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Everything needed to set up EMC_verif-global to run standalone will be contained in the your clone from GitHub.
The default configuration file for EMC_verif-global is parm/config/config.vrfy. It is recommended that users create a copy or copies of this configuration file for their own verification purposes. The user customized configuration file(s) can live wherever and be named whatever a user desires.
Below is a more in-depth description of the settings in the configuration file.
The first section contains switches for the verification cases that can be run. The setting "YES" will run the verification. The setting "NO" will not run the verification. Switches with "STEP1" at the end (RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP1, RUN_GRID2OBS_STEP1, RUN_PRECIP_STEP1, RUN_SATELLITE_STEP1) are for commuting various statistics, and switches with "STEP2" at the end (RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP2, RUN_GRID2OBS_STEP2, RUN_PRECIP_STEP2, RUN_SATELLITE_STEP2) are for creating plots. In order to run the "STEP2" switches, the corresponding "STEP1" switch will have needed to be run prior.
RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP1: grid-to-grid verification statistics production (default: YES)
RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP2: grid-to-grid verification statistics graphics production (default: NO)
RUN_GRID2OBS_STEP1: grid-to-obs verification statistics production (default: YES)
RUN_GRID2OBS_STEP2: grid-to-obs verification statistics graphics production (default: NO)
RUN_PRECIP_STEP1: precipitation verification statistics production (default: YES)
RUN_PRECIP_STEP2: precipitation verification statistics graphics production (default: NO)
RUN_SATELLITE_STEP1: satellite verification statistics production (default: NO)
RUN_SATELLITE_STEP2: satellite verification statistics graphics production (default: NO)
RUN_TROPCYC: tropical cyclone verification statistics graphics production (default: NO)
RUN_MAPS2D: latitude-longitude and zonal mean graphics comparing variables amongst model forecasts and analyses (default: NO)
RUN_MAPSDA: latitude-longitude and zonal mean graphics comparing variables for increments and ensemble mean and spread amongst models (default: NO)
Then, follows a section of settings that generally apply to running all the verification types. For "list" settings, each entry can be separated by the space, ex. "gfs gfsv16". List variables must contain the same amount of entries as "model_list". The entries match for their index in "model_list", so the first model listed in "model_list" will need its information listed first in "model_dir_list", "model_stat_dir_list", etc.
The "INPUT DATA SETTINGS" section is for settings related to the input data to be used to verify
model_list: list of model names (default: gfs)
model_dir_list: list full paths to the online directory containing the model analysis and forecast files; the code will look for the files in matching indexes in model_list ${model_dir}/${model} (default: /gpfs/dell2/emc/verification/noscrub/emc.verif/global/archive)
model_stat_dir_list: list of full paths to the directory where the archive of METplus .stat files should be; the code look for the files in the matching indexes in ${model_stat_dir}/metplus_data (default: /gpfs/dell2/emc/modeling/noscrub/$USER/archive)
model_file_format_list: list of template of the model forecast files; the template matches the index in model_list (default: pgbf{lead?fmt=%2H}.gfs.{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H})
model_data_run_hpss: set to "NO" to not retrieve missing model data from HPSS; set to "YES" to retrieve missing model data from HPSS, NOTE: SETTING THIS TO YES WILL POTENTIALLY INCREASE RUN TIME (default: NO)
model_hpss_dir_list: list of full paths to the directory on HPSS; the code will look for the files in matching indexes in model_list ${model_hpss_dir}/${model} (default: /NCEPPROD/hpssprod/runhistory)
hpss_walltime: job submission wall time in minutes for jobs to get data from HPSS (default: 10)
The "OUTPUT DATA SETTINGS" section is for settings related to the output for running the verification cases
OUTPUTROOT: full path to the directory where the temporary output will be (default: /gpfs/dell2/stmp/$USER/verif_global_standalone)
The "DATE SETTINGS" section is for settings related the verification dates and how to use them
start_date: start date of the verification in YYYYMMDD format (default: 20210101)
end_date: end date of the verification in YYYYMMDD format (default: 20210101)
make_met_data_by: set to "VALID" to treat the verification dates as valid dates; set to "INIT" to treat the verification dates as initialization dates (default: VALID)
plot_by: set to "VALID" to treat the verification dates as valid dates; set to "INIT" to treat the verification dates as initialization dates (default: VALID)
The "WEB SETTINGS" section is for settings related being able to display graphics on a web server
SEND2WEB: set to "YES" to send graphics to the web; set to "NO" to not send graphics to the web (default: NO)
webhost: hostname of the web server (default: emcrzdm.ncep.noaa.gov)
webhostid: user ID on the web server (default: $USER)
webdir: directory on the web server to send the webpage template and graphics to (default: /home/people/emc/www/htdocs/gmb/${webhostid}/METplus/TEST)
The "METPLUS SETTINGS" section is for settings related to the versions and logging output for MET and METplus
MET_version: the version number of MET to use; options: 9.1 (default: 9.1)
METplus_version: the version number of METplus to use; options: 3.1 (default: 3.1)
METplus_verbosity: verbosity of the METplus logging; options, in order from most verbose to least verbose, are: NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL (default: INFO)
MET_verbosity: verbosity of the MET logging; options are from 0-10 with 0 the least verbose and 10 the most verbose (default: 2)
log_MET_output_to_METplus: set to "yes" for METplus to capture the MET output in the log; set to "no" for METplus to no capture the MET output in the log (default: yes)
The "DATA DIRECTIVES SETTINGS" section is for settings related to to the data output
SENDARCH: set to "YES" to save data in model_stat_dir_list directories; set to "NO" to not save data in model_stat_dir_list directories; used only in STEP1 jobs (default: YES)
SENDMETVIEWER: set to "YES" to send data to METviewer AWS; set to "NO" to not send data to METviewer AWS; used only in STEP1 jobs (default: NO)
KEEPDATA: set to "YES" to keep all data in OUTPUTROOT after successful run; set to "YES" to remove data, except for logs, in OUTPUTROOT after successful run (default: YES)
Finally, each verification case/switch has its own section of settings specifically related to it. List variables must contain the same amount of entries as "model_list". The entries match for their index in "model_list", so the first model listed in "model_list" will need its information listed first in "model_dir_list", "model_stat_dir_list", etc.
