Send me a link to an Instagram post or to an Instagram user. If you send me a post I will send the image or video to you. If you send me a user I will send you all his/her posts. Because some user just wont stop posting images, this could take some time. I really do recommend to use the post download method and not the user download method.
- Download a specific post from a user
- Download all posts from a user
- /help, /start: show a help message with information about the bot and it's usage.
- /request USERNAME: request a private user to be followed.
Please share this bot with your friends so that I (the magician behind this project) have enough motivation to continue and maintain this bot.
Check out my other project[s]:
- @animu_image_search_bot - Reverse image search bot for telegram
If you have found a bug or want a new feature, please make an issue here: Nachtalb/insta_looter_bot
Please use a line length of 120 characters and Google Style Python Docstrings.
Instead of the old pip
with requirements.txt
I use the new and fancy pipenv
with pipfile
. If you read the intro
to pipenv and pipfile you will understand why I use it.
With this info we now install our virtualenv with:
pip install pipenv # Install pipenv
pipenv --three # Create virtualeenv from your python3 installation
pipenv install # Install all requirements
pipenv shell # Spawn shell for your pipenv virtualenv
After this is complete, you have to get an API Token from Telegram. You can easily get one via the @BotFather.
Now that you have your API Token copy the
and paste in your API Token.
Finally you can use this to start your bot.
In the
you can additionally add a API Token which let's you create
statistics. You can also give me some Instagram Credentials, with which the bot signs in on startup to enable insight to
private users. Of course you have to follow these private users to use them.
Thank you for using @insta_looter_bot.