Vue Sure Toast is a simple VueJS toast plugin. This plugin contains built in features for theming, position, and more. See below for a full list of features.
First import the plugin.
import SureToast from 'vue-sure-toast';
Then configure the plugin with Vue.
// The simplest implementation.
// You can set default option values for the plugin here. See a full list of options below.
Vue.use(SureToast, options);
// Here is a sample that sets the position and theme for all the toasts.
Vue.use(SureToast, {
position: 'top-left',
theme: 'warning'
Displaying a toast message from within a component.
// The simplest method for displaying toast.
this.$, icon);
this.$, icon, options);
The options parameter can contain an action that will be appended to the toast an a link.
this.$'I am a toast message', 'fa fa-info-circle', {
interval: 5000,
enableManualDismiss: true,
action: {
text: 'DISMISS',
onClick: (e, toast) => { alert('TOAST CLICKED: ' + toast); }
You can also pass an array of actions when displaying a toast. If you pass both the 'action' and 'actions' property the 'action' property will take precedence over 'actions'. Make sure you pass one to save yourself some trouble.
this.$'I am a toast message', 'fa fa-info-circle', {
interval: 5000,
enableManualDismiss: true,
actions: [
text: 'OPEN',
onClick: (e, toast) => { alert('OPEN CLICKED: ' + toast); }
text: 'DISMISS',
onClick: (e, toast) => { alert('CLOSE CLICKED: ' + toast); }
There are to methods you can hook into that will get fired when a toast is opened or closed.
// If you want a fire onOpened or onClosed for a specific toast you can do it like so.
this.$'I am a toast message', 'fa fa-info-circle', {
interval: 5000,
onOpened(e) {
console.log('toast opened');
onClosed(e) {
console.log('toast closed');
If you want to fire the onOpened and onClosed for all the toasts you can pass define your functions in the plugin options.
Vue.use(SureToast, {
onOpened() {
console.log('toast opened');
onClosed() {
console.log('toast closed');
Any plugin level options that are passed through the show function will be ignored by the plugin.
Below is a full list of the available options for both the defaults and individual toasts.
Option | Type | Values | Default | Description |
interval | number | any number (milliseconds) | 5000ms | The duration the toast is visible |
enableManualDismiss | boolean | true, false | false | Allows toasts to be manually dismissed |
position | string | 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'top', 'bottom' | 'top-right' | Screen position of the toast |
theme | string | 'success', 'error', 'info', 'warning', 'default' | 'default' | The color scheme of the toast |
limit | number | any whole number | 3 | How many toasts can be displayed at once |
persist | boolean | true, false | false | Forces toasts to remain on screen (overrides interval) |
reverseToastOrder | boolean | true, false | false | If true displays the latest toasts at the bottom |
showProgressBar | boolean | true, false | false | If true displays the a progress bar across the bottom of toast with displaying the remaining time left for the toast |
onOpened | function | N/A | undefined | Executed after a toast is opened |
onClosed | function | N/A | undefined | Executed after a toast is closed |
Below is a full list of the options that can only be set at the plugin level (passed to the Vue.use function).
Option | Type | Values | Default | Description |
position | string | 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'top', 'bottom' | 'top-right' | Screen position of the toast |
limit | number | any whole number | 3 | How many toasts can be displayed at once |
reverseToastOrder | boolean | true, false | false | If true displays the latest toasts at the bottom |
Below is a full list of the methods available through the Vue instance.
Method | Parameters | Description |
show | message, icon, options | Display a toast with the default options |
showSuccess | message, icon, options | Displays a success toast (sets theme to 'success') |
showError | message, icon, options | Displays an error toast (sets theme to 'error') |
showWarning | message, icon, options | Displays a warning toast (sets theme to 'warning') |
showInfo | message, icon, options | Display an information toast (sets theme to 'info') |
dismiss | toast | Removes a given toast from the DOM (NOT WORKING) |
dismissAll | N/A | Removes all toasts from the DOM |
Below is a full list of properties availble through the Vue instance.
Property | Type | Description |
pluginDefaultOptions | object | Stores the defaults for the plugin. This is used as a fallback if no plugin or toast level settings are set by the user |
userDefaultOptions | object | Stores the default options configured at the plugin level by the user |
toastsLoaded | number | Stores the current number of toasts visible on the DOM |
toasts | array | Stores an array of DOM elements that represents the toasts current visible on the DOM |
This plugin was inspired by vue-toasted
Developed by: NSSure