to be 0 in quality when the corresponding place feature is -. For instance (using hayes.tsv), the segment /p/ is -DOR and the sub-features [0high, 0low, 0front, 0back, 0tense]. Any transformation that affects one of those sub-features will automatically activate the rest and set the place feature to +. If a transformation rule gives [+front], /p/ will be transformed to [+DOR, -high, -low, +front, -back, -tense]. Likewise, if a +DOR segment is transformed by [-DOR], all sub-features will be nullified to quality 0. In a custom TSV feature file, major features are determined the same way, with all lowercase features following them to be considered sub-features.


There are two pairs of files necessary to build, depending on your OS. For Windows, build-jar.bat and build-lib.bat will build the JAR file and the libraries and place them in their respective folders. For Linux/OSX, the same files exist as .sh versions and can be invoked in the same manner in a bash terminal.


git clone
cd Sono


git clone
cd Sono

Make sure to move Sono/bin do your desired location and add /bin to your system's PATH variable.


It is possible to run the JAR file directly, however it is recommended for the sake of brevity to use the files bin/sono.bat for Windows or bin/ for Linux/OSX, as these contain the necessary arguments to run the interpreter in UTF-8, necessary for IPA.

Command Line Arguments

Packages may be installed from GitHub Repos with -ig. Use the URL as the parameter:

sono -ig ""

The first argument (if the user wishes to run a file) must be the path to the file. Otherwise the CLI interpreter will be opened, from which commands may be run per user input.

There are currently only two command line arguments: -l which disables all phonological features of the language (for use as a general scripting language) and -d which takes in a file path for phonological base data.

During the initial run, -d will be required to develop a cache for the phonological data, and this process will take time depending on the extent of the data file given. Thereafter however the interpreter will automatically load the cached data at a significantly faster rate. A cache can always be re-initialized with -d.

Example usages:

sono ""
sono -d "pathToData.tsv"
sono "" -l
sono "" -d "pathToData.tsv"

Data Types

There are eight base data types:

Type Notes Examples of Literals
Number Numerical values encompassing floating point numerals and integers 1, 1.1, 1.0, 0.1
Boolean true or false, comparsion boolean values true, false
String Sequence of text, immutable "Hello World"
Vector List of any values, including mixed types {1,2,3,4}, {"Hello", 1}, {{1,2}, 3}
Dictionary Associative array of String to any value; for an associative array with keys of type other than String, see @{"hello" : "world", "salve" : "munde"}
Phone Phonological segment or phoneme, support for all segments in the user selected feature file and various secondary articulations (◌̩, ◌̠, ◌̟, ◌̪, ◌̺, ◌̥, ◌̥, ◌̃, ◌ʷ, ◌ʲ, ◌ˠ, ◌ˤ, ◌ʰ, ◌ː, a segment may use multiple secondary articulations, but those that contrast with each other will give error c.f. *[o̟̠])
Currently there is no support for X-SAMPA
Affricates must have an underscore to bind them
's', 't_ɕ', 'rʷː'
Word Sequence of Phones, with the addition of syllable delimiters . and morpheme boundary markers + `foʊnɒləd_ʒi`, `soʊ.noʊ`, `naː.wa+tɬ`
Feature Distinctive feature and its quality `+
Matrix Grouping of Features for transformations `[+
Rule Phonological transformation rules using a combination of Phones, Strings, and Matrices
The initial character determines whether it is assimilatory: S indicates no assimilation (does not remove any segments), Af indicates forward assimilation (removes the following segment), Ab indicates backward assimilation (removes the previous segment)
Function Basic parameterized anonymous function (a, b) => {return a * b;}


Please note that syntax may change during the course of updates due to the novelty of the language. After the beta is complete the final syntax will have been established.

The syntax is mostly C-style with minor alterations regarding flow segments and usage of semi-colons. All statements must end in a semi-colon (in the vein of C/++ and Java). The exception to this is single-lined scopes, where a semi-colon is not necessary. For example, the function (a, b) => {return a * b;} may also be written as (a, b) => {return a * b}.


There are two default, immutable variables: _all and _base. The former encompasses all generated phones, including those that exist in _base and their derivatives, while _base only contains the phones established in the TSV data file.

Variables can have any key that falls within [a-zA-Z_][\da-zA-Z_]*. Examples:

var a;
var _a;
var a1;

Variables must be declared before usage with the var keyword. Their type is initially declared as null with no values.

