MINERvA CC0pi nu and antinu, check ME or LE
MINERvA CC0pi nu and antinu, check ME or LE
Propagate sample name change (1pi0Np to Npi0Mp) throughout implementa…
Propagate sample name change (1pi0Np to Npi0Mp) throughout implementa…
Clear up signal defintion in description
Clear up signal defintion in description
Fix histogram titles
Fix histogram titles
Update the sample lists to reflect the CC1pipNp name rather than CC1p…
Update the sample lists to reflect the CC1pipNp name rather than CC1p…
Finalise T2K CC1piNp measurement
Finalise T2K CC1piNp measurement
Clearing up some... rude? language
Clearing up some... rude? language
Add variable calculation. Looks mostly correct, except delta alpha T …
Add variable calculation. Looks mostly correct, except delta alpha T …
Change type to enum
Change type to enum
Add T2K CC1pip1p sample to sample list and makefile
Add T2K CC1pip1p sample to sample list and makefile
Support using old deprecated MINERvA CC0piNp data rather than removin…
Support using old deprecated MINERvA CC0piNp data rather than removin…
Merge branch 'main' of
Merge branch 'main' of
Move from using std::regex to long boring string comparison. std::reg…
Move from using std::regex to long boring string comparison. std::reg…