Raven is a cloud-native search engine database.
- Indexing
- Inverted Index
- Search
- BM25
- Natural Language Processing
- Subword Tokenization
- Stopword Removal
- Language Detection
Basically, this application uses net/http/pprof
for profiling and tracing.
For visualizing the profiling and tracing, open http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/
in your browser.
- Use bloomfilter for filtering the UNK tokens
- Make search engine to be able to load & save to/from file system
- Build index from reading and parsing raw text files
- Save and load index and bloom filters to file
- Add support for incremental indexing with flushing
- Enhance the FTS features
- Build fuzzy full-text search by using SuffixTree (or B-Tree)
- Levenshtein Distance Spell Correction
- Pseudo Relevance Feedback
- Add support for vector index
- Flat