Construct function :
- establishConnection
- createDatabase
- useDatabase
- This funciton takes two parameters : First one is for table name and second one is for tables columns according to their datatype.
- You can choose 'string' for datatype VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
- Ethier you can select 'int' for datatype INT(11) NOT NULL
- If you want custom datatype then you need to specify it according to your own need with syntax like :
- 'column name' => 'your custom datatype'
- This function takes three parameters: First for table name
- Second for your table data that you want to insert in table you can simply pass $_POST
- The last parameter is for redirection if you want to redirect any other page.
- This function also takes three parameter:
- First for tablename
- Second for choosing columns
- Last one parameter is for add condition to your record that you want to read.
- This function is for delete record from your table
- First it takes table name
- Second is for your condition and
- Third one if for redirection if you want.
- This funciton takes three parameters : First one is for table name and second one is for record that you want to update it should be an array.
- Third is for condition to update a specific record.
- Last one is for redirection if you want.
Thats All In This Class I Hope It Can Help To Save Your Time And To Speed Up Your Work :)