Variables can be set thereafter with the operator =, and will take on the type of whatever value proceeds the operator:

var a = 1; # Variable 'a' is type 'Number' with value '1'
a = "Hello World"; # Now variable 'a' is type 'String' with value '"Hello World"'

Operators are strictly typed however, and thus a variable of type Number cannot be added to a variable of type String, etc. Explicit conversion is necessary using the following keywords. All keywords are reflexive for their own types, and reversible with the exception of str (if a is a Vector, then vec word a == a):

Keyword Conversion Values
str Convert to a String Any
vec Converts to a Vector String, Matrix, Word, Dictionary
mat Converts to a Matrix Vector (of Features)
num Converts to a Number String
char Converts to a 1-element String value of a Number Number
code Converts to a Number value of a 1-element String's character code String
word Converts to a Word String, Vector
feat Converts to a Feature String
hash Converts to a unique Number value for identifying the object or value Any


All basic arithmetic operators exist, including ** for exponent. Any alterations or unique operators are noted below

Operator Function Values
a + b Concatenates or adds values
In the case of two Matrix values, the returned Matrix will contain a combination of values that allow for from to return a natural class Vector encompassing values given by both Matrix values
a and b must be of the same type
a ?> b Returns a Matrix of contrastive features between two values Phone
a from b Returns all Phone values from b that contain features expressed in a Matrix and Vector (of Phones)
a >> b Transforms a by b Word and Rule, Phone and Matrix
a until b Creates a Vector of values within the range of a and b (exclusive) Number
a === b Equivalent to == in all values except Structure values, for which it compares whether the objects are the same instance, overriding any implementation of equals() Any
a !== b Correspondent to the above Any


Objects are declared using two modifiers, either static or struct, and then the name of the object, followed by class.

Objects declared as static cannot be instantiated, they exist as "holders" for methods and values. Objects declared with struct however are able to be instantiated with the new.

struct objects must have a method init, which is called during instantiation as the constructor method. Other methods may be overridden:

Method Arguments Use
getString None Returns a String representation of the object when the object is called with str
getIndex Any single value Overrides the Vector indexing operator []
getVector None Returns a Vector representation of the object when the object is called with vec
getLength None Returns the length of the object when called with length()
getHash None Returns the hashcode of the object when called with hash
equals Any single value Overrides the == operator (and by extension, the != operator)

While it is possible to override these methods to return values of any type, that practice may lead to some confusion (for instance, getList returning a Number).

An example object and its instantiation are as follows:

struct Point class {
	var x;
	var y;
	init(x, y) => {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y
	getStr() => {
		return "(" + str x + ", " + str y + ")";

var p = new Point(1, 2);
print(p); # Prints "(1, 2)"


Rule declarations have five components: Type, Search parameter, Transformation parameter, and the two boundary parameters.

<Type> |> <Search> -> <Transformation> // <Lower Bound> .. <Upper Bound>

The Type is one of three values S, Af, and Ab. Their usage was explained above.

The Search parameter must be of type Matrix or Phone. The Rule, when applied, will search the sequence sequentially for a value applicable ot the Search parameter. The Search parameter can also be null, in which case the Rule will look only with concern to the boundary parameters.

The Transformation parameter must be of type Vector, containing Matrix or Phone values, or a Matrix, Phone, or String value that will be inserted as a 1-element Vector. A Vector value is used to transform into sequences of greater length than a single segment, e.g. ... -> {'n', 'd'}. If the Search parameter is satisfied, the values within the Transformation parameter will be applied to the found Phone. For a Matrix value in the parameter, the application will generate a Phone with the values of the Search transformed by the Matrix. For a Phone value in the parameter, there is no transformation and the value is simply appended in place of the Search parameter. Using a Vector with multiple values allows for the creation of multiple new Phone values with their sequential transformations or replacements with respect to the Search parameter.

The Boundary parameters follow the same format as the Transformation parameter, but scan the sequence in the manner of the Search parameter. They must be declared as Vector. In addition to the values allowed for the Transformation parameter, Boundary parameters may also contain the following String values:

"$" Syllable boundary (matches to . in a sequence, + in a sequence, or the beginning or end of the sequence)

"#" Word boundary (matches only to the beginning or end of a sequence)

"+" Morpheme boundary (matches to + in a sequence)

The rules "$" and "+" only apply if the Word explicitly declares syllable or morpheme boundaries, the interpreter does not assume boundaries.

