This app contains:
- Redis client
- Lightweight API for getting customer codes
- A script for uploading customer codes to the Redis Elasticache
The interface for this API looks like this:
GET /api/v0.1/m2-customer-code?barcodes=[barcode, …]
The app will return a 400 if the barcodes param is missing or invalid. The app should respond with a structure resembling this in general:
Successful response:
"statusCode": 200,
"body": {
"status": 200,
"data": [
"barcode": "1234",
"m2CustomerCode": "NX"
Failure response (returned with no response from elasticache):
"statusCode": 400,
"body": {
"status": 400,
"message": "Failure message"
python ./event.json
Or, to run against production config (note that the production Redis is only available to the SASB internal network at writing):
ENVIRONMENT=production python ./event.json
Use sam
to run the code in a container that best emulates the deployment environment.
Set up:
Invoke on arbitrary event:
sam local invoke --profile nypl-digital-dev -t sam.local.yml -e event.json
make test
Periodically, we need to generate a CSV of recent M2 accessions and load them into the QA and Prod Redis stores.
Consult the TAD for fuller instructions with sensitive information included. The basic procedure is:
- Connect to VPN
- Connect to LAS server
- Load LAS client (
TERM=xterm /las/prod/scripts/lasuser
) - Navigate to “Barcodes by CUS/DATE” report via 3 REPORTS > 8 EXPORT ITEM BARCODES > 12 EXPORT ITEM BARCoDES
- Select "By Customer", CUS: *, and relevant "Beg Date" and "End Date" range
- Note the exported file path
- Log out and SCP the report to your local machine.
That should produce a file with barcodes and customer codes for items in M2, including columns:
- Item barcode
- Accession date
- Customer code
- Delete date
ENVIRONMENT=(qa|production) python {csvfilename}
Batch size defaults to 1000. The initial load of >2,000,000 records, using a batch size of 10,000, took around 30 seconds.
For all the options, run:
python -h
Note that access to the shared prod Redis appears restricted to SASB internal network at writing.
Troubleshooting psycopg "ImportError: no pq wrapper available."
In OSX, if you have a /usr/local/opt/libpq/lib and xcode installed, but get above error when running the app locally, you may need to install the psycopg this way:
pip uninstall psycopg
pip install "psycopg[c]"