The "GRID-TO-GRID STEP 1" section is for settings related to the grid-to-grid verification statistics production
g2g1_type_list: list of grid-to-grid verification types to run; options: anom, pres, sfc (default: anom pres sfc)
g2g1_anom_truth_name: truth to use for "anom" type; options: self_anl, self_f00, gfs_anl, gfs_f00 (default: self_anl)
g2g1_anom_truth_file_format_list: template of the truth file for "anom" type; the template matches the index in model_list (default: pgbanl.gfs.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2)
g2g1_anom_fcyc_list: list of two digit initialization hours for "anom" type (default: 00 06 12 18)
g2g1_anom_vhr_list: list of two digit valid hours for "anom" type (default: 00 06 12 18)
g2g1_anom_fhr_min: forecast hour minimum to verify for "anom" type (default: 0)
g2g1_anom_fhr_max: forecast hour maximum to verify for "anom" type (default: 384)
g2g1_anom_grid: verification grid for "anom" type; options are valid NCEP grids (default: G002)
g2g1_anom_gather_by: how to gather/organize the MET .stat files for the archive for "anom" type; options are VALID, INIT, VSDB (default: VSDB)
g2g1_pres_truth_name: truth to use for "pres" type; options: self_anl, self_f00, gfs_anl, gfs_f00 (default: self_anl)
g2g1_pres_truth_file_format_list: template of the truth file for "pres" type; the template matches the index in model_list (default: pgbanl.gfs.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2)
g2g1_pres_fcyc_list: list of two digit initialization hours for "pres" type (default: 00 06 12 18)
g2g1_pres_vhr_list: list of two digit valid hours for "pres" type (default: 00 06 12 18)
g2g1_pres_fhr_min: forecast hour minimum to verify for "pres" type (default: FHMIN_GFS)
g2g1_pres_fhr_max: forecast hour maximum to verify for "pres" type (default: FHMAX_GFS)
g2g1_pres_grid: verification grid for "pres" type; options are valid NCEP grids (default: G002)
g2g1_pres_gather_by: how to gather/organize the MET .stat files for the archive for "pres" type; options are VALID, INIT, VSDB (default: VSDB)
g2g1_sfc_truth_name: truth to use for "sfc" type (default: self_f00)
g2g1_sfc_truth_file_format_list: template of the truth file for "sfc" type; the template matches the index in model_list (default: pgbf00.gfs.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.grib2)
g2g1_sfc_fcyc_list: list of two digit initialization hours for "sfc" type (default: 00 06 12 18)
g2g1_sfc_vhr_list: list of two digit valid hours for "sfc" type (default: 00 06 12 18)
g2g1_sfc_fhr_min: forecast hour minimum to verify for "sfc" type (default: FHMIN_GFS)
g2g1_sfc_fhr_max: forecast hour maximum to verify for "sfc" type (default: FHMAX_GFS)
g2g1_sfc_grid: verification grid for "sfc" type; options are valid NCEP grids (default: G002)
g2g1_sfc_gather_by: how to gather/organize the MET .stat files for the archive for "sfc" type; options are VALID, INIT, VSDB (default: VSDB)
g2g1_mv_database_name: database name for the grid-to-grid data (default: mv_gfs_grid2grid_metplus_TEST)
g2g1_mv_database_group: database group for the grid-to-grid database (default: NOAA NCEP)
g2g1_mv_database_desc: description about the database (default: Grid-to-grid METplus data for ops. GFS)
The "GRID-TO-GRID STEP 2" section is for settings related to the grid-to-grid verification statistics graphics production
The "GRID-TO-OBS STEP 1" section is for settings related to the grid-to-observations verification statistics production
The "GRID-TO-OBS STEP 2" section is for settings related to the grid-to-observations verification statistics graphics production
The "PRECIP STEP 1" section is for settings related to the precipitation verification statistics production
The "PRECIP STEP 2" section is for settings related to the precipitation verification statistics graphics production
The "SATELLITE STEP 1" section is for settings related to the satellite verification statistics production
The "SATELLITE STEP 2" section is for settings related to the satellite verification statistics graphics production
The "TROPCYC" section is for settings related to the tropical cyclone verification statistics graphics production
The "MAPS2D" section is for settings related to the latitude-longitude and zonal mean graphics comparing variables amongst model forecasts and analyses
The "MAPSDA" section is for settings related to the latitude-longitude and zonal mean graphics comparing variables for increments and ensemble mean and spread amongst models
To run, from the top directory users will move to the ush directory. Here is the script run_verif_global.sh that runs EMC_verif-global. It takes one run time argument which is the path to the configuration file that the user wishes to run with. If none is given it will default to using config.vrfy. And example run time command may look like below
$ ./run_verif_global.sh ../parm/config/config.vrfy.example