Some examples of rules include:

# Vowel nasalized before a nasal consonant (English)
S |> [+|syl, -|cons] -> [+|nasal] // null .. [-|syl, +|cons, +|nasal];
# `mæn` -> `mæ̃n`

# Vowel nasalized before a nasal consonant, and the consonant is deleted (French)
Af |> [+|syl, -|cons] -> [+|nasal] // null .. [-|syl, +|cons, +|nasal];
# `bɔn` -> `bɔ̃`

# Palatalized /h/ becomes [ç] before a vowel (Japanese)
S |> 'hʲ' -> 'ç' // null .. [+|syl];
# `hʲito` -> `çito`

# Final non-nasal consonant is devoiced (German)
S |> [-|syl, +|cons, +|voice, -|nasal] -> [-|voice] // null .. "#";
# `taːg` -> `taːk`
# `taːgə` -> `taːgə` (Unchanged)

# An epenthetic [ə] is inserted between sequential consonants (Not based on a real language)
S |> null -> 'ə' // [-|syl, +|cons] .. [-|syl, +|cons];
# `asta` -> `asəta`

In addition, there are further Feature assimilation options. Denoting features with numeric qualities (e.g. 1, 2, 3, ...) creates a variable feature linked to the quality in the Phone or Matrix that corresponds to that integer read from left to right.

For instance, a rather complicated nasal assimilation rule in Japanese:

# The moraic nasal assimilates to the place of the following consonant
S |> 'ɴ' -> [2|LAB, 2|round, 2|ld, 2|COR, 2|ant, 2|dist, 2|DOR, 2|high, 2|low, 2|front, 2|back] // null .. [-|syl, +|cons, 2|LAB, 2|round, 2|ld, 2|COR, 2|ant, 2|dist, 2|DOR, 2|high, 2|low, 2|front, 2|back];

Place assimilation may be revised in the future using macros for the sake of brevity.


Function syntax is expressed in two ways: anonymous or dedicated functions. The only difference in declaration is a lack of identifier with anonymous functions. For a dedicated function, one identifier can only be declared once (with the exception of prototypical functions) within a scope, and it will only exist within that scope. Anonymous functions can server as variables, callbacks, and generally more mutable values.

# Dedicated
f(x) => {
	return x * x;

# Anonymous
f = (x) => {
	return x * x;

The operator => is used in both to signify the function body. Within the function body, there are two possible keywords for returning values. The keyword return will return the value by value, and does not affect the value referred to by the function:

var a = 0;

f() => {
	return a;

var b = f(); # 0
f() = 10; # 10
a; # 0

On the other hand, the keyword refer designates the opposite, it passes the value by reference:

var a = 0;

f() => {
	refer a;

var b = f(); # 0
f() = 10; # 10
a; # 10

Note that using f() returns the reference to the variable itself and thus when using = sets the value of the variable.

All functions are first-class values and can be used in any situation regarding variables.


The for-loop syntax and while-loop syntax use the same keyword do, with the for-loop having an iteration keyword in indicating its span.

i in {0 until 10} do {
	# ....

true do {
	# ....

The iteration variable is mutable and if the loop happens to be iterating over a Vector variable, the contents may be altered:

var nums = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};

print(nums); # {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

i in nums do {
	i += 1;

print(nums); # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}


If-then-else sequences use then and else:

i == 1 then {
	# ....
} else {
	# ....

Else-if segments can be easily chained on using another then:

i == 1 then {
	# ....
} else i == 2 then {
	# ....
} else i == 3 then {
	# ....
} else {
	# ....

A final else statement is not required.

Switch Statement

As a great man once said, a switch statement is always necessary. Switch statements can be much more efficient than long else-then sequences due to hashing the input and comparing it against values directly rather than going sequentially through all the if-statements.

The syntax is relatively similar to all other code blocks in the language, following the subsequent pattern:

KEY switch {
	0 goto {
		# ....
	1 goto {
		# ....
	# ....

To implement the default case, the keyword else is optionally used. A default case is not required, and omission of one just indicates that the switch statement will not be executed if the key value does not match any elements.

KEY switch {
	# ....
} else {
	# ....


Try-catch statements use the following form:

try {
	# ....
} catch {
	# ....

Within the catch statement, the variable _e is generated, indicating the message of the error.

The catch clause is optional.

Loading External Files

The load keyword will search for a file of a given String key and load its content during compilation. It will search in the running directory first, and then proceed to the application's bin/lib directory. See examples for usage samples.

External Libraries

External libraries can be compiled as .jar files and imported with the import keyword. These .jar files must be built with the build-lib script and extend main.base.Library. In addition, they must be compiled in the package ext.

The commands of external libraries are activated using the keyword _OUTER_CALL_ which requests a predefined function. The first parameter of the keyword is the String key of the function, while the second is the input of any type. See ext for examples.

Various Regards

To Andy Cline for invaluable aid in setting up SSL

To Dr. Kevin Tang for providing input towards the project's development and goals