Backpack viewer:
Create a trade:
Architecture: The code utilizes an MVC architecture as much as possible. Working features:
- Backpack viewer of any Steam ID
- Basic trade creation (in development)
- User profiles, dashboards
- Database calls
- Steam OpenID login
- Steam API calls
- Persistent session storage through database
- And more...
This code is still in pre-alpha. Many features are still being implemented, written, and tested.
To run locally, you will need a MongoDB / Mongoose instance. If using Heroku with the MongoLab or MongoHQ addons, the server will automatically connect without modifications. The database configuration is in db/connect.js Database schemas are present in the db/models folder
db/models/schemas.js will export the schemas for Mongoose when called db/models/foo.js will define the schemas
Current Collections:
- Users
- Trades
The actual schema initialization is called in server.js
The controllers folder contains all of the controller functions.
Controller Files (controllers/):
- admin_controller.js - Routes admin functions; renders admin.ejs
- updateSchema - calls ../models/download_schema_model to download the new tf2 item schema, and item icons to the file system
- resizeItems - BUGGY - calls ../models/download_schema_model to resize images
- AddAnAdmin - In development
- AddAModerator - In development
- homepage_controller.js - Renders the index.ejs view
- item_controller.js - Gets backpack from item_model.js, renders backpack.ejs, or schema.ejs
- showbackpack will render the user's backpack
- showschema will render the whole item schema
- trade_controller.js - Handles POST and GET to /trade/create, and pulls data to render $$id
- exports.index - routes calls to following functions
- ShowCreateATrade - GET /trade/create/ - Pulls backpack, and schema data from ../models/item_model.js, renders view createtrade.ejs
- ViewTrade - GET /trade/view/$id - Pulls trade information from trade_model, renders viewtrade.ejs
- POST /trade/create - Sends data to trade_model for creation
- user_controller.js - Routes user functions
- exports.profile - shows the user's profile with trades
The models folder contains all of functions that pull data from the database, or the steam API. It also contains common functions such as CRUD
Model Files (models/):
- steamapi_model.js - Connects to SteamAPI, returns function with API data in JSON
- user - Returns userdata from Steam, such as username and avatar
- backpack - Returns players' items from Steam
- schema - Returns latest tf2item schema from Steam
- download_schema_model.js
- - Downloads the item schema to models/tf2item_schema.txt, calls function DownloadItemIcons
- function DownloadItemIcons - Downloads item icons to static/item_icons/$(defindex).png
- exports.resizeitems - UNUSUED - Should use imagemagick to resize item icons. Currently buggy.
- item_model.js
- exports.getbackpack - Hosts the backpack function. Parses SteamAPI getplayeritems and models/tf2item_schema.txt to extract relevant backpack data. Returns player backpack.
- exports.getschema - Parses our downloaded item schema to JSON, and returns the JSON object.
- trade_model.js
- CRUD functions for trades
- user_model.js
- CRUD functions for users
All rights reserved. Code may be used for reference, and educational purposes only.