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A basic backend project built with TypeScript, Mongoose, and Express.js. Implements a modular design for clean code. Features include retrieving all students, fetching a student by ID, and creating new students. Tools: Postman, MongoDB Atlas, and Compass.

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First Project with TypeScript, Mongoose, and Express.js

This is my first project built using TypeScript, Mongoose, and Express.js. The project is a basic backend application that allows you to perform CRUD operations on student data. It implements a modular design pattern to keep the codebase clean and organized.


  • Mongoose Middleware:

    • pre('save') middleware to hash the password before saving a user document.
    • post('save') middleware to send a notification after a student record is saved.
  • Virtuals:

    • Create a virtual property fullName that combines the firstName and lastName fields.
  • Custom Validation:

    • Custom validator for email field to ensure it adheres to a specific format (e.g., only accept student emails with domain
  • Third-Party Validation Library:

    • Use Joi for validating incoming data before saving a new student.
    • Example: Joi.object({ name: Joi.string().min(3).required(), email: Joi.string().email().required() })
  • Custom Instance Method:

    • Create a method getStudentProfile() that returns a student's full profile (including virtual properties like fullName).
  • Custom Static Method:

    • Implement a static method findByGrade() to retrieve all students who belong to a certain grade level.

These additions enhance the functionality and maintainability of the application while adhering to best practices in validation and data manipulation.

Technologies Used

  • TypeScript:

    • Provides strong typing to improve code reliability, reduce bugs, and enhance developer experience by enabling type safety and autocompletion.
  • Mongoose:

    • Provides a seamless and powerful way to interact with MongoDB, allowing for defining schemas, model creation, and middleware integration in a simple and efficient manner.
  • Express.js:

    • A fast, minimal web framework for building robust backend APIs, offering simplicity, flexibility, and extensive support for routing and middleware.
  • Validator.js:

    • A library that provides string validation and sanitization, making it easy to validate data (e.g., email, URL, or date formats) before processing or saving it.
  • Joi:

    • A powerful and flexible schema description and validation library for JavaScript, used to validate incoming request data and ensure it adheres to predefined rules (e.g., required fields, data types, and string lengths).
  • Zod:

    • A TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library that offers a type-safe approach to validate data, providing both runtime validation and compile-time type inference.

Tools Used

  • Postman: For API testing.
  • MongoDB Atlas: For cloud database storage.
  • MongoDB Compass: For local database exploration and management.

API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/v1/students/ Get all student data
GET /api/v1/students/:studentId Get specific student by ID
POST /api/v1/students/create-student Create a new student record

Modular Design

This project follows a modular design pattern to enhance maintainability and scalability. Each module handles specific functionality, making it easier to debug and add features in the future.

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd first-project-typescript-mongoose-express
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Set up environment variables in a .env file:
  5. Start the server:
    npm run dev

Folder Structure

├── controllers/       # Handles business logic
├── models/            # Mongoose schemas
├── routes/            # API routes
├── utils/             # Utility functions
├── config/            # Configuration files (e.g., database)
├── middlewares/       # Middleware functions
├── app.ts             # Main Express application
├── server.ts          # Server entry point

How to Test

  1. Use Postman or any API client to test the endpoints.
  2. Ensure MongoDB Atlas or Compass is connected for data storage.

About Me

Hi, I am Nadim Mahmud Nion. I have recently concluded my graduation from the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Daffodil International University (DIU). I have been learning MERN Stack Web Development since 2022. I am expertise in the following skills:

  • React

  • Express.js

  • TypeScript

  • Mongoose

  • Postman

  • MongoDB Compass

  • NoSQLBooster

  • Node.js

  • MongoDB Atlas

  • JWT

  • Stripe

  • Vite

  • React Router

  • Firebase (Authentication & Hosting)

  • Vercel

  • JavaScript

  • Advanced JavaScript

  • Daisy UI

  • Bootstrap

  • Tailwind

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Media Query

I have built multiple projects using these skills. You are invited to my GitHub profile to know about my projects and don't forget to give a star to my projects.


A basic backend project built with TypeScript, Mongoose, and Express.js. Implements a modular design for clean code. Features include retrieving all students, fetching a student by ID, and creating new students. Tools: Postman, MongoDB Atlas, and Compass.







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